




反物质和正物质相伴而生并一直处于和平共处、共生状态,作为方程0描述了全部48个基本粒子,可以理论计算粒子精细结构常数ALPHA等,并且精确地计算了暗物质、暗能量和可见物质的比例完全符合普朗克CMB 数据。LHC五年前发现的所谓希格斯粒子至今无法描述清楚,而我们精确计算了所发现希格斯粒子的质量125.46GeV,为龚学真空子。龚学反对古斯的宇宙暴涨理论,而坚持正负交替多循环宇宙,精确理论计算宇宙学常数。




The Great Vindications https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/10/26/science-is-not-some-eye-catching-headlines/


Cosmos Magazine reported on 23 October 2017: {Universe shouldn’t exist, CERN physicists conclude (see https://cosmosmagazine.com/physics/universe-shouldn-t-exist-cern-physicists-conclude )}.

This title is truly eye catching, and it indeed goes viral in the public media, see also https://science.slashdot.org/story/17/10/26/149201/cern-scientists-conclude-that-the-universe-should-not-exist .

Under this eye catching hype, there is a very good and solid science, finding out that there is essentially no difference between proton and its antiparticle (see https://www.research-in-germany.org/en/research-landscape/news/2017/10/2017-10-19-riddle-of-matter-remains-unsolved–proton-and-antiproton-share-fundamental-properties.html ,

https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v550/n7676/full/nature24048.html and,

https://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/scientists-make-rare-achievement-in-study-of-antimatter ).


Instead of making such an eye catching hype, science should do some soul searching: {What has gone wrong?}

A) What went wrong?

The obvious WRONG conclusion is based on two speculations.
One, the matter (especially proton) and antimatter (antiproton) were created equal (amount) at the Big Bang.

Two, the FACT of today that THIS universe is dominated by matter is because that the antimatter has almost ALL been annihilated.

There two speculations lead to a new speculated conclusion: there must be a process which annihilates antimatter while preserve the matter.

Then, this speculated conclusion lead to the fourth speculation: there must be some differences between matter and anti-matter in addition to its definition, having opposite electric charge.

Yet, the recent data shows that there is virtually NO difference between the two.


B) Righting the wrong

Instead of making an eye catching joke, science must conclude that one of the two original speculations (at least) must be wrong.

In G-theory, matter and anti-matter are not mirror counter partners but are woven together by one string and one anti-string. That is, the anti-matter is the necessary partner co-exist with the matter simultaneously, and there is no anti-matter-annihilation massacre right after the Big Bang.




See {BaryonGenesis, the master-key of all mysteries; http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/12/baryongenesis-master-key-of-all.html }


C) The supporting facts

This G-theory is supported by two facts:

One, as the anti-matter is a co-existing partner of matter, the dark mass calculation must account the anti-matter together with the matter in the equation, and that calculation fits the Planck data perfectly.


Two, there are zillions anti-matter (anti-quarks) inside of proton or neutron; the anti-matter does not disappear from this matter dominated universe.



D) Additional issues

Yet, the two facts above cannot escape from the fact that matter (such as proton, neutron and electron) is after all DIFFERENT from its anti-partners (anti-proton, anti-neutron and positon). That is, why is THIS universe is dominated with matter, not anti-matter?

This last question was addressed in G-theory long ago in terms of “Cyclic multiverse”.

That is, the matter universe and anti-matter universe appear alternately in a cyclic multiverse.


Unfortunately, the “Inflation-paradigm” has misled the entire world for more than 40 years. Fortunately, ‘inflation’ is now killed (see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/05/13/the-end-of-the-inflation-war/ ).


However, the ‘cyclic multiverse’ model of Paul J. Steinhardt, et al, did not address two important issues.

One, why is THIS universe is dominated with matter, not anti-matter?

Two, what is the detail mechanism for pushing Ω over 1 from its current value of less than 1?


Again, G-theory provides the answer.


E) The conclusion

Regardless of the G-theory, physics mainstream community should reexamine its two original speculations. Any eye catching headline will not advance science a single bit.


