





201681-5日在清华大学的国际弦物理大会上,国际弦物理泰斗诺贝尔物理奖获得者David Gross教授认为,这个创新理论必须有原理性的假设原则,有一个完整的理论架构,有一系列的理论定律,有确定可计算的模型和参数。最终,这个理论要符合我们的现实世界的客观存在。





Supersymmetry Bet Settled With Cognac

Nobel-Prize-winning physicistDavid Gross,  “In the absence of any positive experimental evidence for supersymmetry,” Gross said, “it’s a good time to scare the hell out of the young people in the audience and tell them: ‘Don’t follow your elders. … Go out and look for something new and crazy and powerful and different. Different, especially.’ That’s definitely a good lesson. But I’m too old for that.”

在8月22日在慕尼黑的会上,David Gross教授告诉年轻人要走出原有理论,去发现新的理论,找到与旧理论完全不同的新路子。

而在8月6日的会议,David Gross教授最后说:他个人关心宇宙是否可理解,物理常数是否可计算,物理是否能统一。这既是主流物理还没有彻底解决的难题,也是他个人非常关心的大问题。


               Divide Gross 在清华大学的交流


Divide Gross 在人民大会堂交流,David Gross教授非常了不起!



86 与朋友中国科学院院长书记白春礼院士交流





创建了一个物理学系统和一个数学系统,并且具有同构和统一特性。这个大框架,我们称之为最终完全万物统一理论。(The Final Total Theory of Everything








First, Nature constants: Cosmology constant (https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/ ),

1.Cosmology constant () = {1/ (TOATL quantum action COUNT)}

= {1/ [1/ (ħ C) ^4 x T]}= {1/0.446 x 10 ^ 120}== 2.242 x 10^-120

2  Alpha = (1/137.03599…),


Secend. Planck CMB data (DE=69.22 % 、D=25.90 % 、V=4.86 %)


Third,Expanding universe with acceleration


Fourth: SM fermion zoo


A: Space、Time、Particles Model:

DS =(i^n1,i^n2,i^n3)* C * DT =N * C * DT  ………(Equation 0)

String 1 = (V,  A,  A 1) = {1st , red, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} = red up quark.

String 2 = (A,  V, V  1) = {1st , red, 1/3 e, ½ ħ} = red anti-down quark.

String 3 = (A,  A, V  1) = {1st , blue, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} =blue up quark.

String 7 = (A, A, A 1) = {1st, white (colorless), 1 e, ½ ħ} = +e (positron).

String 8 = (V, V, V 1) = {1st, white, 0 e, ½ ħ} = +e-neutrino.

String 9 = (V, A,  A 2) =  {2nd  ,red, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} = red charm quark.

String 48 = -(V, V, V 3) =  – {3rd, white, 0 e, ½ ħ} = anti-tau-neutrino.

This Equation0 describes THREE parameters (space, time and particles). Then,  48Strings=48 particles ,and 16 subspaces。


B Matter Structure


Fifth  Physics-TOE




See, http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html ,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/ andhttp://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html












Vision eulogy: the Post Checkmate Temper Tantrum fit (视觉悼词:被将军后症状)

Vision eulogy: the Post Checkmate Temper Tantrum fit

by tienzengong

Dr. David Gross (Nobel laureate) gave a “Vision speech” on August 5, 2016 at {Strings 2016 conference (http://ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn:8090/strings/ ) held at Tsinghua University, Beijing China}.

It not only is a great eulogy for String theory but is an ‘unconditional surrender declaration’ for the mainstream physics. This eulogy/declaration consists of only three simple points.

Point one, a framework is a hodgepodge, can rot but not be falsified.


Point two, String-theory is a framework, a big hodgepodge.


Point three, mainstream physics is trapped in a triangle hellfire dungeon, with no way out.


The first two points are the compliments of String theory in a nice eulogy. The last point is the total surrender declaration for the mainstream physics.

Indeed, the only way to rescue the mainstream physics is by solving these three hellfire dungeon curses: {(initial/boundary conditions), (essence of spacetime), uniqueness/unification}}.

One, uniqueness/unification: locked up the measuring rulers of this universe; the calculation of Alpha.

See http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html

Two, essence of spacetime: the rising of SM zoo and mass; calculating the Planck CMB data and Vacuum boson’s mass.

See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/

About the Higgs: see, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/before-lhc-run-2-begins-enough-jeh-tween-gong

See https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/before-lhc-run-2-begins-enough-jeh-tween-gong

Three, One, initial/boundary conditions: the calculation of Cosmology Constant.

See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/ and https://medium.com/@Tienzen/you-are-superficially-right-but-totally-wrong-in-the-deepest-point-188143a8b228#.80vcfsz3a

Now, the guarding curses of the hellfire dungeon which imprisons the mainstream are removed. The mainstream physics is now rescued, seehttps://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/08/13/mainstream-physics-rescued-from-the-hellfire-dungeon/ .

Yet, on a {15 year old “SUSY Bet” settlement event in Copenhagen on August 22, 2016}, most of the “SUSY Bet” losers (including Dr. David Gross) are still clinging on their SUSY-undead.

{“In the absence of any positive experimental evidence for supersymmetry,” Gross said, “it’s a good time to scare the hell out of the young people in the audience and tell them: ‘Don’t follow your elders. … Go out and look for something new and crazy and powerful and different. Different, especially.’ That’s definitely a good lesson. But I’m too old for that.”}

Gross is obviously going through the {first stage of grief}, the denial and giving up. Other deniers are more aggressive, proclaiming the {underdetermination} of the current situation. But, with the removing the three curses, the {underdetermination} of physics is no more, seehttps://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/08/20/underdetermination-of-physics-is-no-more/ .

See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/08/13/mainstream-physics-rescued-from-the-hellfire-dungeon/

After the {anger and depression}, David Gross (and all others) will definitely get a upward turn, as my Protégé Dr. Li xiaojian (Professor of North China University of Technology, Beijing, 100144, China) had showed this “G-string rescue” to Dr. David Gross and others.


This post checkmate temper tantrum fit will soon be over for sure.



The Final Total TOE (theory of everything)

For a Final total TOE, it must consist of, at least, three pillars:

One, physics-TOE

Two, life-TOE

Three, math-TOE

It must arises from a single FIRST PRINCIPLE.

And, it must make contact to ALL known facts (not theories).

This criteria is simple enough and is verifiable by every street walking person.

Section one: the philosophy

Wigner (in a 1969 essay) argued that {“the enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious”, and that “there is no rational explanation for it”.}

Wigner’s statement shows the current status of math which has a BASE totally disjoined from NATURE. The modern math INVENTed a set LANGUAGEs and plays a language game internally. Language by definition is recursively defined and is a machine for producing paradoxes and riddles.

Furthermore, the key point here is that the math-universe is a multiverse, with infinite many sub-universes while THIS physical universe is unique with many known attributes: nature constants, Planck CMB data, SM particle zoo, etc.

So, the key issue here is that:

One, is math ONLY as a great tool and language for describing physics? Or,

Two, {math universe} is totally isomorphic to the {physics universe}, the total universal structural realism.

Or, three, THIS unique physical universe of ours is just a happenstance in the physics-multiverse.

The answer from nature is {Two}, and this was the key point in the book {Super Unified Theory, US copyright TX 1-323-231} which describes this issue with three Chapters:

Chapter Seven – Colored numbers (page 53 – 61)

Chapter Eight – Chromology (page 62 – 69)

Chapter Nine – Unilogy (page 70 – 74)

Some of discussions of this issue were also post online over 20 years ago, see,

Unification of physics and mathematics, http://www.prequark.org/Mlaw.htm

and, Law of Creation, http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm

As the criteria is that all these three TOEs must arise from a single ‘First Principle’, there is no way to prove that the third TOE (math) is correct if we cannot show the details of two other TOEs. Thus, I will show the validity of math-TOE by showing the two other TOEs first.

Section two: physics-TOE

One, the first principle: {The essence of THIS universe is ‘NOTHINGNESS’, and it must remain to be nothingness}

Two, definition of ‘nothingness’: {timelessness and immutability}

Three, manifestation of timelessness: at every t, it must be ‘timelessness’ in essence.



Four, the equation of this ‘timelessness’: {Delta S = (i^n1, i^n2, i^n3) x C x Delta T} … Equation zero

S, space; T, time (real); C, light speed. (n1, n2, n3) take the value of {0, 1, 2, or 3}

Five, Equation zero generates 48 SM fermions, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/48-exact-number-for-number-of.html


Six, the manifestation of ‘immutability’: via Ghost-rascal, see  http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2014/02/ghost-rascal-conjecture-and-ultimate.html . Again, it generates 48 SM fermions.

Seven, the manifestation as force(s):

F (unified) = K*ħ/ (delta S*delta T), K is a coefficient constant … Equation one


This force (gravity) has two parts:

First, it moves the entire universe from {[here (now), now] to [here (next), next]}, and it causes the expansion of universe with acceleration.

Second, every individual particle interact with ALL particles in this universe via the {Real/Ghost symmetry}, with the strength measured with Newton’s gravity equation (distance is measured in the world (real) sheet).

See http://www.prequark.org/Gravity.htm

This physics-TOE has the following consequences:

Consequence one: universe expands with acceleration. See, http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html

Consequence two: uncertainty principle is the emergent of Equation one.

Consequence three: calculation of Alpha

See https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/totally-blind-deaf-googlefacebookblogosphere-era-jeh-tween-gong

Consequence four: calculation of Planck CMB data

See, https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/

Consequence five: calculation of Cosmology constant, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/

Consequence six: the Hierarchy problem

See https://medium.com/@Tienzen/why-making-something-easy-so-difficult-aae8e3715b6d#.6ko3u5dlf

Consequence seven: the physics-TOE,

See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/01/18/the-final-toe-theory-of-everything/


Section three: life-TOE

The highest EXPRESSION for life is {intelligence and consciousness}.

One, definition of ‘intelligence’:

Necessary condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).

Sufficient condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.

See http://www.prequark.org/Biolife.htm

Two, definition of ‘consciousness’:

Necessary condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.

Sufficient condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).


More about this ‘Theorem of Consciousness’, see Metaphysics of Linguistics, http://www.chinese-word-roots.org/cwr018.htm

More about this ‘Theorem of Consciousness’, see Metaphysics of Linguistics, http://www.chinese-word-roots.org/cwr018.htm .


Now, intelligence and consciousness are SEEDed in physics. Yet, the utmost EXPRESSION of life has a structure as a topological torus, having 7 color-codes.


With embedded intelligence and consciousness, life evolves INTELLIGENTly, see DEATHS OF TWO GODS,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/deaths-of-two-gods/ and, INTELLIGENT EVOLUTION,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2014/10/11/intelligent-evolution/

With embedded intelligence and consciousness, life evolves INTELLIGENTly, see DEATHS OF TWO GODS,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/deaths-of-two-gods/ and, INTELLIGENT EVOLUTION,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2014/10/11/intelligent-evolution/ .

With {intelligent evolution}, life-TOE is complete, and it unifies with the physics-TOE.


Section four: the math-TOE

There are three key points for the current mainstream math:

One, number line has the cardinality of continuum; that is, between any {two points}, there are ‘infinite’ numbers between them.

Two, there is ONE ‘number’ for each ‘point’ of the number line.

Three, Continuum Hypothesis is undecidable.


On the other hand, this math-TOE must have the followings:

One, number line has the cardinality of continuum; that is, between any {two points}, there are ‘infinite’ numbers between them.

Two, there are at least ‘TWO’ numbers for each ‘point’ of the number line. This is the key for the math-TOE.

Three, Continuum Hypothesis is false. I will not prove it here in a traditional way but will give an example (the bridge between two cardinalities).

First, we should renormalize the Godel’s incompleteness to regain the completeness in TOTALITY, seehttp://www.prequark.org/Create.htm . More detailed discussion is available at http://www.prebabel.info/lifesys.htm, completeness is regained in life-system via a renormalization process.

See http://www.prebabel.info/lifesys.htm


Second, there are at least two NUMBERs in each number-line POINT.


In the above graph, the ‘X’ point is the point A = 0. The point B is a moving point. When B moves to ‘X’, B = 12. That is, the point ‘X’ in fact has two numbers (0, 12)

In the above graph, the ‘X’ point is the point A = 0. The point B is a moving point. When B moves to ‘X’, B = 12. That is, the point ‘X’ in fact has two numbers (0, 12).


Third, Continuum Hypothesis is false; there is a bridge between two infinities.

See http://www.prebabel.info/newmath.htm

Fourth, more entanglement:

One: 1/3 = 1/2 – 1/4 + 1/8 – 1/16 + 1/32 – 1/64 + 1/128 – 1/256 + 1/512 – 1/1024 + 1/2048 -… +…

For 1/3 (with an odd number as the denominator), it can only be “reached” with the sum of a sequence of numbers with only the even numbers as the denominators, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2011/05/source-of-spontaneous-symmetry-breaking_13.html and http://www.prebabel.info/newmath.htm

Two: prime numbers cannot be reached via multiplication with nature numbers.

Three, Fermat’s last theorem: the sum of two nature number cannot be reached via the same algebra operation.


Each point (number) is in fact entangled with (or reachable by/from) infinite number of other numbers. For example, 3 is linked to 1/3, {3^n, integers}, {3 ^ (-n), irrational}, etc.

This ‘number entanglement’ is the base for the third cardinality.


Fifth, the ‘HOLE’ point contains infinite number of geometrical points.

See http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm


With the above, we can reconstruct the NUMBER line as follow:

One, with the “number entanglement’, there are three cardinalities: countable, uncountable, the bridge (pseudo-uncountable).


Two, there are three ‘zeros’, in correspondence to the three infinities.

0 (c) = 1/countable

0 (u) = 1/uncountable

0 (p) = 1/pseudo-uncountable


Three, every POINT on the number line has three different NUMBERS.

4 + 0 (c) = C4

4 + 0 (u) = U4

4 + 0 (p) = P4

Yet, these three different ‘4’ cannot be distinguished algebraically or by any known math operations. That is, for some numbers A < > (not the same as) B, {A – B = 0}.

Now, there are two theorems:

Theorem 1: between two ‘points’ of number line, there are infinite ‘numbers’.

Theorem 2: between two ‘numbers’, there could have either infinite or finite numbers.


Four, this ‘number entanglement’ does show up by having three different kind of numbers:

First, with countable digits, such as 3 = 3.0000… (the c-number).

Second, with uncountable digits, such as Pi = 3.14… (the u-number)

Third, with pseudo-uncountable digits, such as 2 ^(1/2) = 1.414… (the p-number)


Five, with a seed number {1}, we can construct the entire number line (including three infinities) with a 7-color code system.

See http://www.prequark.org/Fermat.htm


Section five: The map of Final TOE

I have constructed the physics-TOE from the first principle together with two manifested equations, as below.

The first principle: {The essence of THIS universe is ‘NOTHINGNESS’, and it must remain to be nothingness}; definition of ‘nothingness’: {timelessness and immutability}


{Delta S = (i^n1, i^n2, i^n3) x C x Delta T} … Equation zero

F (unified) = K*ħ/ (delta S*delta T), K is a coefficient constant … Equation one


At this point, there is seemingly a major difference between math and physics.

Physics manifests IN time/space (the equation zero), and thus it is constrained in Energy (an expression of space/time). Thus, physics universe is a FINITUDE.

On the other hand, math manifests IN nothingness {the union of zero(s) and infinities)}.

Thus, the evolution of math has no physical constrain and can have infinite expressions while physics universe is unique (no multiverse). The physics-multiverse is denounced at here,http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/10/multiverse-bubbles-are-now-all-burst-by.html

While math evolution can lead to multi-math-universe (arbitrary constructions, such as the Grassman, Quaternion and Octonions numbers), its BASE (the basic lego pieces) is totally NATURE (total Platonism: basic math lego pieces are timeless entities, independent of the physical world and of the symbols used to represent them.) while the human-math is all about the ‘construction’ of ‘structures’.

As the Continuum Hypothesis is undecidable in the set theory, it is valid to select a third cardinality as a new axiom. But, no. This third cardinality is not a humanly selected axiom but is a part of nature’s math basic lego pieces. The reason for the insistence of this is that it is the only way to DERIVE the physics universe from math-universe.

By knowing the difference between the two, the only way to DERIVE the physics universe from math-universe is by transforming infinities into FINITUDE (same as creating something from nothing).


In math universe, the finite numbers are produced by the INVERSE operation of infinities. Yet, transforming infinites into physics-universe (a finitude), they (infinities) must be transformed into CONCRETE objects. And, this was done with two Platonic equations.

One: 1/3 = 1/2 – 1/4 + 1/8 – 1/16 + 1/32 – 1/64 + 1/128 – 1/256 + 1/512 – 1/1024 + 1/2048 -… +…  (trisecting an angle, taking countable steps); countable infinity is now transformed into a concrete object (A: angultron, a trisected angle)


Two: pi / 4 = 1 – 1/3 + 1/5 – 1/7 + 1/9 – 1/11 + 1/13 – … + … (with “countable” infinite steps to reach ‘uncountable digits’); uncountable infinity is now transformed into a unit circle (which gives rise to space/time equation zero; the 64 subspaces: 48 fermions and 16 dark energy).

See, http://www.prebabel.info/newmath.htm ,

http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2011/05/source-of-spontaneous-symmetry-breaking_13.html   and



That is, the math-universe (infinities) gives rise to the physics-universe. Of course, I will give more evidences to show this point.

One, the generalization of a circle is elliptic curve, and the fermion is described with elliptic curve.



See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/03/16/nothingness-vs-nothing-there-the-quantum-gravity/ .


Two, In addition to this {infinite to finitude} transformation, the key essence of these two equations is the {number entanglement: odd numbers can only be reached by even numbers, and vice versa}. This number entanglement is also the source for quantum (gravity) entanglement.

The essence of the math-universe to physics-universe transformation is all about infinities and the pathways of their concretization. That is, the key equation is,

A – b = 0, but A is not b.

This means that most of numbers are unreachable by finite means (arithmetic and algebra operations), as every *finite* number is the concretization of infinities, and it does carry a tail with infinite digits. That is, for any selected number *A*, it is surrounded by zillions (at least two) neighborhood numbers which are not distinguishable from the number *A* by all means. Thus, all those unreachable (indistinguishable from the number *A*) numbers must be color-coded, such as, b = A (red), = A (blue) or = A (green), etc.; that is, A (x) – b = 0.

Yet, there is always a number C, and

A – C > 0

The largest C cannot truly be determined with finite means. But, in principle, there is always *a* largest C in the physical universe *with* finite means (by measurement). That is,

A – C = g

Although we do not know the exact value for g, g is larger than 0 (g > 0). In the math universe, g is un-determined and can approach the concept of *continuity*. Yet, in the finite (physical) universe, this g becomes the smallest *deterministic unit*, distinguishing the number *C* from the number *A*. Indeed, for the *physical* universe, the g can actually be determined. Let,

X-axis as space, thus, the (delta S > =g).

Y-axis as momentum, the (delta P >= g).

So, (delta P) x (delta S) >= g^2


In physics, the photon is the medium for causality (see Constants of Nature, http://www.prequark.org/Constant.htm). Thus, the smallest *deterministic* unit (for causality) in the physical universe is (photon / c), c is the light speed.  That is, in the physical universe, g^2 = (photon / c).


Yet, photon is the result of the interaction of e (electron).

So, g^2 = (photon /c) = (e^2/c), e is electric charge.

In the article “The Rise of Gravity and Electric Charge, (http://www.prequark.org/Gravity.htm )”, the e-charge is,


e (charge) = (L * C)^(1/2) = [(1/2) ħ * C]^(1/2); L the angular momentum, C light speed, ħ (Planck constant).

So, g^2 = ħ * C / C = ħ,

Thus, (delta P) x (delta S) > = g^2 >= ħ

Now, the uncertainty principle of physics is the direct consequence of the *Nature math*, the essence of infinities and of unreachable of numbers (the number entanglement), see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/10/multiverse-bubbles-are-now-all-burst-by.html

With this *derivation*, this new paradigm is fully verified. Yet, there is one very important additional point. That is, this major essence of the *unreachable numbers* is swept away in the human math by the concept of *continuity*. That is, the human math is completely unaware of this *Nature math*.


Three, this {number entanglement} is also the source for Fermat’s last theorem and abc-conjecture, and they are closely related to the elliptic curves. Fermat’s Last Theorem was proved by using elliptic curves but still not knowing the essence of the theorem: the entanglement caused by the colored numbers. In fact, this colored number is the SOURCE for the Fermat’s last theorem, see The Philosophical Meanings of Fermat’s Last Theorem,http://www.prequark.org/Fermat.htm .


Four, topologically a complex elliptic curve is a torus (can be defined with 7 color-codes) which is the BASE for consciousness via the Theorem of consciousness (Ringel-Youngs theorem).



Section six: conclusion

One: Physics TOE

First principle: {The essence of THIS universe is ‘NOTHINGNESS’, and it must remain to be nothingness}; definition of ‘nothingness’: {timelessness and immutability}


First, Nature constants: Cosmology constant (https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/ ), Alpha = (1/137.03599…), etc.

Second, Planck CMB data (DE=69.22 % 、D=25.90 % 、V=4.86 %)

Third, expanding universe with acceleration

Fourth, SM fermion zoo


See, http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html ,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/ andhttp://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html


Two: Math-TOE — First principle in math as {nothingness = 1/infinit(ies)}


First, {colored number/number entanglement: 0 (c) = 1/countable; 0 (u) = 1/uncountable; 0 (p) = 1/pseudo-uncountable} with 7 colors {1, c-numbers, p-numbers, u-numbers, countable, uncountable, pseudo-uncountable}.

Second, Fermat’s last theorem, ABC conjecture, etc.

Third, describing physics TOE

Fourth, as a base for life TOE


Math-universe is built up with arbitrary constructions by using a “lego base”, but this {Lego Base} is not a construction but is totally nature, expressed from the {First Principle} which gives rise to physics-universe too.

Math-universe is built up with arbitrary constructions by using a “lego base”, but this {Lego Base} is not a construction but is totally nature, expressed from the {First Principle} which gives rise to physics-universe too.


Three: Life TOE — Intelligence + Consciousness

First, definition of ‘intelligence’:

Necessary condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).

Sufficient condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.


Second, definition of ‘consciousness’:

Necessary condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.

Sufficient condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).

See http://www.prequark.org/Biolife.htm


Four, on a deeper level, physics TOE is derived from math by concretizing infinities.



Five, physics/math/life are totally unified.



See http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm

See http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm


Note 1: in 2014, Max Tegmark published a book “Our Mathematical Universe” which promotes an idea of {the mathematical universe hypothesis (MUH)} with the central point as: {Our external physical reality is a mathematical structure. That is, the physical universe is mathematics in a well-defined sense, and “in those [worlds] complex enough to contain self-aware substructures [they] will subjectively perceive themselves as existing in a physically ‘real’ world”.} His key idea is similar to mine but with the following giant differences.

One, Tegmark does not and did not know any physics-TOE; so, his idea is just a philosophy, no way to unify physics and math.


Two, this math-TOE is totally based on the colored numbers (the third cardinality) and the number entanglement, and Tegmark does not have any idea of these.

Three, Tegmark reached his conclusion for multiverse from two confusions:

First, (1/Alpha) is not computable, at least not in countable steps, and this is absolutely wrong.

Second, that there are unlimited (if not infinite) math-structures in comparison to a unique physical universe. In my math-TOE, math and physics have the same BASE lego set while physics manifests in the arrow of time (being constrained by energy) while math manifests in the essence of nature (the timelessness). The multiverse bullcrap is denounced in the article {Multiverse bubbles are now all burst by the math of Nature,http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/10/multiverse-bubbles-are-now-all-burst-by.html }.


Note 2: this article is written as a part of presentation {(Modeling universe by G-string theory) at “Strings 2016 (http://ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn:8090/strings/ )” held at Tsinghua University, Beijing China (from August 1 to 5, 2016)} and will be handed out as handout at {The 7th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM 2016),  held from Aug. 6 to Aug. 11, 2016 in Beijing} by my colleague Dr. Li xiaojian (Professor of North China University of Technology, Beijing, 100144, China).



The Great Gong Show:The Final Total TOE (五幕大功秀:终极全统理论)

The Great Gong Show:The Final Total TOE

Episode One: Physics TOE


First principle: {The essence of THIS universe is ‘NOTHINGNESS’, and it must remain to be nothingness}; definition of ‘nothingness’: {timelessness and immutability}


First, Nature constants: Cosmology constant (https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/ ),

1.Cosmology constant () = {1/ (TOATL quantum action COUNT)}

= {1/ [1/ ( ħ xC) ^4 x T]}= {1/0.446 x 10 ^ 120}== 2.242 x 10^-120

2  Alpha = (1/137.03599…),


Secend. Planck CMB data (DE=69.22 % 、D=25.90 % 、V=4.86 %)


Third,Expanding universe with acceleration


Fourth: SM fermion zoo


A: Space、Time、Particles Model:

DS =(i^n1,i^n2,i^n3)* C * DT =N * C * DT  ………(Equation 0)

String 1 = (V,  A,  A 1) = {1st , red, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} = red up quark.

String 2 = (A,  V, V  1) = {1st , red, 1/3 e, ½ ħ} = red anti-down quark.

String 3 = (A,  A, V  1) = {1st , blue, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} =blue up quark.

String 7 = (A, A, A 1) = {1st, white (colorless), 1 e, ½ ħ} = +e (positron).

String 8 = (V, V, V 1) = {1st, white, 0 e, ½ ħ} = +e-neutrino.

String 9 = (V, A,  A 2) =  {2nd  ,red, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} = red charm quark.

String 48 = -(V, V, V 3) =  – {3rd, white, 0 e, ½ ħ} = anti-tau-neutrino.

This Equation0 describes THREE parameters (space, time and particles). Then,  48Strings=48 particles ,and 16 subspaces。


B Matter Structure


Fifth  Physics-TOE




See, http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html , https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/ and http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html


Episode Two: Math-TOE


First principle in math as {nothingness = 1/infinit(ies)}


First, {colored number/number entanglement: 0 (c) = 1/countable; 0 (u) = 1/uncountable; 0 (p) = 1/pseudo-uncountable} with 7 colors {1, c-numbers, p-numbers, u-numbers, countable, uncountable, pseudo-uncountable}.

Second, Fermat’s last theorem, ABC conjecture, etc.

Third, describing physics TOE

Fourth, as a base for life TOE





Math-universe is built up with arbitrary constructions by using a “lego base”, this {Lego Base} is not a construction by, but is totally nature, expressed from the {First Principle} which gives rise to physics-universe too


Episode  Three: Life TOE



Intelligence + Consciousness

First, definition of ‘intelligence’:

Necessary condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).

Sufficient condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.


Second, definition of ‘consciousness’:

Necessary condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.

Sufficient condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).




See http://www.prequark.org/Biolife.htm


Episode Four, on a deeper level, physics TOE is derived from math by concretizing infinities.


The physical TOE will be verified by solid foundation of the unified physics. Where someone may view that: the Vacumtron V=1/3(+e-neutrino )=1595819 BSU(Basic Space Unit), while Angletron A=1/3(+e).=1/3(400V +). But, We even have a deeper understanding  about the universe.

There is no singularity in G String. Therefore, the conservation of energy and mass, the conservation of momentum and angular momentum will keep work even in the black holes.

Episode Five, physics/math/life are totally unified.



Therefore, this universe is the unified universe!

see http://www.pptv1.com/?page_id=350

See http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm


The Unified Universe,The Unified Theory!