

重磅成果!暗物质不解谜题 中国“悟空”率先突破_搜狐科技_搜狐网  http://www.sohu.com/a/207492823_313745?_f=index_chan30news_4


媒体引用的是2013年以前的数据,而权威机构普朗克2013和2015发表的数据表明:After Planck CMB data (2013, 2015)


See https://darkmatterdarkenergy.com/tag/planck/














怎么看待杨振宁反对中国建加速器?-悟空问答 https://www.wukong.com/question/6418830450436866306/





  1.   μ子对撞

2.    深海中微子观测实验平台

3.    长基线中微子实验系统

4.    太空多星联合探测。








如最近( 2017年11月14日)欧洲核子中心大型(CERN)强子对撞机(LHC)的CMS项目刚刚报道了最新的弱电精密测量结果:{(sin(θ), lepton/eff)^2 = 0.23101±0.00052},参见https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05288。温伯格角的精确测量值越来越接近龚学理论计算值28.75度。


s Calculation

s Calculation2















2017年KCM精密测量表明,没有粒子存在于SM粒子附近一直到50000 TeV(不是100,不是1000,不是10000而是50000tev)。



2015年Paul J. Steinhardt等人接受了循环宇宙。

2016年主流弦物理宣布失败。诺贝尔物理奖得主David Gross 认识到了主流的错误。



ttps://www.quantamagazine.org/edward-witten-ponders-the-nature-of-reality-20171128/ .


Edward Witten, a physics hero



2,{ M弦理论+ AdS/CFT +全息}都无法描述自然的性质。




所以,西方主流物理正在乖乖回归龚学怀抱 ,他们别无选择。


现在,日本也学乖了!日本的ILC刚刚宣布将他的对撞机项目大大压缩,能量缩减从500 GeV到250 GeV,这样可以节省了大约50亿美元,因为他们也相信增加额外的能量不会发现任何新粒子。




在两年之内,主流物理学界将100%地彻底排除中微子不是Majorana中微子,从而, Higgs机制将正式抛弃。







Heavenly Father created THIS universe with His ‘First Principle’.


Figure 1

A: The consequences

The consequences of this first principle (Equation zero, G-theory) are followings:


One, time moves forward as a time-hose to create a space-time cone, and space expands at EVERY point with constant speed ‘C’, and it consists of 11-dimensions (see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/quantum-gravity-from-here-to-eternity/ ).


Figure 2

Two, it produces ‘intrinsic spin (1/2 h-bar) via bouncing between the real/ghost worlds.


Figure 3

Three, for any set of concentric circles, the outer circle moves always with acceleration.

Four, Universe structure of G-theory produces:  Matter, 24 fermions; Anti-matter, 24 anti-fermions and Vacuum/space, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/48-exact-number-for-number-of.html . This rules out any additional fermions (Such as SUSY) or sterile particles (such as WIMPs, sterile neutrino).

Five, all 48 fermions emergent out from each time quanta. That is, matter/anti-matter co-exist at every time-moment, and there is no matter/anti-matter annihilation at the Big Bang.

Six, it locks two measuring rulers {C (light speed) and ħ (Planck constant) with two locks:

First lock, electric charge (e) = F (square root of (ħ x C)

Second lock, alpha (electric fine structure constant, a dimensionless pure number, unchangeable by selection of dimension-units) = {1/137.0359…}.

Seven, the universe pie is thus divided into three pieces via an intrinsic Angle (A (0)): energy (space), energy (time) and matter (visible and not visible).

Eight, it produces the gene-color: rules out 4th generation and sterile neutrino. And, it produces the neutrino oscillation.

Nine, the matter/vacuum interaction will produce a ‘vacuum boson’.

Ten, all 48 fermions share an ‘equal right’ (the mass-land-charge), while their apparent masses are different. That is, all those 48 fermions are the SAME kind, and Majorana neutrino is ruled out.

Eleven, it moves the ENTIRE universe from ‘NOW’ to ‘NEXT’, which produces both gravity, ‘quantum-ness’ and ‘unified force’.

Figure 4


Twelve, it creates a ‘book keeping’: entropy and CC (Cosmology Constant)

Figure 5


Thirteen, it produces ‘bio-computer (a Turing machine)’.

Figure 6


Fourteen, it demands a dark flow (W, from 100 to 0%) for the evolution of this universe. The W is 9% now.

Figure 7


The above are explained below.

Figure 8



Figure 9



Figure 10



Figure 11


Locking the measuring rulers with intrinsic angles:


Figure 12


Figure 13


Energy/mass distribution:

Figure 14


Producing ‘quantum-ness’, ‘unified force’ and accelerating the universe expansion:


Figure 15



Figure 16


Producing a vacuum boson.


Figure 17


Figure 18


This is an eleven –dimensional universe.

Figure 19


Here is the Physics-TOE.

Figure 20



B: The verifications

The above Heavenly laws are slowly but surely verified by the artistic baby (the mainstream physics).

One, acceleration expansion of this universe was verified in 1997.

Two, the vacuum boson (with 125.26 Gev) was discovered in 2012.

Three, Neff = 3 is verified by Planck (2013, 2015) data.

Four, energy/mass distribution was verified by Planck CMB data (2013) and by Dark Energy Survey (2017).


Figure 21


Five, WIMP is ruled out in 2017, see http://www.nature.com/news/dark-matter-hunt-fails-to-find-the-elusive-particles-1.22970

Six, MOND is ruled out in 2017 by LIGO data.

Seven, Big Bang matter/anti-matter annihilation is ruled out in 2017, see https://cosmosmagazine.com/physics/universe-shouldn-t-exist-cern-physicists-conclude .

Eight, the Weinberg angle is now measured precisely = 28.75 degrees, see https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05288 .

Nine, the dark flow (W = 9%) was discovered in 2016 by Adam Riess, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/05/15/comment-on-adam-riess-talk/ .


Figure 22



Figure 23


C: Possessed baby soul rescued

While the growth of this artistic baby (mainstream physics) is progressing slowly but nicely, its soul is nonetheless possessed by three demons: {Copenhagen doctrine (measurement mystery and Schrödinger’s Cat), GR (General Relativity) and Higgs mechanism, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/11/12/the-angel-and-demons-in-the-100-years-of-physics-nightmare/ }.


Fortunately, the ‘Cellular Automaton Quantum Mechanics’ is now casting out the ‘Copenhagen demon’, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/10/21/the-mickey-mouse-principle/ .


Figure 24



Figure 25


Fortunately, the Higgs demon is about to be exorcised.

One, the Higgs naturalness has now failed, even if SUSY Were existing at GUT scale.

Two, the Majorana neutrino is about completely ruled out.

First, a very strong hint shows that neutrino is different from its anti-particle.

Second, the observation of ‘Big Bang Nucleosynthesis’ is very much ruling out the Majorana neutrino.


Figure 26


D: The lingering hallucinations are cured

Two physics hallucinations happened about at the same time and they converge to the same delusive wonderland, the Multiverse.

The M-string theory gets zillions ‘string vacua’, which leads to multiverse.

The ‘inflation scenario (without a guiding principle for the initial conditions)’ leads to ‘Eternal inflation’ which in turn leads to multiverse.


The wonder drug for these hallucinations are showing that Multiverse is a delusion with two points.

One, the soul of multiverse is that the structure constants of THIS universe are just  happenstances (the result of the Boltzmann brain). That is, even nature (or God) does not know how to calculate the structure constants of this universe. So, by showing the ways of calculating them, that hallucination is cured.

Two, by showing that those calculations are not bubble dependent, it further bursts the delusion bubble.


Now, many prominent physicists (such as Paul J. Steinhardt and et al) are joining in to eradicate these physics hallucinations, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/05/13/the-end-of-the-inflation-war/ .


F: the remaining living dead

SM (Standard Model of particle physics) has passed every test which we can throw at it, but no one believe that SM is a correct final theory.

On the other hand, every one still sees GR (General Relativity) being a Gospel for gravity, especially after the LIGO announcement on October 16, 2017.

Indeed, GR has also passed all tests which we can throw at it. Indeed, LIGO could be a great tool for viewing the Cosmos in a different way. But, these will not change the fundamental FACT that GR is a totally wrong description for gravity.

The most important damning FACT on GR is that GR plays no role at ALL in the Heavenly Father’s description (HFD) of THIS universe.

In HFD, this universe is ruled by a Structure Function which consists of {G (energy, dark energy) + G (mass; dark and visible)}.

The G (energy) leads to the acceleration of the expansion of this universe. But, most importantly, it also leads to ‘quantum-ness’.

The G (mass) is of course leading to Newtonian gravity, while GR is just an attribute of this G (mass).


There is no issue about GR being an excellent effective theory for gravity, but seeing it as the Gospel becomes the major hindrance for getting a correct Gravity-theory. The recent over hyped LIGO story makes the situation even worse. AT this moment, this GR demon is not yet exorcised in terms of sociology. The KEY mission of this article is to cast this GR demon out once and for all. More details, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/11/12/the-angel-and-demons-in-the-100-years-of-physics-nightmare/ .


Heavenly Father and his artistic baby





The Angel and demons in the 100 years of physics nightmare

Natural is moving nicely minute by minute for the past 14 billion years and is playing its predetermined dance to its predetermined destiny with grace and joy.

On the contrary, the human mainstream physics is now in a hellfire nightmare after the discovery of a new boson in 2012. Is it suddenly falling into this hellfire nightmare unexpectedly? Or, were many hellfire demons already plagued the mainstream physics since the beginning 100 years ago? Logically, the latter must be the case. That is, the cause for the nightmare today can be traced out from its history.

The brief history

One, in (1925 – 1927), Copenhagen doctrine DECLARED that ‘quantum uncertainty’ is an intrinsic attribute of nature, and it cannot be removed by improvement of measurement in principle, and this led to the ‘measurement mystery’.

Soon, Schrödinger came up a Cat-riddle, and it CREATED the ‘superposition mystery’, the omnipresent of the ‘Quantum God’.

Two, in early 1954, a general gauge symmetry theory was developed by Chen Ning Yang and Robert Mills. Then, in the first part of 1960s, Murray Gell-Mann discovered the “Eightfold Way representation” from the experimental data. The Yang-Mills theory is a mathematic beautiful tool to describe some symmetries while the ‘Eightfold way’ is obviously encompassing some beautiful symmetry. However, the Yang–Mills field must be massless in order to maintain gauge invariance.


Three, in order for the Yang-Mills gauge to make contact to the real world (the Eightfold Way), it must be spontaneously broken. In 1964, Higgs and et al came up a ‘tar-lake like field’ (the Higgs mechanism) to break the SU gauge spontaneously.

Four, in 1967, Steven Weinberg and others combined a SU (2) gauge (a special Yang-Mills gauge) and the Higgs mechanism to construct the EWT (Electroweak Theory). And, this EWT works beautifully for a two quark model (with up and down quarks).

Five, in the November Revolution of 1974, Samuel Ting discovered Charm quark via the J/ψ meson; the original two quark model was thus expanded as a four quark model.

Six, in 1973, Maskawa and Kobayashi introduced the “CP Violation in the Renormalizable Theory of Weak Interaction”. Together with the idea of Cabibbo angle (θc), introduced by Nicola Cabibbo in 1963, the ‘Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix’ was constructed. As this CKM matrix demands AT LEAST ‘3 generations of quarks’, a six quark model was constructed, the SM (Standard Model). The SM further predicts the weak-current (Ws) and neutral current (Z). tau (τ) lepton was discovered in 1975.

Seven, in 1983, the Ws was discovered, and Z soon after. Then, top quark was finally discovered in 1995.

At this point, the SM is basically confirmed. However, the Higgs mechanism also predicted a field boson. As the Higgs mechanism is the KEY cornerstone for SM, it (the SM) will not be complete if the Higgs field boson is not discovered.

The brief history of BSMs

With the great success of SM, a few BSMs (beyond standard model) quickly emerged.

One, the GUT (grand Unified Theory), with a higher symmetry; {SU (5), SU (3) x SU (2) x U (1); at about 10^16 Gev energy scale}. This work was mainly done by Glashow in 1974. The key prediction of GUT is the proton decay. From the early 1980s, a major effort was launched to detect the proton decay. But, the proton decay’s half-life is now firmly set as over 10 ^ 33 years, much longer than the life time of this universe, To date, all attempts to observe new phenomena predicted by GUTs (like proton decay or the existence of magnetic monopoles) have failed. With these results, Glashow was basically going into hibernation, while hoping that ‘sterile neutrino’ come to his rescue.

Two, the Preon model (done by Abdus Salam) which was expanded as Rishons model (mainly done by Haim Harari). It has sub-quarks (T, V): {T (Tohu which means “unformed” in Hebrew Genesis)  and V ( Vohu which means “void” in Hebrew Genesis)}.

Rishons (T or V) carry hypercolor to reproduce the quark color, but this set up renders the model non-renormalizable. So, it was almost abandoned on day one.

Three, the M-string theory began as a bosonic string theory. In order to produce fermions, it must incorporate with the idea of SUSY. That is, M-string theory and SUSY must be Dicephalic parapagus twins.


In the 1960s–1970s, Vera Rubin and Kent Ford had confirmed the existence of dark mass (not dark matter). SUSY was claimed as the best candidate to provide this dark mass. Thus, M-string theory dominates the BSM for the past 40 years.

The awakening of the demons

In 2012, a Higgs boson-like particle was discovered, with a measured mass = 125.26 Gev which is trillions and trillions smaller than the expected value.


The only way out for this predicament is by having a hidden massive partner to cancel (balance) out its huge mass. This massive partner can be a SUSY particle or a twin-Higgs. By March 2017, no twin-Higgs nor any SUSY were discovered under two (2) Tev range. Even if SUSY were existing in a higher energy sphere, it (SUSY) is no longer a solution for this Higgs-naturalness issue.

Furthermore, the b/b-bar should account for over 60% decaying channel for Higgs boson. But by now (November 2017), this channel is still not confirmed. The best number was 4.5 sigma from a report a year ago, which is not enough to make a confirmation. Most importantly, even if the channel were confirmed, it cannot meet this 60% mark.


Thus, many physicists now are open the possibility that this 2012-boson might not be the Higgs boson per se.


Yet, this Higgs demon does not stop its dance with the above issues.

The neutrino’s mass by definition cannot be accounted by Higgs mechanism, as a tar-lake like field to slow down the massless particle to gain an apparent mass, as neutrinos do not slow down in the Higgs field at all. Thus, neutrinos must be Majorana fermions.

Yet, the Majorana angel has never been observed.

One, by definition, Majorana particle must be its own antiparticle. But, many data now show that neutrino is different from its antiparticle.

Two, Majorana neutrino should induce the ‘neutrinoless double beta decay’, but its half-life is now set as over 10 ^ 25 years, much longer than the lifetime of this universe.

Three, by definition again, Majorana particle’s mass must come from ‘Sea-saw’ mechanism, that is, balanced by a massive partner, such as sterile neutrino or else (SUSY or whatnot). But, ‘sterile neutrino’ is now almost completely ruled out by many data (IceCube, etc.)

Four, the most recent analysis of the ‘Big Bang Nucleosynthesis’ fits well if the neutrino is a Dirac fermion (without a massive partner). If the neutrino is viewed as Majorana particle (with a hidden massive partner), ‘the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis’ can no longer fit the observation data.

Without a Majorana neutrino, the Higgs mechanism is DEAD. With a dead Higgs mechanism, SM is then fundamentally wrong as a correct model, although it is an effective theory.

This Higgs demon is now killing the SM, pushing the mainstream physics into the hellfire dungeon.

Of course, Weinberg and many prominent physicists still hope a rescue from one of the BSMs, especially from the M-string theory. But, SUSY (a major component of M-string) is now totally ruled out as an EFFECTIVE rescue. And, many most prominent String-theorists are now abandoning the M-string theory, see Steven Weinberg video presentation for ‘Int’l Centre for Theoretical Physics’ on Oct 17, 2017, at 1:32 (one hour and 32 minutes mark. Video is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX2R8-nJhLQ . A brief quote for his saying is available at http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=9657


The rescuing angels

While the theoretical physics is falling into the hellfire dungeon step by step, the experimental physics angels are descending on Earth with sincerity and kindness.

One, dark mass (not dark matter) was firmly confirmed by 1970s.

Two, acceleration of the expansion of universe was discovered in 1997.

Three, a good estimation of CC (Cosmology Constant) ~ 3×10−122 was reached in 2000s.

Four, a new boson with 125.26 Gev mass was discovered in 2012.

Five, Planck CMB data (2013 and 2015) provided the followings:

(dark energy = 69.2; dark matter = 25.8; and visible matter = 4.82)

Neff = 3.04 +/- …

Hubble Constant: H0 (early universe) = 66.93 ± 0.62 km s−1 Mpc−1 (by Using ΛCDM with Neff = 3)

These were further supported by ‘Dark Energy Survey”.


Six, the Local Value of the Hubble Constant: H0 (now, later universe) = 73.24 ± 1.74 km s−1 Mpc−1. The difference between this measurement and the Planck CMB data show a dark flow rate, w = 9%.

Seven, the LIGO twin-neutron stars coalescing ruled out most of the MOND models in October 2017.

Eight, there is no difference between matter and its antimatter in addition to being having different electric charges.


The failed Inter-Universes Escape

Under a total siege by the data angels, the Higgs mechanism led army planed an ‘Inter-Universes Escape’. Its war plan was very simple, with two tactics.

One, blind its own eyes and yelling super loud: {We are the only game in town.} For this, they organized a Munich conference: {Why Trust a Theory? Reconsidering Scientific Methodology in Light of Modern Physics, on 7-9 December, 2015, see http://www.whytrustatheory2015.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/index.html }.

Two, INVENTING almost unlimited ghost universes by using the dominant cosmology theory, the ‘inflation cosmology’.

“Inflation” was a reverse-engineering work for resolving some cosmology observations, such as the flatness, horizon and homogeneous cosmologic facts. As a reverse-engineering, it (inflation) of course fits almost all the old data and many NEW observations. But, almost all reverse-engineering are only constrained by the THEN observed data while without any ‘guiding principle’.

That is, the ‘initial condition’ of the ‘inflation’ cannot be specified or determined. This guidance-less fact allows unlimited ‘inflation models’ to be invented. Of course, it leads to ‘eternal inflation’, having unlimited bubble-universes.

At the same time, the M-string theory also reached its final destination, the ‘String Landscape’, having also unlimited string vacua, again for unlimited bubble-universes (the Multiverse). That is,

“Eternal inflation” = ‘string landscape’ = multiverse

Now, there is a CONVERGANCE coming from two independent pathways, and this could be a great justification for its validity.

With the super weapon of Multiverse, ‘the Higgs mechanism led army’ is no longer besieged by the angel of facts. Those facts (nature constants, etc.) of this universe is just a random happenstance, and even Nature does not know how to calculate them.

The only way to kill this Multiverse escape is by showing:

One, ALL the angel facts of THIS universe can be calculated.

Two, ALL the angel facts of THIS universe is bubble-independent, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/10/multiverse-bubbles-are-now-all-burst-by.html .


See, https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/


See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/


About the Higgs: see, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/before-lhc-run-2-begins-enough-jeh-tween-gong

More discussions on M-string theory is available at https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/09/11/the-era-of-hope-or-total-bullcrap/ .


The Arch-Demons

In addition to rule out the Multiverse nonsense, there are some other major issues:

One, baryongenesis

Two, the dark energy/dark mass

Three, the gravity/spacetime

Four, is ‘Quantum-ness’ fundamental? (Including its measurement and superposition issues).


In G-theory, the ‘quantum-ness’ is not fundamental but emerges from the dark energy, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html .





Furthermore, the G-theory universe is all about ‘computation’, that is, there must be a computing device in the laws of physics. And, of course, there is. In G-theory, both proton and neutron are the base of Turing computer, see http://www.prequark.org/Biolife.htm .

These two points show that the ‘quantum-ness’ is not about ‘uncertainty’ but is all about the ‘Cosmo-certainty’, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2014/12/27/the-certainty-principle/ . That is, the Copenhagen doctrine is in fact one of the Arch-Demon.

In addition to ‘computation’, THIS (not other-verse) universe is all about energy and mass. So, the Structure Function of THIS universe can be defined as:

S (universe) = S (energy, mass)

= S (dark energy, dark mass, visible relativistic mass/energy)

As both Newtonian and GR are related to the structure of this universe, Gravity can be defined by the S-function, as:

Gravity = G (S) = G (dark energy, dark mass, visible mass)

= G (dark energy) @ G (mass)

For G (mass), it has only one parameter, mass. This FACT shows that every ‘mass’ must interact with ALL other masses in THIS universe. That is, the Simultaneity Function can be defined by G (mass), that is,

G (mass) = Si (mass); G (mass) is a simultaneity function.

This Si function can be renormalized only if the gravity interaction transmits instantaneously. In fact, if the gravity of the Sun reaches Earth with light speed, it will not fit the reality. The Sun/Earth gravitational interaction is precisely described with Newtonian gravity law, which encompasses instantaneity.

So, for Sun/Earth gravity at least (if not for other cases), G (mass) should be the function of both {simultaneity and instantaneity}. Thus, we can define:

G (Sun/Earth) = G (mass, simultaneity, instantaneity)

For Newtonian gravity, the ‘masses’ are wrapped into two points, the ‘center of mass’ while the simultaneity and instantaneity are innate part of the equation.

For GR, the simultaneity and instantaneity are wrapped into the ‘spacetime sheet’. When mass interacts with the GR spacetime sheet, it transmits both simultaneously and instantaneously.

This kind of wrapping makes both gravity theories automatically incomplete, as effective theories at best. Now, Newtonian gravity is now viewed as wrong in terms of Occam’s razor, and thus it does the modern physics no harm. On the other hand, GR is still viewed as the Gospel on gravity, and it becomes the greatest hindrance for getting a correct gravity theory.

If GR did provide us some insights before, it is a long time ago past tense. The recent promotion about the greatness of the LIGO discovery will further drag us down the hellfire dungeon. LIGO indeed might provide some additional data to confirm what we already know, but it cannot rescue GR’s fate as a total trash. The following is just a short list of GR’s shortcomings.

One, GR plays zero role in the construction of quark/lepton.

Two, GR plays zero role in calculating the nature constants, such as Alpha or Cabibbo/Weinberg angles, etc.

Three, GR fails to account for dark mass and dark energy, unable to derive the Planck CMB data.

(dark energy = 69.2; dark matter = 25.8; and visible matter = 4.82)

Neff = 3.04 +/- …

Hubble Constant: H0 (early universe) = 66.93 ± 0.62 km s−1 Mpc−1 (by Using ΛCDM with Neff = 3)

Four, GR provides no hint of any kind for the BaryonGenesis, which is definitely a cosmology issue, and this alone should give GR the death sentence.

Five, the last but not the least, GR is not compatible with QM (quantum mechanics).

More details on this, see https://medium.com/@Tienzen/yes-gr-is-very-successful-as-gravitational-lens-ff65efb63889 .

Yes, GR is of course a very EFFECTIVE gravity theory (as a great reverse-engineering work) but is definitely a wrong one for the correct theory. The GR wrapping which hides the essences of gravity (simultaneity and instantaneity) renders it unsalvageable and unamendable. That is, it is in fact the greatest hindrance for getting a correct gravity theory. So, GR is the other Arch-Demon for modern physics.

Here is the ArchAngel

All the calculations for those angel facts (of section D) are done in G-theory (Prequark Chromodynamics).

Superficially, Prequark model is similar to the Preon (Rishons) model, but there are at least four major differences between them.

One, the Rishons model has sub-quarks (T, V): {T (Tohu which means “unformed” in Hebrew Genesis)  and V ( Vohu which means “void” in Hebrew Genesis)}. But, Harari did not know what T is (just being unformed). On the other hand, the A (Angultron) is an innate angle, a base to calculate Weinberg angle and Alpha, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html .

Two, the choosing of (T, V) as the bottom in the Rishons model was ad hoc, a result of reverse-engineering. On the contrary, there is a very strong theoretical reason for where the BOTTOM is in G-theory.

In G-theory, the universe is ALL about computation, computable or non-computable. For computable, there is a TWO-code theorem. For non-computable, there are 4-color and 7-color theorems.

That is, the BOTTOM must be with two-codes. Any lower level under the two code will become TAUTOLOGY, just repeating itself.

Anything more than two codes (such as 6 quarks + 6 leptons) cannot be the BOTTOM.

Three, rishons (T or V) carry hypercolor to reproduce the quark color, but this set up renders the model non-renormalizable, quickly going into a big mess. So, it was abandoned almost on day one. On the other hand, prequarks (V or A) carry no color, and the quark color arises from the “prequark SEATs”. In short, Rishons model cannot work out a {neutron decay process} different from the SM process.




This is one of the key differences between prequark and (Rishons and SM).

Four, Preon/Rishons model does not have Gene-colors which are the key drivers for the neutrino oscillations.


More details on those differences, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2011/11/technicolor-simply-wrong.html .

In addition to being theory to describe particles, G-theory also resolves ALL cosmologic issues which consists of only three:

One, the initial condition of THIS universe

Two, the final fate of THIS universe

Three, the BaryonGenesis mystery

BaryonGenesis determines the STRUCTURE of THIS universe, that is,

G (S) = G (dark energy, dark mass, visible mass)

= G (dark energy) @ G (mass)

So, BaryonGenesis must be the function of G (S), which is described as:

(dark energy = 69.2; dark matter = 25.8; and visible matter = 4.82)

The calculation of this Planck CMB date in G-theory uses the ‘mass-LAND-charge’, that is, all 48 fermions (24 matter and 24 antimatter) carry the same mass-land-charge while their apparent masses are different. And, MASS-pie of THIS universe is evenly divided among those 48 fermions. That is, the antimatter does in fact not disappear (not be annihilated) while it is invisible. See the calculation below. More details, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/10/26/science-is-not-some-eye-catching-headlines/ .

This BaryonGenesis of G-theory rules out the entire sterile dark sector (WIMPs, SUSY, sterile neutrino, axion, MOND, etc.) completely.

On November 8, 2017, Nature (Magazine) announced the death of WIMP, see http://www.nature.com/news/dark-matter-hunt-fails-to-find-the-elusive-particles-1.22970 .


This BaryonGenesis calculation must also link to the issues of {initial condition and the final fate}. And indeed, it does.

BaryonGenesis in fact has two issues.

One, where is the antimatter in THIS universe?

Two, why is THIS universe dominated by matter while not by antimatter?

The ‘One’ was answered with the above calculation.

The ‘Two’ can only be answered by ‘Cyclic Multiverse’.

However, for THIS universe goes into a ‘big crunch’ state, the omega (Ω) must be larger than 1, while it is currently smaller than 1. That is, there must be a mechanism to move (evolve) Ω from less than 1 to bigger than 1.

Again, only G-theory has such a mechanism, and it is not a separately invented but is a part of BaryonGenesis calculation, the ‘Dark Flow, W’.

This dark flow (W) prediction of the G-theory was confirmed in 2016, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/05/15/comment-on-adam-riess-talk/ .


G-theory of course accounts for the ‘initial condition’, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/12/10/natures-manifesto-on-physics-2/ .


Army of the Archangel

Weinberg has been complaining about the Arch-Demon (Copenhagen doctrine) many times but without making any new proposal, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/01/welcome-to-camp-of-truth-nobel-laureate.html .


On the other hand, ‘t Hooft (Nobel Laureate) did embrace the G-theory from the point of Cellular Automaton Quantum-ness, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/08/quantum-behavior-vs-cellular-automaton.html . In 2016, he even published a book on it.


More details, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/10/21/the-mickey-mouse-principle/ .

Sabine Hossenfelder just issued a death sentence for Naturalness (see http://backreaction.blogspot.com/2017/11/naturalness-is-dead-long-live.html ).



The death of Naturalness is a precursor for the death of Higgs Mechanism.



Steven Weinberg just revealed the death of M-string theory in his October 2017 video lecture.



Paul J. Steinhardt announced the death of ‘inflation cosmology’ in 2016.




The current hellfire nightmare of the mainstream physics did not start in 2012 but is the results of three demons {Copenhagen doctrine, GR and the Higgs mechanism}, began in 100 years ago. Fortunately, many angel facts (experimental data) have revealed their demon-faces. Finally, the ArchAngel (the G-theory) has come for the rescue. With the growing army of ArchAngel, the human physics’ salvation is now secured.





宇宙创生以来的一百四十 亿年的历史长河中,自然世界正在一分钟一分钟地向前移动,并按预定的节奏,优雅和喜悦地走向预定的命运,一路翩翩起舞。


《超统一理论》—(Super Unified Theories,SUT):由美籍华人学者龚天任先生创立。经历33年后,解决当今基础物理学界无法解释的重大开放问题,全部准确无误。新版称之为创新物理学,统一的宇宙:www.pptv1.com



DS =(i^n1,i^n2,i^n3)* C * DT = N* C * DT ………………(方程0)



N^ 2 = {+ / – 1 ,+ / – 3} ………….(方程1)

方程0以精确的方式连接时间和空间。虚-实数域的N产生64个子空间。“方程1”是一个选择规则。当一个子空间有N ^2 = + 3,那么这个子空间是一个真正的实空间,这些子空间构成一个正常3维欧氏空间,并伴随实时间t;当N ^2 = – 3,那么这个子空间是一个虚空间,相当于 3维虚空间,伴随虚时间。而且,实时空与虚时空相随相伴。而N ^2 =+ / – 1,则产生24个正物质夸克粒子和24个反物质夸克粒子,一共48个基本粒子。


理论计算电子精细结构常数alpha、Cabibbo angle、Weinberg angle







Super Unified Theory, US copyright TX 1-323-231, issued on April 18, 1984)

 我们称之为真空子:{246/2} + {246 x 0.01} = 123 + 2.46 = 125.46 Gev.


F (统一) =K* ħ/(delta S * delta T) ———(方程2)

空间S, 时间T,ħ普朗克常数,K为力耦合系数


此外,龚学理论是关于宇宙“计算”,即在物理定律中必须包含计算装置。当然,龚学理论发现,无论是质子和中子都是图灵计算机的基础,包含了生命的种子。参见: http://www.prequark.org/Biolife.htm .



1.解释自然常数的由来,如电子精细结构常数Alpha(electron fine structure constant)、电子电荷e、光速C、普朗克常数 ħ 等。



4 给出力的大统一方程,统一描述电磁力、弱力、强力和引力。

5 解释计算暗能量、暗物质以及普朗克数据中各成分比例的由来,其中普朗克CMB数据:暗能量(69.2%)、暗物质(25.8%)、可见物质(4.82%)计算模型。

6 解释宇宙常数(Λ)的由来并理论计算。

7 解释量子自旋(quantum spin) 的由来。

8 解释重子(baryongenesis) 产生过程。

9 解释生命的产生的物理基础,包括意识与智能。

10统一的形式化语言体系(formal and nature languages)。


12 解释我们这个宇宙中所有一切的由来。



The Angel and demons in the 100 years of physics nightmare


Natural is moving nicely minute by minute for the past 14 billion years and is playing its predetermined dance to its predetermined destiny with grace and joy.






http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=9657 .



1970年代的理论物理学家John H. Schwarz推出了第一代弦理论。


在20世纪90年代,弦物理发生了第二次革命(年代):Joseph Polchinski(膜)、Juan Maldacena发展了AdS/CFT和M理论。

然后,尼玛(Nima Arkani Hamed)作为青年弦理论家明星,把SUSY发展到最高阶段(弦理论的一个重要组成部分),并试图说服中国政府投资1000亿建设100 Tev 超级对撞机。








ttps://www.quantamagazine.org/edward-witten-ponders-the-nature-of-reality-20171128/ .


Edward Witten, a physics hero



二,{ M弦理论+ AdS/CFT +全息}都无法描述自然的性质。



