Sir Roger Penrose – How can Consciousness Arise Within the Laws of Physics?2017年9月5日发布
July 25th, 2017
彭罗斯( Roger Penrose)作为数学和物理学领域国际顶尖的学者,曾经写过著名的科普读物《皇帝新脑》(The Emperor’s New Mind)和另一科普著作《The Road to Reality》,中文译本:
作者 罗杰·彭罗斯, 王文浩译。
How can Consciousness Arise Within the Laws of Physics?
Sir Roger Penrose – From Cosmology to Consciousness – Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
Sir Roger Penrose explains the impact of his time at Cambridge in the 1950s and the recent developments in Roger Penrose’s thought. The interview brings out his highly unconventional choice of subjects for deep study, which completely ignored the boundary between ‘pure’ and ‘applied’ mathematics. Those familiar with his world-leading development of relativity theory in the 1960s may be surprised to learn how much he was influenced by quantum theory in the 1950s, and also by the early origin of his new ideas.
Roger Penrose explains the influence of Dirac, Sciama and other leading figures of the 1950s, and goes on to characterise the emergence of twistor theory.