一、主要工作可以安排在μ子对撞机、等离子体尾场加速器,或许还有自由电子激光、超高频同步辐射等,这些都是世界领先的基础科学与应用技术。中国没有必要去建立一个Higgs工厂,中国CEPC没有必要去竞争和重复别人的工作:即将到来的hl-lhc(High Luminosity LHC)和日本的ILC。(http://hilumilhc.web.cern.ch/)
三,建造最大的中微子望远镜。最大的一个,目前是冰块立方,在南极,包括只有一立方千米的冰。我们提出:中国可以在南海建立一个深海中微子望远镜:深度3000至4000米深,大小是10×10英里面积,体积是200(10 x 10 x 2)立方英里的海洋深层水立方(水比冰的密度大,从而更加有效和更为强大中微子探测能力)。这既是中国领先世界的科学工程,又是极其重要的国防工程!
China Super Collider, part four
— Analyzing 杨振宁 and 丁肇中
Copyright © May 5, 2017 by Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong
In my previous articles:
One, no new physics for the 100 Tev p-p collider, according to the newest data from March 2017. See, China-Super-Collider-part-one, https://tienzengong.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/china-super-collider-part-one.pdf
Two, the three Nobel Laureates did not predict any new physics for (from) any 100 Tev p-p collider. See China-Super-Collider-part-two, https://tienzengong.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/china-super-collider-part-two.pdf
Three, the ‘Spin-Off’ argument is a red herring, a great misleading or simply dishonesty. See China-Super-Collider-part-three, https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2017/05/05/china-super-collider-part-three-a-misled-hype-or-dishonesty/ or https://tienzengong.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/china-super-collider-part-three.pdf
In this article, I will analyze Dr. 杨振宁’s views on this issue.
Excluding all the economic issues, Dr. Yang has three points relating to physics.
First, {四 B. 有些高能物理学家希望用超大对撞机找到超对称粒子。找超对称粒子很多年完全落空,多数物理学家包括我在内认为超对称只是一个猜想,没有任何实验根据。希望利用超大对撞机发现此猜想粒子只是猜想加猜想。}
Before the March 2017 data, Dr. Yang’s statement {希望利用超大对撞机发现此猜想粒子只是猜想加猜想。} is indeed a great insight and wisdom. After those new data, his statement is now a FACT, and we have showed this fact in detail in our article {中国的“超级对撞机工程”争论的意见 2, http://www.pptv1.com/?p=990 }.
Second, {六.中国建立高能所已三十多年。如何评价这三十多年的成就?今天世界重要高能物理学家中,中国占有率不到百分之一、二。建造超大对撞机,其设计以及建成后的运转与分析,必将由 90%的非中国人主导。如果能得诺贝尔奖,获奖者会是中国人吗?}
占有率不到百分之一、二。}, this is really a very kind word for a total failure. Besides Dr. Yang himself, who is the 重要高能物理学家 in this world? None, a big ZERO.
With the prestigious status of Dr. Yang, he is reluctant to spell out the total failures of the BEPC (Beijing Electron-Positron Collider). As patriots of our country, we want to prevent China being played as an idiot again by the foreigners, and we will make the following detailed analysis.
One, with the 1.3 GeV beam energy design at the beginning, BEPC was clearly designed without any physics-mission, just as a toy, as there was no-physics can be produced with that machine. For any physicist, it was a waste. But, China was far, far behind the world on the HEP (High Energy Physics) at that time, and building a toy was reasonable, as a training toy for training some HEP physicists. So, this first BEPC building decision was politically correct and with great courage.
Two, CLEO (at Cornell Electron Storage Ring) was the longest running experiment in the history of particle physics and discovered many new charm hadrons. Yet, by the year of 2000, it was clear that there is no future for the Charm-physics. As CLEO (even with its latest upgrade to CLEO-c) was still unable to compete with BaBar machine (at Stanford) and Belle B factories (in Japan), CLEO-c was finally shutdown (into the trash can) on March 3, 2008.
Then: {The Beijing Electron–Positron Collider II (BEPC II) … was intended as a charm factory and continues the role of CLEO-c detector. The center of mass energy went up to 4.6 GeV … Operations began in summer 2008 (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beijing_Electron%E2%80%93Positron_Collider_II ). Also, see http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/may-2009/chasing-charm-in-china .
Why? Why picking up other’s trash? Being a toy at the beginning is all good (politically correct), as we were too far, far behind. But, by 2008, why still picked up other’s trash?
Charm (J/ψ) was discovered in 1974 by Dr. 丁肇中, and it is called the November Revolution, which set the foundation for SM (Standard Model). Charm is the GATE, moving quark model (with only two quarks) to SM (with three generations of quarks). But, there is no more physics at that GATE. The deeper physics hides in the rooms and secret tunnels, and the most secret room is the b-quark, housing the key of the baryongenesis, the CP-violation. Thus, by 2000, everyone is doing the B-physics.
Today, there are three B-factories:
Babar (at Stanford, in USA),
Belle B factories (in Japan), and
LHCb at CERN (in Europe)
Today, all three are still doing great physics. Just last week (April 18, 2017), LHCb reported the hint of new physics (see https://indico.cern.ch/event/580620/attachments/1442409/2226501/cern_2017 _04_18.pdf or https://home.cern/about/updates/2017/04/lhcb-finds-new-hints-possible-standard-model-deviations ).
BEPC can easily be upgraded to a B-factory in 2008, as a B-machine is only about 11 GeV.
Why BEPC wasted all Chinese citizen’s money on a trash (Charm factory), trashed by others? Does BEPC produce any physics thus far (from 2008 to now 2017)? No, a total NO, a big, big ZERO.
The leadership of BEPC had lied to Chinese government and Chinese people. How can we allow this happen again on this Super-Collider issue?
Third, {七.不建超大对撞机,高能物理就没有前途了吗?我认为至少有两个方向值得探索:A,寻找新加速器原理;B,寻找美妙的几何结构,如弦理论所研究的。这两方面的研究都不那么费钱,符合当今世界经济发展的总趋势。}
Dr. Yang again is too polite to show the ignorance of the leadership of BEPC. Indeed, the p-p collider is now a trash.
P-p collider accelerates about 0.1 GeV/m while plasma wakefield accelerators (see https://portal.slac.stanford.edu/sites/ard_public/facet/Pages/rpwa.aspx ) can have energy gradients as steep as 200 GeV/m, have been achieved over millimeter-scale distances using laser pulsers and gradients approaching 1 GeV/m are being produced on the multi-centimeter-scale with electron-beam systems. This is at least 1000 times better than the p-p LHC type machine.
In our previous articles, we have showed that Muon collider is the machine for new physics.
No, there is no reason to build a trash AGAIN. We should develop the best technology and build the most advanced machine.
For HEP, China is far, far, far behind the West. China is even far, far behind Japan who is leading the world on B-physics and neutrino physics.
Yet, the greatness of the HEP today was built by two Chinese, Dr. Yang and Dr. 丁肇中.
Physics can be divided into three worlds. The description of the classic physics world was 100% complete by Newton and James Clerk Maxwell. It was Marie Curie’s discovery of radioactive isotopes (polonium and radium) opened the GATE of the quantum world.
While the early particle accelerators did discover some subatomic particles, there was no rule for that particle zoo under the guidance of quantum theory. It was Dr. Yang’s discovery of parity-violation opened the GATE for a lawful framework of this messy zoo. Dr. Yang again set the FOUNDATION for describing this zoo with a mathematic framework, the Yang-Mill theory. Without opening this GATE and setting the mathematic FOUNDATION, there will be no HEP of today.
Dr. 丁肇中 also is a GATE opener, open-up the gate for SM (Standard Model).
Yet, however great Dr. 丁’s work was, it was no comparison to Dr. Yang’s, not even 20%.
Yet, I have read some comments which call Dr. Yang as outdated old chap. How dare these people are? They are simply not understanding what HEP is all about. In addition to their ignorance, they are always telling lies.
They said that SSC (of USA) was aborted for the budget reason, and this is simply a lie. In 1993, the addition money needed for SSC was 5 billion US dollars. Yet, the
“Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer” project (see https://ams.nasa.gov/ ) led by Dr. 丁at the same time (1993) was estimated for a budget over 2 billion US dollars. Furthermore, AMS takes a FREE RIDE on the space-station. If AMS must pay a fee for its ride, its cost will be over 20 billion dollars (4 times more than the SSC budget). Of course, AMS was approved, simply because that there is a mission for AMS while SSC was going to be a tomb for sure.
With two greatest HEP physicists being Chinese (Dr. Yang and Dr. 丁), much more
great than any other Nobel Laureates, we must listen to their advices, especially when others are not putting Chinese interest at the first and are not worrying about making China an idiot.
Now, Dr. Yang has spoken, with his great wisdom, great knowledge and great patriotism.
We now need to beg for Dr. 丁’s advice.
In the meantime, I will help Dr. 丁 on this issue.
AMS02 has 8 more years to go. Before any definite result from AMS02, Dr. 丁 is most likely not able to make any comment on a new project. Up to this moment, AMS02 has not find any hint that there is anything out there for a 100 Tev p-p machine to find. I have showed this in our article (中国“超级对撞机工程”争论的意见 2, http://www.pptv1.com/?p=990 ) that the positon excess is now proved of not from any unknown cosmic process (such as SUSY or dark matter).
Yet, there was an issue about the anti-proton excess, whether it can be accounted for by the known cosmic processes?
LHCb took this challenge right the way, with a precision test. Its result was reported on (March 27, 2017), and it shows that the AMS02 anti-proton excess can be accounted for by the known cosmic processes (see https://home.cern/about/updates/2017/03/cosmic-collisions-lhcb-experiment and the following graph).
Without any hint of new physics for a 100 Tev p-p machine to discover, Dr. 丁would definitely be unable to support the SC of China openly.
Yes, China should become a world leader on HEP, but not by building a trash. In our previous articles, we have discussed three leading areas.
One, working on muon collider and plasma wakefield accelerators, as those are the leading technologies. There is no need for China to build a Higgs factory, as the China CEPC has no need to compete (repeat other’s work) with the upcoming HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC) (http://hilumilhc.web.cern.ch/ ) and ILC of Japan.
Two, working on neutrino physics, the key for the future. Now, the ‘long-base’ neutrino physics has a base about 700 miles. China is the one of four countries in the world capable of building longer bases, 1500 miles or even 3000 miles.
Three, building the biggest neutrino telescope. The biggest one currently is the IceCube, at South Pole, encompassing only a cubic kilometer of ice. China can build a deep sea neutrino telescope at South China Sea, at the depth of 3000 to 4000 meters deep, with an area of 10 x 10 miles, that is, 200 (10 x 10 x 2) cubic miles of deep sea water (which is much denser than the ice, thus much more efficient and powerful).
With these most advanced machines, China will definitely be the center of HEP of the world.
中国的“超级对撞机工程”争论 第四部分
—-分析杨振宁博士、 丁肇中博士的观点
龚天任 原著 李小坚 编译
(一)、根据2017年3月发布的最新数据,确定在100 TeV内大对撞机不会发现新的物理粒子。见,中国超级对撞机意见的第一部分,https://tienzengong.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/china-super-collider-part-one.pdf
(二)、三位诺贝尔奖获得者并不能预测从100 TeV的P-P对撞机可以产生任何新的物理理论。请看:中国超级对撞机意见的第二部分,https://tienzengong.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/china-super-collider-part-two.pdf
首先,杨振宁博士的声明:{四 B. 有些高能物理学家希望用超大对撞机找到超对称粒子。找超对称粒子很多年完全落空,多数物理学家包括我在内认为超对称只是一个猜想,没有任何实验根据。希望利用超大对撞机发现此猜想粒子只是猜想加猜想。}
在2017年三月物理数据发布之前,这确实是一个伟大的洞察力和智慧。在2017年三月这些新的数据发布之后,我们已经用这些数据说明:希望利用超大对撞机发现猜想粒子是不可能的!现在这已经是一个无可辩驳的事实。我们将这些物理数据事实,详细列举在前面的博文中:{中国的“超级对撞机工程”争论的意见2,http://www.pptv1.com/?P = 990 }。
1.采用3 GeV的电子束能量的最初设计,BEPC设计显然没有任何物理的任务,就像一个玩具。因为没有可能用这台机器产生新的物理结果。对于任何物理学家来说,这都是浪费。但是,对当时的中国来说,由于远远地、远远地落后于世界高能物理的发展,设计建造一个学习工具是合理的,作为一个训练高能物理学家训练用的教具。因此,建设BEPC这一决定兼具政治正确与非凡勇气。
2. CLEO (康奈尔电子储存环)是历史上运行时间最长的粒子物理学实验系统。发现了许多新的魅力粒子(charm hadrons)。然而,到了2000年,很显然,魅力粒子物理学已经没有前途了。当时,CLEO(即使以其最新的升级CLEO-c)仍无法与斯坦福的BaBar 机器和在日本的Belle B进行竞争。于是,在2008年3月3日将CLEO-c关闭,放进了垃圾桶。
3. 然而:2008年夏季,北京正负电子对撞机II(BEPCII)继承了CLEO-c作为魅力粒子工厂继续进行探测器工作。其质量能量中心高达4.6GeV吉电子伏特开始运行(见:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beijing_Electron%E2%80%93Positron_Collider_II ). 或见:
http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/may-2009/chasing-charm-in-china .
1974年由丁肇中博士发现的J粒子(J /ψ)就是魅力粒子家族的粒子。这个重大发现被称为十一月革命,这是为标准模型SM打下基础的重要工作。J粒子打开了SM的大门,原来的夸克模型只有两个夸克以及三代夸克粒子。但是,2008年以后,这扇门附近已经没有更多的物理粒子了。而在大门里面的房间和秘密隧道隐藏着更深的物理粒子,最秘密的房间是b夸克。b夸克是重子产生、CP对称破缺的关键。因此,2000年以后,几乎每个人都在做的b-物理。
2.Belle B工厂(在日本)
今天,所有这三个b-夸克系统仍然还在做着有重要意义的b-物理。刚刚过去的前几周(2017年4月18日)还报道,LHCb发现新的物理结果(见https://indico.cern.ch/event/580620/attachments/1442409/2226501/cern_2017 _04_18.pdf或https://home.cern/about/updates/2017/04/lhcb-finds-new-hints-possible-standard-model-deviations)。
问题是这个“阿尔法磁谱仪”AMS项目,2013年发现了未知反粒子。现在证明,这个发现并不是一个任何未知的宇宙的过程的产物(如超对称或暗物质)。然后,这个反质子的问题,它是否可以由已知的宇宙进程产生呢?LHCb接受了这个挑战,用精密测试。其结果已经报道(2017年3月27日),在我们的文章(中国”超级对撞机工程”争论的意见2,http://www.pptv1.com/?P = 990),最新数据表明,AMS系统反质子可以通过已知的宇宙过程解释。见https://home.cern/about/updates/2017/03/cosmic-collisions-lhcb-experiment(见下面的图)。
截至到目前,阿尔法磁谱仪AMS项目实验系统也还没有发现任何在100 TeV的范围内P-P大对撞机可能有什么发现的线索。没有任何新的物理作为100 TeV的P-P大对撞机的科学目标,丁肇中博士肯定是无法公开支持中国建造100 TeV大对撞机工程。
一、主要工作可以安排在μ子对撞机、等离子体尾场加速器,或许还有自由电子激光、超高频同步辐射等,这些都是世界领先的基础科学与应用技术。中国没有必要去建立一个Higgs工厂,中国CEPC没有必要去竞争和重复别人的工作:即将到来的hl-lhc(High Luminosity LHC)和日本的ILC。(http://hilumilhc.web.cern.ch/)
三,建造最大的中微子望远镜。最大的一个,目前是冰块立方,在南极,包括只有一立方千米的冰。我们提出:中国可以在南海建立一个深海中微子望远镜,深度3000至4000米深,大小是10×10英里面积,体积是200(10 x 10 x 2)立方英里的海洋深层水立方(水比冰的密度大,从而更加有效和更为强大中微子探测能力)。这既是中国领先世界的科学工程,又是极其重要的国防工程!大亚湾和深山岩洞的中微子探测已经积累了许多经验,继续努力实现这些最先进的高能物理实验系统和设施,这些项目有可能取得突破。