





201681-5日在清华大学的国际弦物理大会上,国际弦物理泰斗诺贝尔物理奖获得者David Gross教授认为,这个创新理论必须有原理性的假设原则,有一个完整的理论架构,有一系列的理论定律,有确定可计算的模型和参数。最终,这个理论要符合我们的现实世界的客观存在。





Supersymmetry Bet Settled With Cognac

Nobel-Prize-winning physicistDavid Gross,  “In the absence of any positive experimental evidence for supersymmetry,” Gross said, “it’s a good time to scare the hell out of the young people in the audience and tell them: ‘Don’t follow your elders. … Go out and look for something new and crazy and powerful and different. Different, especially.’ That’s definitely a good lesson. But I’m too old for that.”

在8月22日在慕尼黑的会上,David Gross教授告诉年轻人要走出原有理论,去发现新的理论,找到与旧理论完全不同的新路子。

而在8月6日的会议,David Gross教授最后说:他个人关心宇宙是否可理解,物理常数是否可计算,物理是否能统一。这既是主流物理还没有彻底解决的难题,也是他个人非常关心的大问题。


               Divide Gross 在清华大学的交流


Divide Gross 在人民大会堂交流,David Gross教授非常了不起!



86 与朋友中国科学院院长书记白春礼院士交流





创建了一个物理学系统和一个数学系统,并且具有同构和统一特性。这个大框架,我们称之为最终完全万物统一理论。(The Final Total Theory of Everything








First, Nature constants: Cosmology constant (https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/ ),

1.Cosmology constant () = {1/ (TOATL quantum action COUNT)}

= {1/ [1/ (ħ C) ^4 x T]}= {1/0.446 x 10 ^ 120}== 2.242 x 10^-120

2  Alpha = (1/137.03599…),


Secend. Planck CMB data (DE=69.22 % 、D=25.90 % 、V=4.86 %)


Third,Expanding universe with acceleration


Fourth: SM fermion zoo


A: Space、Time、Particles Model:

DS =(i^n1,i^n2,i^n3)* C * DT =N * C * DT  ………(Equation 0)

String 1 = (V,  A,  A 1) = {1st , red, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} = red up quark.

String 2 = (A,  V, V  1) = {1st , red, 1/3 e, ½ ħ} = red anti-down quark.

String 3 = (A,  A, V  1) = {1st , blue, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} =blue up quark.

String 7 = (A, A, A 1) = {1st, white (colorless), 1 e, ½ ħ} = +e (positron).

String 8 = (V, V, V 1) = {1st, white, 0 e, ½ ħ} = +e-neutrino.

String 9 = (V, A,  A 2) =  {2nd  ,red, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} = red charm quark.

String 48 = -(V, V, V 3) =  – {3rd, white, 0 e, ½ ħ} = anti-tau-neutrino.

This Equation0 describes THREE parameters (space, time and particles). Then,  48Strings=48 particles ,and 16 subspaces。


B Matter Structure


Fifth  Physics-TOE




See, http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html ,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/ andhttp://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html












Vision eulogy: the Post Checkmate Temper Tantrum fit (视觉悼词:被将军后症状)

Vision eulogy: the Post Checkmate Temper Tantrum fit

by tienzengong

Dr. David Gross (Nobel laureate) gave a “Vision speech” on August 5, 2016 at {Strings 2016 conference (http://ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn:8090/strings/ ) held at Tsinghua University, Beijing China}.

It not only is a great eulogy for String theory but is an ‘unconditional surrender declaration’ for the mainstream physics. This eulogy/declaration consists of only three simple points.

Point one, a framework is a hodgepodge, can rot but not be falsified.


Point two, String-theory is a framework, a big hodgepodge.


Point three, mainstream physics is trapped in a triangle hellfire dungeon, with no way out.


The first two points are the compliments of String theory in a nice eulogy. The last point is the total surrender declaration for the mainstream physics.

Indeed, the only way to rescue the mainstream physics is by solving these three hellfire dungeon curses: {(initial/boundary conditions), (essence of spacetime), uniqueness/unification}}.

One, uniqueness/unification: locked up the measuring rulers of this universe; the calculation of Alpha.

See http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html

Two, essence of spacetime: the rising of SM zoo and mass; calculating the Planck CMB data and Vacuum boson’s mass.

See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/

About the Higgs: see, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/before-lhc-run-2-begins-enough-jeh-tween-gong

See https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/before-lhc-run-2-begins-enough-jeh-tween-gong

Three, One, initial/boundary conditions: the calculation of Cosmology Constant.

See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/ and https://medium.com/@Tienzen/you-are-superficially-right-but-totally-wrong-in-the-deepest-point-188143a8b228#.80vcfsz3a

Now, the guarding curses of the hellfire dungeon which imprisons the mainstream are removed. The mainstream physics is now rescued, seehttps://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/08/13/mainstream-physics-rescued-from-the-hellfire-dungeon/ .

Yet, on a {15 year old “SUSY Bet” settlement event in Copenhagen on August 22, 2016}, most of the “SUSY Bet” losers (including Dr. David Gross) are still clinging on their SUSY-undead.

{“In the absence of any positive experimental evidence for supersymmetry,” Gross said, “it’s a good time to scare the hell out of the young people in the audience and tell them: ‘Don’t follow your elders. … Go out and look for something new and crazy and powerful and different. Different, especially.’ That’s definitely a good lesson. But I’m too old for that.”}

Gross is obviously going through the {first stage of grief}, the denial and giving up. Other deniers are more aggressive, proclaiming the {underdetermination} of the current situation. But, with the removing the three curses, the {underdetermination} of physics is no more, seehttps://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/08/20/underdetermination-of-physics-is-no-more/ .

See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/08/13/mainstream-physics-rescued-from-the-hellfire-dungeon/

After the {anger and depression}, David Gross (and all others) will definitely get a upward turn, as my Protégé Dr. Li xiaojian (Professor of North China University of Technology, Beijing, 100144, China) had showed this “G-string rescue” to Dr. David Gross and others.


This post checkmate temper tantrum fit will soon be over for sure.



The Final Total TOE (theory of everything)

For a Final total TOE, it must consist of, at least, three pillars:

One, physics-TOE

Two, life-TOE

Three, math-TOE

It must arises from a single FIRST PRINCIPLE.

And, it must make contact to ALL known facts (not theories).

This criteria is simple enough and is verifiable by every street walking person.

Section one: the philosophy

Wigner (in a 1969 essay) argued that {“the enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious”, and that “there is no rational explanation for it”.}

Wigner’s statement shows the current status of math which has a BASE totally disjoined from NATURE. The modern math INVENTed a set LANGUAGEs and plays a language game internally. Language by definition is recursively defined and is a machine for producing paradoxes and riddles.

Furthermore, the key point here is that the math-universe is a multiverse, with infinite many sub-universes while THIS physical universe is unique with many known attributes: nature constants, Planck CMB data, SM particle zoo, etc.

So, the key issue here is that:

One, is math ONLY as a great tool and language for describing physics? Or,

Two, {math universe} is totally isomorphic to the {physics universe}, the total universal structural realism.

Or, three, THIS unique physical universe of ours is just a happenstance in the physics-multiverse.

The answer from nature is {Two}, and this was the key point in the book {Super Unified Theory, US copyright TX 1-323-231} which describes this issue with three Chapters:

Chapter Seven – Colored numbers (page 53 – 61)

Chapter Eight – Chromology (page 62 – 69)

Chapter Nine – Unilogy (page 70 – 74)

Some of discussions of this issue were also post online over 20 years ago, see,

Unification of physics and mathematics, http://www.prequark.org/Mlaw.htm

and, Law of Creation, http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm

As the criteria is that all these three TOEs must arise from a single ‘First Principle’, there is no way to prove that the third TOE (math) is correct if we cannot show the details of two other TOEs. Thus, I will show the validity of math-TOE by showing the two other TOEs first.

Section two: physics-TOE

One, the first principle: {The essence of THIS universe is ‘NOTHINGNESS’, and it must remain to be nothingness}

Two, definition of ‘nothingness’: {timelessness and immutability}

Three, manifestation of timelessness: at every t, it must be ‘timelessness’ in essence.



Four, the equation of this ‘timelessness’: {Delta S = (i^n1, i^n2, i^n3) x C x Delta T} … Equation zero

S, space; T, time (real); C, light speed. (n1, n2, n3) take the value of {0, 1, 2, or 3}

Five, Equation zero generates 48 SM fermions, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/48-exact-number-for-number-of.html


Six, the manifestation of ‘immutability’: via Ghost-rascal, see  http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2014/02/ghost-rascal-conjecture-and-ultimate.html . Again, it generates 48 SM fermions.

Seven, the manifestation as force(s):

F (unified) = K*ħ/ (delta S*delta T), K is a coefficient constant … Equation one


This force (gravity) has two parts:

First, it moves the entire universe from {[here (now), now] to [here (next), next]}, and it causes the expansion of universe with acceleration.

Second, every individual particle interact with ALL particles in this universe via the {Real/Ghost symmetry}, with the strength measured with Newton’s gravity equation (distance is measured in the world (real) sheet).

See http://www.prequark.org/Gravity.htm

This physics-TOE has the following consequences:

Consequence one: universe expands with acceleration. See, http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html

Consequence two: uncertainty principle is the emergent of Equation one.

Consequence three: calculation of Alpha

See https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/totally-blind-deaf-googlefacebookblogosphere-era-jeh-tween-gong

Consequence four: calculation of Planck CMB data

See, https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/

Consequence five: calculation of Cosmology constant, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/

Consequence six: the Hierarchy problem

See https://medium.com/@Tienzen/why-making-something-easy-so-difficult-aae8e3715b6d#.6ko3u5dlf

Consequence seven: the physics-TOE,

See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/01/18/the-final-toe-theory-of-everything/


Section three: life-TOE

The highest EXPRESSION for life is {intelligence and consciousness}.

One, definition of ‘intelligence’:

Necessary condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).

Sufficient condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.

See http://www.prequark.org/Biolife.htm

Two, definition of ‘consciousness’:

Necessary condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.

Sufficient condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).


More about this ‘Theorem of Consciousness’, see Metaphysics of Linguistics, http://www.chinese-word-roots.org/cwr018.htm

More about this ‘Theorem of Consciousness’, see Metaphysics of Linguistics, http://www.chinese-word-roots.org/cwr018.htm .


Now, intelligence and consciousness are SEEDed in physics. Yet, the utmost EXPRESSION of life has a structure as a topological torus, having 7 color-codes.


With embedded intelligence and consciousness, life evolves INTELLIGENTly, see DEATHS OF TWO GODS,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/deaths-of-two-gods/ and, INTELLIGENT EVOLUTION,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2014/10/11/intelligent-evolution/

With embedded intelligence and consciousness, life evolves INTELLIGENTly, see DEATHS OF TWO GODS,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/deaths-of-two-gods/ and, INTELLIGENT EVOLUTION,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2014/10/11/intelligent-evolution/ .

With {intelligent evolution}, life-TOE is complete, and it unifies with the physics-TOE.


Section four: the math-TOE

There are three key points for the current mainstream math:

One, number line has the cardinality of continuum; that is, between any {two points}, there are ‘infinite’ numbers between them.

Two, there is ONE ‘number’ for each ‘point’ of the number line.

Three, Continuum Hypothesis is undecidable.


On the other hand, this math-TOE must have the followings:

One, number line has the cardinality of continuum; that is, between any {two points}, there are ‘infinite’ numbers between them.

Two, there are at least ‘TWO’ numbers for each ‘point’ of the number line. This is the key for the math-TOE.

Three, Continuum Hypothesis is false. I will not prove it here in a traditional way but will give an example (the bridge between two cardinalities).

First, we should renormalize the Godel’s incompleteness to regain the completeness in TOTALITY, seehttp://www.prequark.org/Create.htm . More detailed discussion is available at http://www.prebabel.info/lifesys.htm, completeness is regained in life-system via a renormalization process.

See http://www.prebabel.info/lifesys.htm


Second, there are at least two NUMBERs in each number-line POINT.


In the above graph, the ‘X’ point is the point A = 0. The point B is a moving point. When B moves to ‘X’, B = 12. That is, the point ‘X’ in fact has two numbers (0, 12)

In the above graph, the ‘X’ point is the point A = 0. The point B is a moving point. When B moves to ‘X’, B = 12. That is, the point ‘X’ in fact has two numbers (0, 12).


Third, Continuum Hypothesis is false; there is a bridge between two infinities.

See http://www.prebabel.info/newmath.htm

Fourth, more entanglement:

One: 1/3 = 1/2 – 1/4 + 1/8 – 1/16 + 1/32 – 1/64 + 1/128 – 1/256 + 1/512 – 1/1024 + 1/2048 -… +…

For 1/3 (with an odd number as the denominator), it can only be “reached” with the sum of a sequence of numbers with only the even numbers as the denominators, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2011/05/source-of-spontaneous-symmetry-breaking_13.html and http://www.prebabel.info/newmath.htm

Two: prime numbers cannot be reached via multiplication with nature numbers.

Three, Fermat’s last theorem: the sum of two nature number cannot be reached via the same algebra operation.


Each point (number) is in fact entangled with (or reachable by/from) infinite number of other numbers. For example, 3 is linked to 1/3, {3^n, integers}, {3 ^ (-n), irrational}, etc.

This ‘number entanglement’ is the base for the third cardinality.


Fifth, the ‘HOLE’ point contains infinite number of geometrical points.

See http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm


With the above, we can reconstruct the NUMBER line as follow:

One, with the “number entanglement’, there are three cardinalities: countable, uncountable, the bridge (pseudo-uncountable).


Two, there are three ‘zeros’, in correspondence to the three infinities.

0 (c) = 1/countable

0 (u) = 1/uncountable

0 (p) = 1/pseudo-uncountable


Three, every POINT on the number line has three different NUMBERS.

4 + 0 (c) = C4

4 + 0 (u) = U4

4 + 0 (p) = P4

Yet, these three different ‘4’ cannot be distinguished algebraically or by any known math operations. That is, for some numbers A < > (not the same as) B, {A – B = 0}.

Now, there are two theorems:

Theorem 1: between two ‘points’ of number line, there are infinite ‘numbers’.

Theorem 2: between two ‘numbers’, there could have either infinite or finite numbers.


Four, this ‘number entanglement’ does show up by having three different kind of numbers:

First, with countable digits, such as 3 = 3.0000… (the c-number).

Second, with uncountable digits, such as Pi = 3.14… (the u-number)

Third, with pseudo-uncountable digits, such as 2 ^(1/2) = 1.414… (the p-number)


Five, with a seed number {1}, we can construct the entire number line (including three infinities) with a 7-color code system.

See http://www.prequark.org/Fermat.htm


Section five: The map of Final TOE

I have constructed the physics-TOE from the first principle together with two manifested equations, as below.

The first principle: {The essence of THIS universe is ‘NOTHINGNESS’, and it must remain to be nothingness}; definition of ‘nothingness’: {timelessness and immutability}


{Delta S = (i^n1, i^n2, i^n3) x C x Delta T} … Equation zero

F (unified) = K*ħ/ (delta S*delta T), K is a coefficient constant … Equation one


At this point, there is seemingly a major difference between math and physics.

Physics manifests IN time/space (the equation zero), and thus it is constrained in Energy (an expression of space/time). Thus, physics universe is a FINITUDE.

On the other hand, math manifests IN nothingness {the union of zero(s) and infinities)}.

Thus, the evolution of math has no physical constrain and can have infinite expressions while physics universe is unique (no multiverse). The physics-multiverse is denounced at here,http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/10/multiverse-bubbles-are-now-all-burst-by.html

While math evolution can lead to multi-math-universe (arbitrary constructions, such as the Grassman, Quaternion and Octonions numbers), its BASE (the basic lego pieces) is totally NATURE (total Platonism: basic math lego pieces are timeless entities, independent of the physical world and of the symbols used to represent them.) while the human-math is all about the ‘construction’ of ‘structures’.

As the Continuum Hypothesis is undecidable in the set theory, it is valid to select a third cardinality as a new axiom. But, no. This third cardinality is not a humanly selected axiom but is a part of nature’s math basic lego pieces. The reason for the insistence of this is that it is the only way to DERIVE the physics universe from math-universe.

By knowing the difference between the two, the only way to DERIVE the physics universe from math-universe is by transforming infinities into FINITUDE (same as creating something from nothing).


In math universe, the finite numbers are produced by the INVERSE operation of infinities. Yet, transforming infinites into physics-universe (a finitude), they (infinities) must be transformed into CONCRETE objects. And, this was done with two Platonic equations.

One: 1/3 = 1/2 – 1/4 + 1/8 – 1/16 + 1/32 – 1/64 + 1/128 – 1/256 + 1/512 – 1/1024 + 1/2048 -… +…  (trisecting an angle, taking countable steps); countable infinity is now transformed into a concrete object (A: angultron, a trisected angle)


Two: pi / 4 = 1 – 1/3 + 1/5 – 1/7 + 1/9 – 1/11 + 1/13 – … + … (with “countable” infinite steps to reach ‘uncountable digits’); uncountable infinity is now transformed into a unit circle (which gives rise to space/time equation zero; the 64 subspaces: 48 fermions and 16 dark energy).

See, http://www.prebabel.info/newmath.htm ,

http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2011/05/source-of-spontaneous-symmetry-breaking_13.html   and



That is, the math-universe (infinities) gives rise to the physics-universe. Of course, I will give more evidences to show this point.

One, the generalization of a circle is elliptic curve, and the fermion is described with elliptic curve.



See https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/03/16/nothingness-vs-nothing-there-the-quantum-gravity/ .


Two, In addition to this {infinite to finitude} transformation, the key essence of these two equations is the {number entanglement: odd numbers can only be reached by even numbers, and vice versa}. This number entanglement is also the source for quantum (gravity) entanglement.

The essence of the math-universe to physics-universe transformation is all about infinities and the pathways of their concretization. That is, the key equation is,

A – b = 0, but A is not b.

This means that most of numbers are unreachable by finite means (arithmetic and algebra operations), as every *finite* number is the concretization of infinities, and it does carry a tail with infinite digits. That is, for any selected number *A*, it is surrounded by zillions (at least two) neighborhood numbers which are not distinguishable from the number *A* by all means. Thus, all those unreachable (indistinguishable from the number *A*) numbers must be color-coded, such as, b = A (red), = A (blue) or = A (green), etc.; that is, A (x) – b = 0.

Yet, there is always a number C, and

A – C > 0

The largest C cannot truly be determined with finite means. But, in principle, there is always *a* largest C in the physical universe *with* finite means (by measurement). That is,

A – C = g

Although we do not know the exact value for g, g is larger than 0 (g > 0). In the math universe, g is un-determined and can approach the concept of *continuity*. Yet, in the finite (physical) universe, this g becomes the smallest *deterministic unit*, distinguishing the number *C* from the number *A*. Indeed, for the *physical* universe, the g can actually be determined. Let,

X-axis as space, thus, the (delta S > =g).

Y-axis as momentum, the (delta P >= g).

So, (delta P) x (delta S) >= g^2


In physics, the photon is the medium for causality (see Constants of Nature, http://www.prequark.org/Constant.htm). Thus, the smallest *deterministic* unit (for causality) in the physical universe is (photon / c), c is the light speed.  That is, in the physical universe, g^2 = (photon / c).


Yet, photon is the result of the interaction of e (electron).

So, g^2 = (photon /c) = (e^2/c), e is electric charge.

In the article “The Rise of Gravity and Electric Charge, (http://www.prequark.org/Gravity.htm )”, the e-charge is,


e (charge) = (L * C)^(1/2) = [(1/2) ħ * C]^(1/2); L the angular momentum, C light speed, ħ (Planck constant).

So, g^2 = ħ * C / C = ħ,

Thus, (delta P) x (delta S) > = g^2 >= ħ

Now, the uncertainty principle of physics is the direct consequence of the *Nature math*, the essence of infinities and of unreachable of numbers (the number entanglement), see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/10/multiverse-bubbles-are-now-all-burst-by.html

With this *derivation*, this new paradigm is fully verified. Yet, there is one very important additional point. That is, this major essence of the *unreachable numbers* is swept away in the human math by the concept of *continuity*. That is, the human math is completely unaware of this *Nature math*.


Three, this {number entanglement} is also the source for Fermat’s last theorem and abc-conjecture, and they are closely related to the elliptic curves. Fermat’s Last Theorem was proved by using elliptic curves but still not knowing the essence of the theorem: the entanglement caused by the colored numbers. In fact, this colored number is the SOURCE for the Fermat’s last theorem, see The Philosophical Meanings of Fermat’s Last Theorem,http://www.prequark.org/Fermat.htm .


Four, topologically a complex elliptic curve is a torus (can be defined with 7 color-codes) which is the BASE for consciousness via the Theorem of consciousness (Ringel-Youngs theorem).



Section six: conclusion

One: Physics TOE

First principle: {The essence of THIS universe is ‘NOTHINGNESS’, and it must remain to be nothingness}; definition of ‘nothingness’: {timelessness and immutability}


First, Nature constants: Cosmology constant (https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/ ), Alpha = (1/137.03599…), etc.

Second, Planck CMB data (DE=69.22 % 、D=25.90 % 、V=4.86 %)

Third, expanding universe with acceleration

Fourth, SM fermion zoo


See, http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html ,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/ andhttp://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html


Two: Math-TOE — First principle in math as {nothingness = 1/infinit(ies)}


First, {colored number/number entanglement: 0 (c) = 1/countable; 0 (u) = 1/uncountable; 0 (p) = 1/pseudo-uncountable} with 7 colors {1, c-numbers, p-numbers, u-numbers, countable, uncountable, pseudo-uncountable}.

Second, Fermat’s last theorem, ABC conjecture, etc.

Third, describing physics TOE

Fourth, as a base for life TOE


Math-universe is built up with arbitrary constructions by using a “lego base”, but this {Lego Base} is not a construction but is totally nature, expressed from the {First Principle} which gives rise to physics-universe too.

Math-universe is built up with arbitrary constructions by using a “lego base”, but this {Lego Base} is not a construction but is totally nature, expressed from the {First Principle} which gives rise to physics-universe too.


Three: Life TOE — Intelligence + Consciousness

First, definition of ‘intelligence’:

Necessary condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).

Sufficient condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.


Second, definition of ‘consciousness’:

Necessary condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.

Sufficient condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).

See http://www.prequark.org/Biolife.htm


Four, on a deeper level, physics TOE is derived from math by concretizing infinities.



Five, physics/math/life are totally unified.



See http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm

See http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm


Note 1: in 2014, Max Tegmark published a book “Our Mathematical Universe” which promotes an idea of {the mathematical universe hypothesis (MUH)} with the central point as: {Our external physical reality is a mathematical structure. That is, the physical universe is mathematics in a well-defined sense, and “in those [worlds] complex enough to contain self-aware substructures [they] will subjectively perceive themselves as existing in a physically ‘real’ world”.} His key idea is similar to mine but with the following giant differences.

One, Tegmark does not and did not know any physics-TOE; so, his idea is just a philosophy, no way to unify physics and math.


Two, this math-TOE is totally based on the colored numbers (the third cardinality) and the number entanglement, and Tegmark does not have any idea of these.

Three, Tegmark reached his conclusion for multiverse from two confusions:

First, (1/Alpha) is not computable, at least not in countable steps, and this is absolutely wrong.

Second, that there are unlimited (if not infinite) math-structures in comparison to a unique physical universe. In my math-TOE, math and physics have the same BASE lego set while physics manifests in the arrow of time (being constrained by energy) while math manifests in the essence of nature (the timelessness). The multiverse bullcrap is denounced in the article {Multiverse bubbles are now all burst by the math of Nature,http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/10/multiverse-bubbles-are-now-all-burst-by.html }.


Note 2: this article is written as a part of presentation {(Modeling universe by G-string theory) at “Strings 2016 (http://ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn:8090/strings/ )” held at Tsinghua University, Beijing China (from August 1 to 5, 2016)} and will be handed out as handout at {The 7th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM 2016),  held from Aug. 6 to Aug. 11, 2016 in Beijing} by my colleague Dr. Li xiaojian (Professor of North China University of Technology, Beijing, 100144, China).



The Great Gong Show:The Final Total TOE (五幕大功秀:终极全统理论)

The Great Gong Show:The Final Total TOE

Episode One: Physics TOE


First principle: {The essence of THIS universe is ‘NOTHINGNESS’, and it must remain to be nothingness}; definition of ‘nothingness’: {timelessness and immutability}


First, Nature constants: Cosmology constant (https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/ ),

1.Cosmology constant () = {1/ (TOATL quantum action COUNT)}

= {1/ [1/ ( ħ xC) ^4 x T]}= {1/0.446 x 10 ^ 120}== 2.242 x 10^-120

2  Alpha = (1/137.03599…),


Secend. Planck CMB data (DE=69.22 % 、D=25.90 % 、V=4.86 %)


Third,Expanding universe with acceleration


Fourth: SM fermion zoo


A: Space、Time、Particles Model:

DS =(i^n1,i^n2,i^n3)* C * DT =N * C * DT  ………(Equation 0)

String 1 = (V,  A,  A 1) = {1st , red, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} = red up quark.

String 2 = (A,  V, V  1) = {1st , red, 1/3 e, ½ ħ} = red anti-down quark.

String 3 = (A,  A, V  1) = {1st , blue, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} =blue up quark.

String 7 = (A, A, A 1) = {1st, white (colorless), 1 e, ½ ħ} = +e (positron).

String 8 = (V, V, V 1) = {1st, white, 0 e, ½ ħ} = +e-neutrino.

String 9 = (V, A,  A 2) =  {2nd  ,red, 2/3 e, ½ ħ} = red charm quark.

String 48 = -(V, V, V 3) =  – {3rd, white, 0 e, ½ ħ} = anti-tau-neutrino.

This Equation0 describes THREE parameters (space, time and particles). Then,  48Strings=48 particles ,and 16 subspaces。


B Matter Structure


Fifth  Physics-TOE




See, http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html , https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/ and http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html


Episode Two: Math-TOE


First principle in math as {nothingness = 1/infinit(ies)}


First, {colored number/number entanglement: 0 (c) = 1/countable; 0 (u) = 1/uncountable; 0 (p) = 1/pseudo-uncountable} with 7 colors {1, c-numbers, p-numbers, u-numbers, countable, uncountable, pseudo-uncountable}.

Second, Fermat’s last theorem, ABC conjecture, etc.

Third, describing physics TOE

Fourth, as a base for life TOE





Math-universe is built up with arbitrary constructions by using a “lego base”, this {Lego Base} is not a construction by, but is totally nature, expressed from the {First Principle} which gives rise to physics-universe too


Episode  Three: Life TOE



Intelligence + Consciousness

First, definition of ‘intelligence’:

Necessary condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).

Sufficient condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.


Second, definition of ‘consciousness’:

Necessary condition: the ability to distinguish self from others.

Sufficient condition: there is a ‘counting’ device (counting strews, abacus or Turing computer).




See http://www.prequark.org/Biolife.htm


Episode Four, on a deeper level, physics TOE is derived from math by concretizing infinities.


The physical TOE will be verified by solid foundation of the unified physics. Where someone may view that: the Vacumtron V=1/3(+e-neutrino )=1595819 BSU(Basic Space Unit), while Angletron A=1/3(+e).=1/3(400V +). But, We even have a deeper understanding  about the universe.

There is no singularity in G String. Therefore, the conservation of energy and mass, the conservation of momentum and angular momentum will keep work even in the black holes.

Episode Five, physics/math/life are totally unified.



Therefore, this universe is the unified universe!

see http://www.pptv1.com/?page_id=350

See http://www.prequark.org/Create.htm


The Totality in Mathematics and Physics(数学和物理中的整体性问题)

The Totality in Mathematics and Physics

Li Xiao-Jian1)  Gong Jeh-Tween 2)

  • (Department of Automation, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China)
  • (Institute of Chinese Etymology, Diamond Bar, CA 91765, USA)
  • co author. E-mail: tienzen.gong@gmail.com Tel:(626)369-0926

Abstract: There are many paradoxes in mathematics , as well as in physics, which are caused by the symmetry breaking processes from totality. In revers, the totality can be reached by unification processes. By understanding of the concepts of Symmetry; Symmetry breaking; Complementarity (mutual exclusive); Mutual immanence (mutual inclusive),and Totality, we will reach the final truth.

 1.Mathematical way of thinking

A few hundred years ago, Descartes, Euler and many others believed mathematics to be the accurate description of real phenomena and they regarded their work as the uncovering of the mathematical design of the universe. Today, almost all mathematicians believe that mathematics is no longer absolute but arises arbitrarily. So, mathematicians can arbitrarily choose a set of definitions to construct a new mathematics. After the discovery of Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem, even the self-contradiction of a system is no longer a criterion to invalidate a new mathematics.

Strong point: Seemingly, there is no restriction (such as experimental verification, philosophical reflection, etc.) as the domain boundary in mathematics, that is, there is seemingly no unthinkable issue in mathematics. On the contrary, quite a few issues are unprovable in mathematics, such as, Goldbach’s conjecture, etc..

Shortcomings: Mathematical way of thinking still cannot encompass the other ways of thinking,like the physics experiments,and philosophical thinking.

2.The beginning of the beginning

Philosophically, if there is a creator before the Beginning, the Beginning is not the beginning. Thus, the  religious reasoning and conviction cannot be understood and supported by philosophy.
Today, quantum cosmology understands the detailed evolution processes of Big Bang from its first one-trillionth of a second to now but is unable to explain what before the Big Bang was.
Many physicists proclaim, “What came before the Big Bang? This is a meaningless question, given that space and time themselves came into being in the Big Bang. Without time, there can be no ‘before,’ just as without space there can be no ‘outside.’

There can be ‘before’ before time, that is, the timelessness which is the complement of time. With the concept of the complementarity, this unthinkable issue will become thinkable.


Russell paradox: proposition A states “All propositions are true,” and proposition B states “Proposition A is false.” Obviously, proposition B must be true if proposition A is true. But, if B is true then A must be false.

Grelling paradox: A word is said to be “autological” if and only if it applies to itself.

Every paradox always contains two truths, but they must be directly opposite of each other both in their meaning and in their internal reasoning processes. Seemingly, every paradox is always unthinkable.

4.How to think about the unthinkable

Seemingly, all paradoxes are always unthinkable. So the solution for thinking about the unthinkable lies in finding out the cause of the paradox. Both the Russell and Grelling paradoxes are caused by a symmetry-breaking process.
The Russell paradox is caused by the attempt to categorize the world with a definition, “what is true?” This categorizing and defining procedure is a symmetry-breaking process. The Russell paradox is created by breaking a symmetry, the totality. When the null term ” T” (the totality) is replaced by “true”, the symmetry of the null proposition (all propositions are “T “) is broken, and the new proposition (all propositions are “true”) creates a paradox with “false”.
Grelling got himself into his predicament by inventing definitions for autological and heterological. Every definition always acts as a symmetry-breaking procedure, separating a totality (symmetry) into categories.

Nonetheless, all paradoxes can be reconciled in two ways, downward or upward solution. The downward solution is obtained by a further downward symmetry-breaking with a new proposition: All propositions “except proposition B” are true. The upward solution is obtained by removing the first symmetry-breaking which causes the problem, and the null symmetry (the totality) is regained.
So, all unthinkable issues will become thinkable when the following concepts are understood.


5.1 Symmetry

5.2 Symmetry breaking:

  1. Complementarity (mutual exclusive)
  2. Mutual immanence (mutual inclusive)

Symmetry always connotes chaos, degrees of freedom. A square peg can go into its mating hole in four ways, a hexagon peg into its mating hole in six ways. The higher the symmetry, the higher the chaos. The highest symmetry has the utmost chaos. For example, a round peg can go into its mating hole in infinite ways.

Symmetry-breaking — complementarity

In physics, most natural symmetries are broken by a special symmetry-breaking process — the spontaneous-symmetry breaking (SSB). For example, a pencil standing upright on its tip can fall in any direction. The probabilities are equal in all directions. So that probability function has a symmetry. But, when the pencil actually falls, the symmetrical probability will be broken into one reality.
The nature phenomena of spontaneous symmetry-breaking were expressed as Copenhagen Interpretation (CI) in quantum physics — the principle of complementarity which consists of three parts.

  1. A “whole” (totality) must consist of two opposite parts.
  2. These two opposite parts must be mutually exclusive.
  3. These two opposite parts are complementary to each other.

In physics, this principle of complementarity is expressed as Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. In quantum physics, the entire universe is divided into two mutually exclusive but complementary parts. Then, these opposite parts are paired together, position versus momentum, time versus energy, etc., and only one of the two parts can be truly known with a high precision of accuracy by any type of consciousness not only in practice but also in principle according to CI.


Totality is an indivisible symmetry. To break the totality symmetry will create three parts (not two) — totality (itself remains), part one and the symmetry partner of part one. Part one and its partner are always forming a paradox. (Note: to break a symmetry which is not totality will not always create paradox). In physics, it manifests as spooky action or uncertainty principle. In mathematics, it manifests as Godel’s incompleteness theorem.

6.1 Totality in physics (Spooky action and Quantum Entanglement)

Aspect’s experiment leads to the conclusion that the universe cannot be understood by the sum of its parts because the whole (the totality) is utterly indivisible. In fact, all isolated entities can be assumed to have interacted at some point (such as at Big Bang) in the history of the cosmos.
Seemingly, you and I are separated individuals. But, we are linked together in this meeting by our thinking communication. We are linked together by a human society, that is, I am wearing the shoes you made and you are eating the grain I produced.

In fact, our inseparableness is seeded long before our existence. All life forms we know of are carbon-based with water as a chemical solvent. Every heavy atom in our bodies — whether potassium, iron, calcium, carbon, oxygen or nitrogen — had to be produced by the nuclear fusion process (the so-called carbon-oxygen-nitrogen cycle) in the core of stars. Not only is life the reincarnation of those dead celestial bodies, but the calcium in your bones could be the by-product of the iron in my blood.
In short, the totality is absolutely indivisible.

6.2 Totality in mathematics
— Godel’s incompleteness theorem


Pic.1 The unification of paradoxes

Today, many physicists believe that physics is complete. Given the laws of physics, the universe can, so to speak, take care of itself, including its own creation. But physics is framed in mathematics, and mathematics is incomplete according to Godel’s incompleteness theorem which warns us that the axiomatic method of making logical deductions from given assumptions cannot in general provide a system which is both provably complete and consistent. There will always be truth that lies beyond, that cannot be reached from a finite collection of axioms.
Since every mathematics system is built upon definitions and axioms, and since all definitions and axioms are symmetry-breaking processes, all mathematical systems must be broken subsystems from a higher symmetry. The incompleteness theorem is, in fact, pointing out the vivid reality of totality in terms of mathematics.
Thus, a mathematics system can suck in a countable number of axioms but can still and must puke up at least one undecidable statement. In short, the first principle (the totality) will always the last dead end, and will burn a hole in every mathematics system invented by men. See the graph on the Pic.1.

  1. Mutual Immanence

Although the notion of complementarity accepts the concept of totality in its logical framework, its methodology tries to divide this totality into two mutually exclusive parts. However, the uncertainty principle also means mutual inclusive. See the graph on the Pic.2.


Pic. 2 Mutual immanence

In fact, the indivisible totality which is pointed out by the spooky action can only be understood with a mutually inclusive complementarity, that is, the mutual immanence.
Mutual immanence can best be understood in terms of Chinese philosophy — the Yin and Yang. In time of conflict, yin and Yang are opposite forces. In constancy, they not only complement each other but are imbedded in each other. After reaching their full strength, they transform into the opposite. That is, Yang becomes Yin and Yin becomes Yang.
Mutual immanence is similar to complementarity but with much deeper meanings. Complementarity consists of opposites which are mutually exclusive. Mutual immanence are opposites which are mutually inclusive to make a whole. Consider several pairs of opposites: whole-parts, cause-effect, good-bad, universal -particular. Yet, is there not something about both of the two in each pair that makes them alike?

Today,the quantum computation and communication becomes the most advanced high-tech, which is base on quantum entanglement and the mutual immanence.


All paradox issues become thinkable as soon as the following three concepts are understood.




B:Mutual immanence


The validity of all unprovable truths (or theories) of  mathematics and physics can be obtained by this new method.



[1]. Jeh-Tween Gong, The Divine Constitution,Chicago, Adams Press, ISBN 0-916713 -05-9,1992

[2]http://www.prequark.org/Na1.htm,  How to Think About the Unprovable and the Unthinkable

[3]《物理世界与数学世界的统一问题》, http://www.pptv1.com/?p=21

[4]Jeh-Tween Gong,  Super Unified Theory , US copyright TX 1–323–231,  1984
[5] Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong,Truth, Faith, and Life , Adams Press, Chicago. 1990, ISBN 0-916713-04-0

[6]  Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong,Linguistics Manifesto  ISBN 978-3-8383-9722-1,

[7] https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/

[8] http://www.prequark.org/Ftoe.htm


[10] http://www.prequark.org/pq11.htm

[11] http://www.prebabel.info/

[12] http://www.prequark.org/Pq1.htm

[13] 科学方法的正确性问题 , http://www.pptv1.com/?p=324



黑洞理论,霍金你错了N回!/Bob paradox = Sum {wrong (i)}

错误的悖论=总和(事实(i))+ 总和(错误(i))

N=错误次数求和 {错误的悖论(i),i-physcists =1,2,3,4。。。}

I   一段简史
然而,有I = 1(Stephen Hawking),他提出以下声称。

然后,i= 2(李奥纳特•苏士侃和Larus Thorlacius,和其他一些人),他们提出了以下要求。

没完,还有i= 3(Ahmed Almheiri,Donald Marolf,Joseph Polchinski,和James Sully),他们宣称。

嗯,演出必须继续下去。所以,i= 4(Stephen Hawking,Andrew Strominger,Malcolm J. Perry)。当然,所有这些错误的最简单的方法就是谴责“无毛发”定理。所以,他们现在宣称所有的黑洞都有‘毛’。

嗯,可能有一些原始黑洞(大爆炸的结果,不是超新星过程的结果),它们有更小的质量。黑洞的温度与它的质量成反比。要使黑洞的温度大于2.7 K(并且能够蒸发),它需要比Moon少的质量,这样一个黑洞的直径将小于第十毫米,现在它可以蒸发。在最后一个蒸发阶段,一个原始黑洞会发出伽马射线,这应该是可以探测到的。对这种闪光的搜索已证明是不成功的,并对存在低质量原始黑洞的可能性提出了严格的限制。然而,NASA在2008发射的费米伽马射线太空望远镜将继续搜寻这些闪光。

根据M理论,应该有一些微型原始黑洞。对于一个质量1 TeV/C2的黑洞,大型强子对撞机(I)它可以检测到。但是,迄今为止还没有发现这样的微小黑洞,包括迄今为止的LHC(II)数据。


其二,这个新的熵,热拉尔’t Hooft和李奥纳特•苏士侃发现了全息原理,这表明任何一个时空发生的过程可以通过对该时空的边界数据描述。
其三、与全息原理,Juan Maldacena在1997发现的AdS/CFT对应性。这个AdS/CFT成为M理论问题的大救星。
今天,这个AdS/ CFT对应性是主流物理学的超越标准模型物理唯一有效的方法。



Paul Steinhardt’s remorse, Popperianism and Beauty-Contest

Note: Stephen Hawking conceded for stirring up this ‘dead-skeleton lost’- paradox at this point.


重力很简单,它可以把百事可乐(坐在我休息的桌子上)从{这里,现在]转到[这里,下一个] }。而且,它需要一个力F(重力)来完成它。
F(重力)= K *ħ/(ΔS×Δt),k是一个常数。
第三,重力必须 瞬时 和 同时 作用 (在这个宇宙中的所有粒子)。重力绝对不会以光速传播,尽管重力波(重力的属性)是。万有引力不是“局部的”。但是,我坐在桌子上的百事可乐罐的重力是:
F(百事重力)=Gm{求和[M(i)/ R(i)^ 2 ] } …..A方程

当一个物体的重力(比如百事可乐)的重力是用A方程式计算出来的,重力传输是通过“普朗克时间”,重力的真正定义是它把整个宇宙从现在移动到下一个}。参见, HTTP:/ / www.prequark.org /gravity.htm 详情。


一、宇宙自诞生以来的每一点信息(大爆炸)都是用一个详细的簿记记录的,宇宙学常数(cc)。通过比较计算CC和测量,我们将知道是否有任何信息丢失。我的计算表明,没有信息丢失,看到 https: / / tienzengong.WordPress.COM / 2016 / 04 / 24 /熵量子引力宇宙学常数/ 。

这是a {自由},粒子在其余条件总是在盒子的盒子),AS是不接收任何外部的力和力不出任何项目。
因此,中子在中子星A A是一个自由的粒子。
一杆(或箱)有一英尺长(RA,RB,[米] = 1),有一个在潮汐力杆(或盒(箱)),如果它不是一个自由粒子一紧凑的对象(源的潮汐重力)
潮汐力(a,b)= f(r)-(的R – 1)= f(a,b)的TF
f(a)= F(R,R)是一个长途的中心点,填充的对象。
f(b)= f(r + 1),不要一米远离中心。
如果潮汐力是足够强的分手的“中子”,成为“IT黑洞的史瓦西半径约10英里’for a 3太阳质量的黑洞。把所有强子的粒子是分开的。
四,事件视界是本面条化spaghettification innermost圈区。
重力是整个宇宙的一个动作力这是量子单位,参见:http:/ /  prebabel.blogspot.com /2013-11 -为什么是黑暗能量的补充性原则universe.html 量子重力。

当g-quark /轻子弦(线)卷曲成环的字符串,夸克的色荷和代中和(不破坏)。所以,当一个粒子(中子,质子,电子或其他)落入黑洞,它成为一个环串,所有的电荷中和而保守。当它们被辐射出去以后(如果有的话),环重新拉直以恢复它们的电荷。也就是说,没有信息丢失,也没有获得。





Alice/Bob paradox = Sum {wrong (i)}

by tienzengong

For any genuine paradox (G-paradox), it must have two FACTs which lead to CONTRADICTORY results.

In Chapter three of {The Divine Constitution (ISBN 0916713067,9780916713065, see https://books.google.com/books?id=8MMzPwAACAAJ&dq=inauthor:%22Gong+Jeh-Tween%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=9oDyT9z8E-PO2wWznf2fAg )}, it states: every G-paradox (such as, the Grelling autological paradox, Cantor’s paradox, Russell set paradox, etc.) can be resolved in two ways.

One, there must be a higher symmetry which is able to unify the contradiction.

Two, the contradiction can always be removed by further symmetry breaking.

However, for a wrong-paradox, it is defined with the following equation:

Sum (fact (i)) + sum (error (i)) = wrong-paradox

For, i = {physcists}

I: A brief history

With this definition, we can now review the {Alice/Bob (black hole information) paradox}.

First, some facts.

One, according to GR (general relativity), some stars (with about 3 times of Sun’s mass, 3 M☉ (the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit)) would collapse into a stellar black hole (a region that even lights cannot get out or escape) which has an event horizon (having Schwarzschild radius).

Two, this stellar black hole should be ‘hairless’, that is, having only three macro-parameters (mass, electric charge, and angular momentum) without any other variables (hairs).

Note 1, at this point, there is no paradox. This stellar black hole is a burial site for a once living star while all the quantum information of the star were buried (as a dead skeleton) but not lost.

Yet, there is i = 1 (Stephen Hawking), and he made the following CLAIMs.

One, black hole is a black body, and thus it should have THERMAL-radiation (photons).

Two, this thermal radiation of black hole will lead to the eventual TOTAL evaporation of the black hole.

Three, this thermal radiation is not a carrier for any dead-skeleton (information).

So, the conclusion is that when this burial site (black hole) is totally evaporated, no dead-skeleton can be found while they were not carried out by the outgoing vapors (the thermal radiation, the photons). So, the dead-skeleton is simply lost (the black hole information paradox). But, this conclusion is in conflict (contradicting) with the laws of quantum mechanics.

Now, we have a ‘dead-skeleton lost’ paradox.

Then, there are i = 2 (Leonard Susskind and Larus Thorlacius, and some others), and they made the following CLAIMs.

One, the vapors are virtual particle pairs (Alice and Bob, not thermal photons) which are constantly being created near the horizon of the black hole, and one of them (always Alice) falls into the hole while Bob escapes.

Two, the escaping Bob will eventual lead to the TOTAL evaporation of that black hole.

Three, as Alice and Bob are entangled twins (only different in sex), all information of doomed Alice can be recovered from Bob.

The conclusion: although Alice’s dead-skeleton was lost forever, her SOUL is preserved in her twin-brother Bob via the quantum entanglement. So, there is no ‘dead-skeleton (information) lost’ paradox.



Note: Stephen Hawking conceded for stirring up this ‘dead-skeleton lost’- paradox at this point.

Finally, there is i = 3 (Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Marolf, Joseph Polchinski, and James Sully), and they CLAIMed the followings.

One, Alice was not killed in vain, as she puffs out a bit blue light during her last breath (of course in accordance to the law of GR), and that little blue light made the black hole’s event horizon a bit bluer.

Two, after enough (when about half of the black hole has evaporated) blue light accumulated, the event horizon becomes a firewall for any new infalling Alice who will be fried and never be able to go into the hole. That is, in all practical senses, the HOLE has disappeared (nothing can fall in anymore).


Is the un-evaporated half-black hole still there (as a reality)?

If it is still there, how can it evaporate from this point on?

If it keeps evaporating somehow, what happen to the remaining ‘dead skeleton”? As the complementarity scheme can no longer work for firewall enclosed black hole, is the remaining ‘dead skeleton” lost or not?

Well, the SHOW must keep going. So, there is i = 4 (Stephen Hawking, Andrew Strominger,  Malcolm J. Perry). Of course, the easiest way out for all those wrongs is to denounce the ‘no-hair’-theorem. So, they now CLAIM that all black holes have ‘HAIRs’.

But, but, but, LIGO just announced that it observed ‘gravitational wave’ which was produced by the collision of two black holes. Yet, in its calculation (from and with that observed gravitational wave), these two colliding black holes have ‘NO-HAIRs’. Furthermore, the amount of Hawking block hole hairs might not be ENOUGH to carry all the dead-skeleton.

For a (any) stellar black hole, it has in fact NO Hawking THERMAL radiation in any practical sense, as the apparent temperature of black hole is much colder than the ambient temperature (about 2.7 Kelvin). That is, instead of radiating out, a (any) stellar black hole will absorb thermal radiation from its surroundings. No (absolutely not) stellar black hole formed from the supernova process can evaporate up to now or in a foreseeable future (at least twice the life time of this universe).

Then, why is this ‘dead-skeleton’ paradox still going?

Well, there could be some primordial black holes (result of Big Bang, not from the supernova process) which have much smaller mass. And, the black hole temperature is inversely proportional to its mass. To have a black hole temperature larger than 2.7 K (and be able to evaporate), it would need a mass less than the Moon, and such a black hole would have a diameter of less than a tenth of a millimeter, and it can evaporate by now. During its last stage of evaporation, a primordial black hole can give out burst of gamma rays, which should be detectable. Searches for such flashes have proven unsuccessful and provide stringent limits on the possibility of existence of low mass primordial black holes. However, NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope launched in 2008 will continue the search for these flashes.

If the prospect of the primordial black holes is not good, again, why is this ‘dead-skeleton’ paradox still going?

Well, there should have some kind of micro-black holes according to the M-string theory. For a black hole of mass 1 TeV/c2, it could be detected at LHC (Run I). But, no such a micro-black hole was found thus far, including the LHC (Run II) data thus far.

Again, why is this ‘dead-skeleton (information)’ paradox still going?

They said: there are some great discoveries during the above history.

One, a new kind of entropy:

Hawking showed under general conditions that the total area of the event horizons of any collection of classical black holes can never decrease, even if they collide and merge. This becomes the second law of black hole mechanics, remarkably SIMILAR to the second law of thermodynamics. With the mass acting as energy, the surface gravity as temperature and the area as entropy, there is a new type of entropy.

This is the Bekenstein–Hawking entropy (S) of a black hole, which depends on the area of the black hole (A). The constants are the speed of light (c), the Boltzmann constant (k),Newton’s constant (G), and the reduced Planck constant (ħ).

In classical entropy, black holes should have near-zero entropy. But with this new type of entropy, Bekenstein claimed that black holes are maximum entropy objects—that they have more entropy than anything else in the same volume.

Two, with this new entropy, Gerard ‘t Hooft and Leonard Susskind discovered the holographic principle, which suggests that anything that happens in a volume of spacetime can be described by data on the boundary of that volume.

Three, with the holographic principle, Juan Maldacena discovered the AdS/CFT correspondence in 1997. This AdS/CFT correspondence becomes lifesaver for M-string theory on its issue of compactification.

Today, this AdS/CFT correspondence is the only pathway for the beyond the Standard Model physics for the mainstream physics.

II: A detailed review

The above is a brief history for the modern physics in the last 40 years. Is this history leading to a great future? Or, is it totally wrong?

If I do not have a different PATHWAY from the above wrong one, I will not have the right to call it wrong. If my pathway is not correct, I will not have the right to call other’s wrong. The comparison is very simple.

Who can derive all nature constants (Cabibbo/Weinberg angles, Alpha, Cosmology Constant, etc.) and the Planck CMB data?

No one in the above history (the mainstream) can, but I can: see,

https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/ and


With these comparisons, there is no more argument about, the scientific methodology or else. And now, I have the right to call a spade a spade. The history of this ‘information paradox’ is totally on a wrong path.

Before showing the correct PATHWAY, I will point out a few Errors in the above history first.

Error one, Hawking radiation was all about thermal photons, and it is practically meaningless.

Error two, black hole will not evaporate with the Alice/Bob drama. Bob is not a part of the ‘PRINCIPLE’ in any black hole’s bank account; that is, the escape of Bob will not take any energy away from black hole. Even if this Alice/Bob drama were paid for with the ‘principle’ of the black hole, there is no physics law demands that Alice must always carry the ‘negative’ energy (which reduces the ‘principle’ of the black hole). Alice being a particle (not just photon), she carries some rest mass. So, if she does not provide more mass to the black hole, this Alice/Bob drama will at least not cause evaporation of black hole at all.


Error three, if the black hole does evaporate, its final Schwarzschild radius will go to zero, and its entropy ‘AERA’ will become zero too. That is, Hawking’s ‘area’ law of black hole is wrong.

The correct path is only about one issue. What is gravity?

Gravity is very simple; it moves the Pepsi can (sits on my desk at REST) from {[here, now] to [here, next]}. And, it takes a force F (gravity) to do it.

F (gravity) = K*ħ/ (delta S*delta T), K is a coefficient constant.

Then, quantum principle emerges from this F (gravity). Seehttp://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html for details.

Of course, we can make more detailed definition for gravity as follows.

One, gravity must be based on particle physics, as only particles are carrying mass (the only parameter for gravity). Both Newtonian gravity and General Relativity have nothing to do with particle physics, and thus they are wrong gravity theories. Seehttps://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/03/16/nothingness-vs-nothing-there-the-quantum-gravity/

Two, the strength of gravity between any TWO objects is described with Newtonian gravity equation (GmM/r^2).

Three, gravity must be both instantaneous and simultaneous (to ALL particles in this universe). Gravity is DEFINITEly not transmitted with light speed, although the gravitational wave (an attribute of gravity) is. Gravity by all means is not ‘local’. But, the strength of gravity for the Pepsi can which sits on my desk at rest is:

F (Pepsi gravity) = Gm {sum [M(i)/r(i)^2]}  ….. Equation A

i represents the particles of the entire universe, except the Pepsi.


The Pepsi can is sitting on my desk (a spot on the world sheet) at rest, and it (Pepsi can) is interacting with ALL other particles in this universe {which consists of two parts: the world sheet (real universe) and a Ghost point}. That is, this Pepsi can is linked to all other particle of this universe in two pathways:

One, in the real (matter) world, the distance between it and other particles is r(i) > 0. So, the gravitational interaction strength between them is calculated with the Newtonian gravity equation.

Two, it (Pepsi can) is linked to all other particles via the Ghost point, and the distance between it and all other particles is R(i) = {a Planck length} for all “i”.

So, the gravity STRENGTH for Pepsi can is calculated with Equation A.

The TIME for the gravity transmission is a {Planck time}, practically instantaneously.

While the gravity of ONE object (such as a Pepsi can) is calculated with Equation A, and the gravity transmission is via ‘Planck time’, the true definition for gravity is that it moves the entire universe from {now to next}. See graph below and http://www.prequark.org/Gravity.htm for details.



Note: this AdS/CFT correspondence is the direct consequence of the above mechanism.

III: Paradox no more!

Now, we can address the ‘information’ issue in two ways.

One, every bit of information of this universe since its inception (Big Bang) is recorded with a detailed bookkeeping, the Cosmology Constant (CC). By comparing the calculated CC and the measurement, we will know whether there is any information loss. My calculation shows that there is no information loss at all, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/entropy-quantum-gravity-cosmology-constant/ .

Two, black hole is not formed via the Alice/Bob drama. How can a ‘fringe’-drama dig into the essence? Only by knowing exactly of how black hole is formed, we can then discuss its eventual death (if any).

In general, we said that gravitational collapse occurs when an object’s internal pressure is insufficient to resist the object’s own gravity. This statement is not wrong but is misleading, and it did mislead.

What is its internal pressure?

What is its own gravity?

I will make these more clear with two concepts.

One, {free particle}:

In the case of our Sun, the entire space (a BOX) that a given atom (hydrogen atom, etc.) in its lifetime roamed in is viewed as a free particle (the box, not the atom). This free particle (the box) might be a cube with 100 miles on its sides, and it contains billions atoms. For every free particle (the box), it is viewed as a at rest (not moving) particle.

Definition: if a NET force on a particle = zero, it is a free particle.

That is, a {free particle} is always at rest (in terms of the box), as that box does not receive any external force and does not project out any force.

Theorem one: for a particle in a compact object, it is a free particle

Corollary one: the water molecular in the ice-lattice is a free particle.

So, a neutron inside of a neutron star is a free particle.

Two, tidal force:

For a rod (or a box) with one meter long, [(rB – rA) = 1 meter], there is a tidal force on this rod (or box) if it (the box) is not a free particle of a compact object (the source of the tidal gravity),

Tidal force of (A, B) = F(r) – F(r-1) = Tf(A, B)

The gravity force for A and B are:

F(A) = F(r), r is the distance of point A to the center of the packed object.

F(B) = F(r + 1), one meter farther away from the center.

If the gravity tidal force of a compact object on a box (A, B) is smaller (<) than the structure binding force of the box (hydrogen atom), it could form stars, as it cannot tear atoms apart.

If the gravity tidal force of a compact object on a box (A, B) is larger (>) than the structure binding force of the box (hydrogen atom), then the atoms will be pulled apart. In this case, it most likely becomes a ‘neutron’ star.

When the gravity tidal force of a compact object on a box (neutron) is larger (>) than the structure binding force of neutron, it pulls neutrons apart and becomes a black hole. Of course, most of black holes are formed without going through the neutron star stage.

So, basically, there are, at least, three types of stars.

One, ‘proton’ star (PS): like our Sun which is 99.99% composed of ‘hydrogen atom (containing proton)”

Two, ‘neutron’ star (NS)

Three, ‘black hole’ (BH)

The diameter of PS (like Sun) is in average of ‘one million’ miles, and mostly composed of protons (hydrogen atom). The tidal force of Sun is not big enough to break up the hydrogen atom. Yet, the nuclear fusion produces enough ‘thermal-energy’ to balance the gravitation force of the Sun. So, it has a huge diameter.

When the hydrogens are all burnt out, the helium fusion produces much less thermo-energy, the gravitation force will get the upper hand and pull the matter inward. It collapses, with a few pathways.

Type I Supernova: results a white dwarf star, the carbon fusion begins to support a radius about 7000km (about the size of Earth). Yet, it is still a ‘proton’ star.

Type II Supernova: When the tidal force is big enough to break up hydrogen or helium atoms, it collapses as a neutron star with the average radius of (1 to 10 miles), a size of a small city. All atoms are pulled apart, and no proton can survive.

If the tidal force is strong enough to break up ‘neutron’, it becomes ‘black hole’ with Schwarzschild radius about 10 miles for a 3-solar-mass black hole. All hadron particles are pulled apart.

Then, what is inside of the black hole?

The wrong way of saying says that black hole converts the baryons and leptons in the collapsing body into entropy. Other wrong way says that there could be the quark/gluon plasma.

In the classic theory, black hole is defined with a Schwarzschild radius which marks an event horizon. However, in this G-string-gravity theory, black hole is formed by tearing apart all particles via the spaghettification.



After this spaghettification, all particles are torn apart and become strings.

In M-string theory, those strings form the branes.

In G-string theory, those quark/lepton-strings (line-string) curl up into ring-strings, which has zero area and zero volume.

The big difference between G-string and M-string is that G-string has ‘internal’ structure (described with A, V). Those quark/lepton G-strings are ‘line’-strings. When they become ring-strings, they are no different from the M-ring-strings, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2011/11/m-theory-toe-if-and-only-if-it-adds-two.html .

That is, all M-string’s formula do work for G-string. In the black hole, G-string will become an M-ring-string.

Note: without the internal structure, M-string is unable to describe the universe outside of the black hole and is a failed theory, seehttps://medium.com/@Tienzen/indeed-the-m-string-theory-is-a-total-bullcrap-for-the-following-reasons-ca9a44931938#.5lav4kdh8 .

When G-quark/lepton-string (line-string) curls up into a ring-string, the quark color charge and generations are neutralized (not destroyed). So, when a particle (neutron, proton, lepton or else) falls into a black hole, it becomes a ring-string, with all charges neutralized but conserved. When they are radiated out later (if any), the rings straighten back up to regain their charges. That is, no information lost, nor gained.


There are two differences between this G-string description and the classic one.

One, instead of an event horizon with Schwarzschild radius, there is a spaghettification zone. As soon as a particle (or else) is spaghettified, it breaks up into G-ring-strings.

Two, the Schwarzschild description of black hole has a ‘singularity’ at the CENTER of the Schwarzschild sphere. But, in this G-string description, each ring-string is a ‘singularity’ of itself, and there is no singularity at the center of anywhere.

Three, each ring-string is a free particle inside of the black hole. That is, there is no longer any free-falling or tidal gravity on this ring-string when it passes the event horizon.

Four, the event horizon is the innermost circle of this spaghettification zone.


So, ‘quantum gravity’ is not about the gravity between neutrons in the neutron star?

Gravity is the force which MOVEs this entire universe with quantum units, seehttp://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html and the quantum principle is the emergent of gravity.

Again, every particle in a compact object (solid ball, star, etc.) is a free particle.

So, the gravity of a particle in a compact object EQUALs to all particles in that compact object in accordance to the Equation A.

And, the neutron at the center of the neutron star sees the same gravity as the neutron at the edge.

IV: Conclusion

This information issue is addressed in two ways.

One, the bookkeeping, the calculation of the Cosmology Constant.

Two, the internal structure of the black hole, all ring-strings which still carry the mass and electric charge, but all other information is stored away.

Finally, the holographic principle is the direct consequence of the moving (from now (t1) to next (t2)) universe.



tienzengong | May 30, 2016 at 2:53 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:http://wp.me/p3PVI2-4u






1   简洁,简朴,简化,精致。不要那么多开关、按键之类的,而更多地使用语音、手势,自然语言对话。

2   所有能管控的都管控,智能自动化的方式,让人完全自由解放,自由自在。

3   一切都有智能,有灵性,高层次人工智能技术,你想要的它都替你想到了,傻瓜也悠然自得。

4   你很聪明,你有很多想法,你的想法被感应并与环境交互,并得到执行,满足你的潇洒与品位要求。

5   你想的太多,现实无法满足你,但我们还有虚拟现实,可以到虚拟空间探索、游戏,满足你的好奇心,好胜心,虚荣心,当然,最后,希望虚拟现实满足你的所有愿望。


 (一) 天地之始





























































































龚 乐 群 老 教 授 诗 文 — (风 尘 吟 草)

龚 乐 群 教 授 (风 尘 吟 草)

孔 子 曰 ∶ 「 不 学 诗 , 无 以 言 」 。 论 语 、 孟 子 亦 常 引 诗 句 。 诗 词 除 其 本 身 为 一 种 文 艺 的 创 作 之 外 , 更 贯 穿 中 国 哲 学 、 伦 理 思 想 及 人 物 、 地 理 、 历 史 与 风 俗 。 好 诗 读 来 , 人 人 心 起 共 鸣 。

 父親 {龚 乐 群 教 授} 所作(风 尘 吟 草) ,対我 啟 發甚大。特 選 数 首 与世人共享之。

龚 乐 群 教 授 任 教 「 国 立 中 央 大 学 、 中 国 文 史 系 」 十 六 年 。 著 有 「 孔 墨 异 同 」 、 「 孟 荀 异 同 」 及 「 老 庄 异 同 」 。 尔 后 , 此 三 书 合 成 「 三 家 六 子 四 论 」 ,列 为 大 学 用 书 。 另 著 「 论 语 疑 考 」 及 「 黄 埔 简 史 」 。 龚 教 授 的 「 风 尘 吟 草 」 有 诗 五 百 馀 首 。其 它 論 文 目 录,見http://readopac1.ncl.edu.tw/nclserialFront/chinaculture/search/search_result.jsp?la=ch&dtdId=000074&search_index=AU&search_value=%E9%BE%94%E6%A8%82%E7%BE%A4


次 子 天 任 ( 劫 存 ) 赴 美 攻 读 物 理

  • 历 劫 长 存 命 繫 天 , 他 邦 负 笈 岂 徙 然 。 男 儿 贵 有 匡 时 志 , 天 下 安 危 要 仔 肩 。
  • 不 能 兼 善 更 求 知 , 科 技 功 能 胜 博 施 。 物 理 无 穷 学 无 尽 , 爱 因 斯 坦 足 为 师 。

 遊 浙 江 松 阳 独 山

  • 尔 因 独 立 名 , 我 是 独 身 客 。 独 自 登 独 山 , 天 机 应 独 得 。
  • 独 木 鸟 不 栖 , 独 山 兽 不 穴 。 我 与 兽 鸟 殊 , 到 此 神 怡 悦 。
  • 万 物 尽 卑 污 , 惟 尔 独 高 洁 。 独 立 耸 云 霄 , 愿 与 群 山 绝 。

金 陵 遇 喻 师 赋 别

门 墙 违 教 后 , 转 瞬 十 馀 年 。 昔 断 衡 阳 雁 , 今 亲 白 下 辕 。 壮 怀 雄 似 旧 , 国 步 蹙 於 前 。 珍 重 无 他 语 , 艰 难 共 仔 肩 。

过 浔 阳 赠 歌 女

独 立 斜 阳 独 自 思 , 天 涯 沦 落 更 娇 痴 。 低 头 欲 语 回 回 止 , 屈 指 将 弹 故 故 迟 。 莫 说 琵 琶 成 绝 调 , 应 怜 司 马 有 新 知 。 相 逢 正 在 浔 阳 上 , 我 亦 青 衫 泪 湿 时 。

北 上 谋 生 , 车 中 寄 妻

惊 秋 衣 己 破 , 飘 泊 未 开 裁 。 骄 气 消 磨 尽 , 雄 心 泰 半 灰 。 请 缨 空 学 剑 , 落 魄 误 持 才 。 贫 贱 寻 常 事 , 何 需 百 事 哀 。

台 南 五 妃 墓

闻 道 斯 山 葬 五 妃 , 我 来 凭 弔 雨 霏 霏 。 芳 魂 借 问 今 何 在 , 几 瓣 残 花 点 翠 微 。

台 南 晚 眺

无 限 秋 光 散 夕 晖 ,遊 人 爱 趁 晚 风 微 。 堪 嗟 最 是 飘 零 客 , 独 自 踟 蹰 带 月 归 。

中 秋 感 怀

抚 髀 四 顾 恨 悠 悠 , 叱 吒 风 云 愿 莫 酬 。 空 对 月 明 倾 浊 酒 , 黄 花 无 语 也 低 头 。

与 友 登 关 子 岭 失 道

秋 兴 兴 遊 兴 , 相 将 趁 旭 曦 。 乱 山 随 客 远 , 落 叶 踵 人 飞 。 林 密 荆 封 步 , 峰 迴 路 转 微 。 所 期 犹 未 达 , 山 外 是 耶 非 ?

许 颂 梅 将 军 春 暮 见 访 , 迄 秋 无 讯

别 后 长 相 忆 , 篱 边 异 昔 时 。 春 随 人 去 远 , 秋 带 雁 来 迟 。 憩 影 同 为 客 , 闻 鸡 剑 共 知 。 何 由 再 倾 酒 , 对 月 以 呤 诗 。

次 陈 君 关 子 岭 水 火 同 源 韵

人 言 世 态 水 犹 同 , 我 道 人 情 乃 至 公 。 炭 送 雪 中 心 共 善 , 花 添 锦 上 眼 同 红 。 由 来 自 侮 方 招 辱 , 未 有 耕 耘 不 见 功 。 穷 达 决 于 修 德 业 , 不 须 惆 怅 问 苍 穹 !

哑 女

脉 脉 含 情 倚 翠 楼 , 秋 波 一 转 一 回 头 。 朱 唇 半 启 听 无 语 , 又 似 娇 羞 又 似 愁 。

次 戴 中 原 病 中 原 韵

偶 病 寻 常 事 , 诗 工 命 固 穷 。 绮 情 随 逝 水 , 豪 兴 寄 东 风 。 草 长 沿 阶 绿 , 花 开 逼 眼 红 。 任 它 春 去 住 , 不 负 月 玲 珑 。

 日 月 潭 与 番 女 合 影

解 语 山 花 笑 我 前 , 折 枝 无 意 却 相 怜 。 为 卿 试 问 潭 中 月 , 照 过 繁 华 多 少 年 ?

口 占

次 子 方 三 岁 , 不 知 衣 食 艰 。 每 去 牵 衣 问 , 爷 何 欲 上 班 ?

中 秋 怀 兄

飘 泊 又 经 年 , 风 霜 满 鬓 边 。 酒 酣 花 亦 醉 , 家 远 月 偏 圆 。 兄 弟 安 危 虑 , 儿 曹 啼 笑 兼 。 欲 挥 挥 不 著 , 有 泪 已 深 咽 。

题 表 兄 蒋 思 痛 诗 稿

昨 夜 口 闭 臭 , 今 日 捧 琼 章 。 一 吟 三 击 节 , 一 击 一 铿 锵 。 铿 锵 声 响 如 金 玉 , 金 玉 何 如 诗 味 香 ! 诗 味 香 , 吟 来 口 角 尽 芬 芳 。 盼 君 早 付 印 , 庶 使 天 下 后 世 同 好 得 同 尝 。

赠 佛 光 山 二 届 毕 业 生

院 中 松 柏 二 十 四 , 皆 是 诸 生 亲 手 植 。 此 物 生 来 与 众 殊 , 经 霜 历 雪 更 标 致 。 占 地 不 比 他 木 多 , 天 亦 苍 苍 无 厚 赐 。 问 其 何 以 独 坚 贞 ,只 因 落 落 孤 其 志 。 志 孤 人 亦 可 特 行 , 特 行 仙 佛 所 同 自 。 临 别 丁 宁 惟 一 言 , 遗 俗 之 矢 靡 它 事 。 他 日 他 方 再 结 缘 , 一 笑 何 妨 证 文 字 。

赠 佛 光 山 三 届 毕 业 生

春 来 秋 去 为 谁 忙 , 聚 散 匆 匆 枉 断 肠 。 此 后 论 文 在 何 处 , 行 云 流 水 总 他 乡 。

中 央 大 学 「 大 风 」 诗 社 徵 诗 , 限 东 韵

日 月 丽 兮 天 之 中 , 文 物 灿 兮 地 之 东 。 历 史 绵 延 五 千 载 , 光 辉 普 照 四 海 崇 。 虽 云 科 学 能 开 物 , 毕 竟 人 文 致 大 同 。 故 兹 人 欲 横 流 日 , 万 邦 皆 靡 我 维 雄 。 胡 所 依 凭 臻 是 域 , 伟 大 文 化 卵 圣 功 。 秦 皇 汉 武 不 足 道 , 易 奇 诗 正 启 瞶 聋 。 发 扬 光 大 吾 侪 责 , 为 绍 声 华 创「 大 风 」 。 大 风 自 可 变 虚 盈 , 不 厌 深 兮 不 厌 崇 。 上 承 唐 虞 之 悠 远 , 下 继 吾 校 之 恢 宏 。 中 逢 时 代 之 杌 陧 , 藉 呜 所 蓄 与 所 工 。 志 既 成 城 力 自 充 , 何 坚 何 敌 不 能 攻 。 不 惟 可 歌 承 平 盛 , 且 将 垂 统 於 无 穷 。

与 中 央 大 学 学 生 遊 内 湖 碧 云 寺

寻 幽 忽 到 万 山 中 , 愈 上 高 峰 愈 不 同 。 有 寺 未 闻 僧 念 佛 , 无 人 竟 见 鸟 惊 弓 。 偶 来 阵 雨 晴 空 暗 , 转 觉 山 花 照 眼 红 。 苍 狗 白 云 千 载 幻 , 诸 生 何 事 问 穷 通 。

罚 诗

与 学 生 约 , 迟 到 者 罚 作 诗 。 余 亦 不 例 外 。 一 日 午 睡 , 竟 迟 到 。 乃 践 约 作 诗 。 成 梦 遊 三 章 。

  • 诸 生 齐 道 我 来 迟 , 为 践 前 言 且 赋 诗 。 底 事 日 斜 眠 不 起 ,只 因 有 梦 到 瑶 池 。
  • 瑶 池 王 母 太 多 情 , 莲 步 姗 姗 笑 脸 迎 。 几 度 欲 归 归 未 得 , 空 闻 窗 外 有 钟 声 。
  • 强 起 辞 归 意 转 痴 , 鹧 鸪 声里 嘱 相 思 。 柔 情 虽 俱 黄 粱 梦 , 谁 识 黄 粱 己 熟 时 。

吴 白 石 君 以 虎 图 见 惠

猛 虎 在 山 , 其 子 二 兮 。 优 遊 眷 顾 , 其 情 至 兮 。 枭 獍 之 性 , 何 其 异 兮 。 人 而 枭 獍 , 能 无 愧 兮 。

洛 市 春 郊

负 杖 行 吟 任 所 之 , 春 光 照 眼 令 人 痴 。 离 离 草 色 绿 连 树 , 处 处 花 丛 红 上 枝 。 山 鸟 林 中 赛 歌 唱 , 水 禽 湖 面 竞 奔 驰 。 幽 情 己 与 闲 禽 共 , 不 记 归 时 是 几 时 。

提 倡 「 口 韵 」

诗 三 百 篇 为 无 韵 书 前 之 古 诗 。 其 韵 即 当 时 之 口 韵 。 诵 读 顺 口 , 即 口 韵 也 。 下 乃 李 仁 华 「 遥 敬 口 韵 大 师 龚 乐 群 教 授 三 绝 」 。

  • 胸 罗 万 卷 经 和 史 , 腹 贮 千 箱 珠 与 文 。 诗 教 宏 扬 宗 口 韵 , 开 来 继 往 建 殊 勋 。
  • 口 韵 先 生 乃 姓 龚 , 循 循 善 诱 启 愚 蒙 。 妇 人 孺 子 皆 能 咏 , 全 仗 真 师 化 育 功 。
  • 诗 经 引 证 作 良 模 , 领 导 青 年 上 坦 途 。 口 韵 宗 新 原 复 古 , 先 生 不 愧 是 通 儒 。

谕 子
世 界 哲 学 大 会 , 於 一 九 0 0 年 在 巴 黎 成 立 。 尔 后 每 五 年 召 开 一 次 ( 有 如 学 术 奥 林 匹 克 ) 。 第 十 九 届 大 会 在 俄 京 莫 斯 科 举 行 。 次 子 天 任 被 邀 演 讲 , 因 以 「 虚 心 」 二 字 勉 之 。

  • 著 书 己 逾 百 万 字 , 都 囿 中 华 学 术 中 。 不 及 吾 儿 书 再 出 , 即 为 世 界 哲 人 宗 。
  • 哲 学 大 会 请 演 讲 , 两 千 听 者 皆 哲 人 。 虚 心 二 字 最 重 要 , 务 须 牢 记 以 终 身 。

波 士 顿 大 学 演 讲 有 感
一 九 九 五 年 八 月 , 「 中 国 哲 学 世 界 大 会 第 九 届 会 议 」 在 波 士 顿 大 学 召 开 。 余 与 次 子 天 任 同 被 邀 请 讲 演 。 余 用 国 语 , 讲 题 为 「 从 科 学 的 学 庸 所 昭 示 , 进 论 大 学 补 传 」 。 讲 后 , 北 大 教 授 蔡 仲 德 说 ∶ 「 前 所 未 闻 」 。 哈 佛 大 学 教 授 赵 如 兰 说 ∶ 「 龚 教 授 此 文 , 应 己 不 朽 」 。 因 成 二 章 。

  • 中 华 文 化 日 中 天 , 哲 学 尤 为 举 世 炫 。 国 际 大 会 与 会 者 , 十 分 之 六 异 邦 贤 。
  • 中 外 服 膺 我 文 化 , 我 之 文 化 信 伟 大 。 大 同 世 界 实 现 时 , 自 有 光 芒 照 华 夏 。

敬 次 余 社 长 君 一 梅 花 迎 春 韵

冻 云 寒 雨 又 来 临 , 百 卉 皆 憎 冷 气 侵 。 惟 有 梅 花 沖 雪 白 , 迎 来 春 色 沐 冰 心 。 淡 妆 玉 立 虽 孤 拔 , 疏 影 横 斜 便 是 林 。 代 有 多 情 林 处 士 , 不 妨 引 鹤 以 调 琴 。




(http://www.prequark.org/Overview.htm )

Copyright © 1994 by Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong


Ⅱ、细胞分化的初始信号 — 几何学

Ⅲ、生命的积极行动者 — 时间和空间














Ⅱ、细胞分化的初始信号 — 几何

早期生命的发展可以分为三个阶段 :

1。 单个受精卵分裂形成为一个实心球(桑葚胚),在卵裂阶段形状象桑葚团。

2。 这个桑葚胚长成一个 {中空的球(芽状物的希腊语称为blastula)}。

3。 第三个阶段, 就是原肠胚形成阶段(这个阶段对任何个体来说都是最重要的)–胞胚细胞的前半部分形成一个软管(DONUT)。里层,即中胚叶形成了大部分的内部器官。外层即外胚层,形成了皮肤和中枢和周边神经系统。

從 桑葚胚 (morula) 到  Blastula


從 blastula 到 gastrulation 到 embryo (胎胞)




迄今为止,这种重要的生命过程,并不需要用分子生物学或基因学的特定术语来描绘。它只是几何的一种简单变形:从一个单细胞成为实心球(桑葚胚);从实心球到中空球(胞胚);从中空球到环形管(DONUT)。这是一种导致细胞分化的几何提法。几何关系赋予了细胞的命运。我的论文–How to reach Ultinate Reality in a finite number of steps in terms of sciences(如何用科学术语在有限步骤内达到终极实在)(发表在1993年莫斯科的19届全球哲学大会和1995年多伦多大学的关于终极实在和意义的人类思想研究国际学会的两年一度例会上)根据球-环形管的概念提供了一个拓扑学、物理学、数学和生命学间的统一体系。

Ⅲ、生命的积极行动者 — 时间和空间








  1. 拓扑和化学极化结构;
  2. 每个器官的基因;
  3. 每个基因的半衰期;
  4. 基因之间的几何分化。


IV。 过去,现在和将来的相互作用




受精卵中的性染色体,通过细胞的多代分裂传递给身体的所有细胞。因此,每个细胞,不管是在肝脏,肌肉或大脑中都有决定自身性别的信息,和整个生物体的性信息相同。然而,性决定基因TDF(Testis-Determining Factor 睾丸决定因子)只在一个组织中作用,即性腺中。在受精后的第五和第七周之间,任一性别的人类胚胎,都发展多用途的性腺,以后可以变成睾丸或卵巢.如果TDF(男性性基因)受到任何方式的阻碍或转化,性腺一直等待到第十三周,然后开始发展为卵巢,他就变成她了。










不能够回答上述问题,并不仅是因为当前主流物理尚未成熟,而且还因为我们未能真正地理解生命是什么。我发表于1993年莫斯科的19届全球哲学大会的论文—终极TOE(Theory of Everything,万物论),我已提供了一个说明明天在何处的模型。






此外,任何生命的发展,都只有一个过程 — 身体的发展。但这个单一的过程却产生了两个绝对相反的趋势。

  • 从有序到无序,单个卵分化成为众多细胞。
  • 从无序到有序,那些分化的细胞组织成为器官,从而成为组织得更好的身体。


这种两个绝对相对的趋势、力量或概念之间的相互关系称为互相共有 (互含)。这个概念,中国人早在5000年之前就已经用阴阳作出了表述。在有冲突的时候,阴阳是对立的两个方面,但长久而言,他们不但互补而且相互根植于对方当中。当达到一定的界限时,它们可以互相转化,也就是,阴变为阳,阳变为阴。因此,阴(弱的一方)可以通过屈服,从而征服阳(强的一方) 。使之达到最大值,最终使阳转化为阴。这个概念不仅是个强有力的政策战略,也是理解终极真理的唯一方法。


  1. 整体必须包含两个相反的部分。
  2. 这两个部分互相排斥。
  3. 这两个部分互补。



在果蝇实验中,当两条腿变大,而其它腿保持不变时,不同的片段一定是由不同的基因所控制的。当两条腿变肥而不是拉长时,不同的腿的轴也是被独立控制。表面上看起来,基因是控制体形的最佳候选。但是,如果我们比较人类和黑猩猩,就可以发现其中有超过99%的氨基酸序列是相同的。许多差异并不会产生功能性的结果,所以很难相信这些差异导致了两种物种的形态差异。更何况,有些基因非常保守,在长时间的演化中只会改变一点点,而有些则是飞速进化。然而,对这两种进化,快和慢的两组进行比较后发现,它们的蛋白质序列的改变速率几乎相同。具有完全不同的头部形状的两种果蝇(D. Heteroneura 和D. Sylvestries)可以异种交配。 D. W. Thompson发现通过在不同的轴中,简单地作出有比例的改变,可以实现两种形体之间的转化。他写道:“有一些东西…。不可缺少的…在这变形中…每一点每一条线…在整个变形过程中维持相对的顺序和位置…”


人类的大脑中,有100亿个神经细胞(神经元)和10万亿多的连接(神经腱)。在大脑的发展过程中,神经元经历了剧烈的迁移活动,在这个迁移过程中,每个神经元发射出大约1000个树枝状结晶(短连接)和许多神经轴突(长连接) 。这样可以与其他的神经元发生联系,从而形成神经网络。神经原是怎么知道,何去何从呢?在大脑的三维空间中,又是怎么实现发射过程的?他们怎么从数十亿的细胞当中,找到欲与之联系的细胞呢?

单个的神经原,不可能拥有以上问题的所有知识和答案。大脑的发展只是一个神经原的剧烈迁移过程。那些没有建立正确联系的神经原都会死亡。在大脑的胚胎形成时,大约有10% 到80%(依区域而定)的神经原要死亡。

这个现象给出了一个非常重要的结论。早在神经原剧烈迁移之前,人脑就已有一个网络结构。那些迁移的神经原,面临的局面是, 不能嵌到预先的结构中去,便是死亡。这个预设的大脑网络, 是由拓扑结构描述。体形规程也是如此。

VII: 对称性及其对称性破缺








COSMOLOGY CONSTANT (宇宙学常数计算,熵与量子引力新角度)


Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong

Section one: Quantum gravity

Gravity is all about mass. But, masses are carried by fermions, the quantum particles.

So, any gravity theory which is not based on particle theory is not correct, seehttps://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/03/16/nothingness-vs-nothing-there-the-quantum-gravity/ .

Most of mainstream ‘quantum gravity’ theories try to quantize the GR (General Relativity) spacetime sheet in one way of another (discrete space or time, fixed coupling constants, etc.), such as those theories below.

Loop Quantum Gravity: space itself is discrete

Asymptotically Safe Gravity: pick a high-energy fixed point for the coupling constant

Causal Dynamical Triangulations: It’s similar to LQG in that space itself is discrete, but time must be discrete as well!

On the other hand, the M-string quantum gravity does describe the spacetime sheet with particles (the M-string). But, the M-string itself does not have a ‘mass-rising’ mechanism of its own but borrows the {Higgs Nonsense} which is a total bullcrap, seehttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/before-lhc-run-2-begins-enough-jeh-tween-gong ; that is, M-string quantum gravity is just a hallow hype.

Gravity is all about moving the ‘entire universe’ from {[HERE (now), NOW] to [HERE (next), Next]}, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html . This accelerates the expansion of universe and gives rise to the ‘uncertainty principle’.

Yet, this ‘arrow of time’ is the result of {nothing to something transformation} process, the answer for {why is there something rather than nothing?}

The {Nothingness} is defined as {timelessness and immutability}.

The timelessness is expressed with 4-real/ghost time dimensions.



That is, at every t, it is in fact timelessness in essence. And, this is expressed with an equation ‘zero’.

Delta S = (i^n1, i^n2, i^3) C delta T, {C, light speed; S, space; T, time; n1, n2, n3 take the value (0, 1, 2, 3)} … equation ‘zero’

With this equation, 64 subspaces are created; 48 are particles (fermions), and 16 are spacetime (dark energy), see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/48-exact-number-for-number-of.html and https://medium.com/@Tienzen/here-is-the-correct-answer-5d1a392f700#.a0jmn237w .

The moving of this 4-real/ghost time dimensions forms a {garden hose} as below.


This {garden hose} universe has eleven (11) dimensions:

One, the external space dimensions (3)

Two, the internal (of hose) space dimensions (3)

Three, the real/ghost time dimensions (4)

Four, the ‘nothingness’ which surrounds the entire {garden hose) is (1)

So, the total = 3 + 3 + 4 + 1 = 11

Although there are spatial dimensions, the definition for the dimensions here is a ‘linguistic’ definition, the ‘codes’ which are needed to describe a system (such as universe), see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/origin-of-spatial-dimensions-and.html . That is, 11 codes are enough to DESCRIBE this universe: 4-spacetime dimension and 7 color-codes (Red, Yellow, Blue, White, G1, G2, G3). It is the same for the {life universe}: (A, G, T, C, M (male), F (female), K (kids)).

With the {framework} being set up, the next is to set up the measuring rulers {ħ (Planck constant), C (light speed)}.

Then these rulers must be locked up: e (electric charge) = F (ħ, C), the first lock.

A second lock is need: Alpha = F (e, ħ, C)

With these two locks and the fixed framework, this universe is set FREE for its evolution, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/arbitrariness-and-final-unification-in.html .

Of course, the litmus test for the above is that the nature constants and parameters must be derived from the above scheme.

Cabibbo and Weinberg angles, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2011/10/theoretical-calculation-of-cabibbo-and.html


Alpha calculation, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html .


For Planck CMB data, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/

Section two: about entropy

Entropy was initially defined as a macro-thermo-phenomena, as lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder with the following equation, with the dimension of energy divided by temperature, which has a unit of joules per kelvin (J K−1).




In the modern microscopic interpretation of entropy in statistical mechanics, entropy is the amount of additional information needed to specify the exact physical state of a system, given its thermodynamic specification. Understanding the role of thermodynamic entropy in various processes requires an understanding of how and why that information changes as the system evolves from its initial to its final condition. Again, it is often said that entropy is an expression of the disorder, or randomness of a system, or of our lack of information about it.

This statistical entropy is expressed as Boltzmann’s entropy equation (S = k log W), and the ‘S’ is an irreducible essence of any large ‘system’. Then, the concept of entropy is spreading into many (almost all) systems, especially the ‘information’ system. Again, it is all about the inherent tendency of any system towards the dissipation of useful energy or information.

So, entropy is thus far a phenomenological parameter without a deep connections to the other fundamental laws of physics (SM particles theory and gravity). Yet, very recently, there is a ‘quantum gravity’ which is based on entropy: the  entropic gravity (EG), which views that gravity was not a fundamental force, but rather emerged as a phenomenon linked to entropy. Unfortunately, those EG physicists still view the entropy with the above phenomenological sense, not knowing the true ‘essence’ of entropy. Thus, there is no chance for EG to success.

For constructing any system (a universe or else), it needs three departments.

D-one, the big framework: the 11 dimensions, the nothing to something transformation.

D-two, the locked measuring rulers.

D-three, a bookkeeper.

Entropy is the result of the bookkeeping.

This bookkeeping is all about the ‘action count’.

State one, a particle is at location (1), no action

State two, that particle moves to location (2), action one (1)

State three, that particle moves back to location (1), action (2)

State one and state three have the identical ‘physical’ states, but the action count for them is different. And, the count is an arrow, always in the increase, a true arrow. In a big system (especially a thermo-system), the measurement of the action count (entropy) is described with the Boltzmann’s entropy equation.

So, the arrow of time and the arrow of entropy are totally different arrows.

But, but, but, when a Pepsi can sits on my desk without any movement in the past 10 years, is there any action count for it? The answer is big YES in this G-string quantum gravity, as it is in fact moving in ‘time’, and every movement is an action. So, many people is confusing about that the two arrows are the same arrow. No, they are completely different arrows.

One, arrow of ‘time’: an emergent of the ‘timelessness’.

Two, arrow of ‘entropy’: the ever increasing the action count.

In the example above (from state one to state three), it gained nothing but still paid with higher action count. Phenomenologically, this is viewed as ‘dissipation’, and thus the entropy has not much to do with the fundamental laws of physics.

On the other hand, the TOTAL action count of this universe defines the STATUS of this universe. So, this {TOTAL COUNT} must be the most important number in the BOOK of this universe.

How can we calculate this {TOTAL COUNT}?

In the G-string quantum gravity, the universe moves {from [here (now), now] to [here (next), next]} with quantum action {ħ}, and each action is one {quantum information}, the quantum-bit.

Then, the largest unit of this quantum information is {ħ C} in one unit of time.

Finally, the NUMBER of quantum ACTIONs per time-dimension in a unit of time is {1/ (ħ C)}.

So, the {TOATL quantum action COUNT} of this universe (TC) = {1/ (ħ C)} ^4 x T;

T, life time of universe; there are 4-time-dimensions.

So, TC = {1/ (ħ C) ^4} x T = 4.34/9.714 x 10^103 x 10^17

= 0.446 x 10 ^ 120

Planck’s constant   ħ = 1.0545718 × 10-34 m2 kg / s

The speed of light = 299 792 458 m / s = 2.99 x 10 ^ 8 m/s

So, (ħ C) ^ 4 = {(1.05 x 2.99) x (10 ^ (-34 + 8))} ^4 = 97.14 x 10 ^ (-104) = 9.714 x 10 (-103)

T (life time of universe, 13.799±0.021 billion years) = 4.34 x 10 ^17 s (second)

This universe thus far should have a {TOATL quantum action COUNT} in an order of 10^120.

Section three: Cosmological Constant

Cosmology constant (Λ) is the value of the energy density of the vacuum of space. A positive vacuum energy density resulting from a cosmological constant implies a negative pressure, and vice versa. In terms of Planck units, and as a natural dimensionless value, the cosmological constant, λ, is on the order of 10^−120 or 10^−122.

Thus far, the Cosmology constant (Λ) is a phenomenological parameter without a theatrical meaning, although it was ad hoc defined in the GR equation. Again, it cannot be derived with any mainstream quantum gravity theories. M-string theory cannot even determine its sign (being positive or negative).

In this G-string quantum gravity, Cosmology constant (Λ) is defined as the ‘SHARE’ per quantum action.

So, Cosmology constant (Λ) = {1/ (TOATL quantum action COUNT)}

= {1/ [1/ (ħ C) ^4 x T]}

= {1/0.446 x 10 ^ 120}

= 2.242 x 10^-120

Section four: Conclusion

Now, quantum gravity, entropy and Cosmology constant (Λ) are linked together.

One, Quantum gravity: moving this universe from {[here (now), now] to [here (next), next]} with a quantum action ħ.

Two, the total quantum action count is manifested as entropy.

Three, the Cosmology constant (Λ) is the SHARE per quantum action in this quantum gravity.

The Unified Universe,The Unified Theory!