


第一章 大劫大难仍幸存

第二章  聪颖儿童有点神

第三章 天才特质少年狂

第四章 负笈留美担重任

第五章 艰苦卓越攻难关

第六章 灵光闪烁脑洞明

第七章 石破天惊得真知

第八章 粒子物理超统一

第九章 大道至简辟蹊径

第十章 真理信仰与人生

第十一章 神圣宪章明大义

第十二章 天下语言巴比伦

第十三章 学贯中西通古今

第十四章 万统全统宇宙统

第十五章 龚学殿堂登穹顶

第十六章 自然宣言胜伪学

第十七章 举世闻名天下惊

第十八章 辉煌璀璨永世存


2017. 2.11


  1. . Super Unified Theory: The Foundations of Science April, 1984

    by Jeh-Tween Gong 

    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0916713016
    • ISBN-13: 978-0916713010
    • https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0916713016/qid=1123750002/s

2.Truth, Faith, and Life : I understand, Therefore, I worship

by Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong, 1990, Adams Press, Chicago.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-092907
ISBN 0-916713-04-0

This book emphasizes that the Ultimate Reality is understandable by human intellect. The books is divided into three parts, Book of Truth, Book of Faith, and Book of Life, and these Three are fused into ONE. Prequark theory was discussed in the last chapter [Book of Truth (IV) — Super Unification, p129] of this book.


3.The Divine Constitution by Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong, 1991, Adams Press, Chicago.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 91-90780
ISBN 0-916713-05-9

This book breaks out of all old methodological barriers and into the ranges of total absoluteness. It also provides much insight into three major religions — Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity. Prequark theory was discussed in Chapter X [The Triune Universe (X), p139] of this book.


4.Linguistics Manifesto: Universal Language and the Super Unified Linguistic Theory

5. Chinese Etymology, by Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong, 2007, East-West Press, Los Angeles. Third edition, 305 pages.

5. Chinese Word roots and grammar, by Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong, 2006, East-West Press, Los Angeles. Third edition, 320 pages.

6.英 译 全 本 「 易 经 」 。 请 至:

7. 英 译 「 老 子 道 德 经 」 。 为 欧 洲 网 站 收 列 为 「 经 典 译 作 」 。 请 参 阅 ∶

8. New Book


Nature’s Manifesto on physics



Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong

10.  Gong on the web


Tienzen (Jeh-Tween)

The following are the web pages which describe the works of Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong by others on Internet.

  1. On Physics
  2. On philosophy
  3. On Chinese Etymology, Tao Te King, Yijing and Linguistics
  4. On poetry
  5. Others