Quantum Gravity: From here to Eternity(量子引力:从这到永恒)

Quantum Gravity: From here to Eternity

by tienzengong

Quantum Gravity is all about {From here (matter particles) to Eternity (fate of the Cosmos)}.

There are two facts about Quantum Gravity.

One, quantizing GR (general relativity) is a totally failed endeavor (such as loop quantum gravity).

Two, all other approaches (such as, string theory, asymptotically safe gravity, and causal dynamical triangulation, etc.) have also totally failed to address the issues of Quantum Gravity.

That is, “Quantum Gravity” is only a name in the mainstream physics, without any substance; that is, there is no ‘quantum gravity’ theory in the mainstream physics.

Sabine Hossenfelder (a theoretical physicist) gave a criterion for ‘quantum gravity’; she said, {The sought-after theory of quantum gravity is expected to solve these three problems:

  • tell us how to couple quantum matter to gravity,
  • explain what happens to information that falls into a black hole,
  • and avoid singularities in general relativity.

Any theory which achieves this we’d call quantum gravity, whether or not you actually get it by quantizing gravity.}
Her 2) and 3) are truly related. As GR is only a great approximation on gravity, the correct QG will not have the singularity issues and will not have the black hole information issue. I thus will define ‘quantum gravity (QG)’ in a much more precise manner.

First, QG is the backbone for the Final Theory (FT) for Nature. Yet, FT consists of the following Structure parameters:

One, Higgs mass: 125.09 +/- 0.24 Gev

Two, dark energy/dark mass/visible mass distribution

Three, Neff = ???

Four, Hubble constant (Ho)

Five, baryongenesis

Six, dark flow???

Seven, nature constants (Alpha, Cosmology constant, etc.)

That is, QG must play some important roles to address (derive/calculate) these parameters.


Second, there are at least three very precisely defined issues for QG.

One, giving rise to fermion mass/spin and SM zoo

Two, expansion and acceleration of the Cosmos

Three, every particle is interacting with ALL particles simultaneously.


Section one: giving rise to fermion mass/spin and SM zoo

This is all about Nature’s symmetry: why is fermion different from boson? There are two choices for this quation.

First, fermion and boson are different in essence, and there is a physics to distinguish them.

Second, their difference is superficial, as there is a ‘symmetry, SUSY’ to smooth out that difference.

But, SUSY is dead, see http://vixra.freeforums.org/why-not-susy-t828.html

The fermion/boson difference is fundamental, and it is the result of the Real/Ghost symmetry.



One: giving rise to mass and spin

Fermion mass: arises from bouncing between Real universe (matter, a finitude) and Ghost sphere (a point, an infinity)

Boson mass: arises from bouncing between fermions

Fermion spin: seeing two copies of universe (Real/Ghost)

Boson spin: residing in Real (matter) universe only

How about the Higgs mechanism? Seehttps://medium.com/@Tienzen/redemption-of-nobel-physics-12d625f6a03f#.qsl4o7ngj



Two: giving rise to SM zoo via line-g-strings


This G-string model is based on ‘Time Hose’ which produces 11 dimensions.


The spatial dimensions is just a subset of ‘QG dimension’ which means ‘CODEs’; that is, seven of the 11 dimensions are ‘color codes’.

Seven dimensions: {nothingness (white, 1), time hose internal (3 quark colors), time hose external (3 generations)}


That is, Neff = 3


Section two: Expansion and Acceleration of Cosmos





Section three: every particle is interacting with ALL particles simultaneously.




#how2CalculateCosmologyConstant, see http://vixra.freeforums.org/david-gross-nobel-laureate-on-cosmology-constant-t824.html

#how2CalculateAlpha, see http://vixra.freeforums.org/is-137-0359-137-0359-t825.html

#how2CalculatePlanckCMBdata, see http://vixra.freeforums.org/a-magic-numerological-formula-baryongenesis-t826.html

#how2CalculateHiggsbosonMass, seehttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/before-lhc-run-2-begins-enough-jeh-tween-gong


Now we have a QG (quantum gravity) which not only is able to meet the three criteria:

One, giving rise to fermion mass/spin and SM zoo,

Two, expansion and acceleration of the Cosmos,

Three, every particle is interacting with ALL particles simultaneously,


but is addressing all the Structure parameters issues below:

One, Higgs mass: 125.09 +/- 0.24 Gev

Two, dark energy/dark mass/visible mass distribution

Three, Neff = ???

Four, Hubble constant (Ho)

Five, baryongenesis

Six, dark flow???

Seven, nature constants (Alpha, Cosmology constant, etc.)


Note: this article is a part of presentations

One, Criteria for new physics, http://vixra.freeforums.org/criteria-for-new-physics-t822.html

Two, String (M-) theory as quantum gravity is officially dead,http://vixra.freeforums.org/string-m-theory-as-quantum-gravity-is-officially-dead-t821.html

Three, The dark flow, http://vixra.freeforums.org/the-dark-flow-t823.html

Four, David Gross (Nobel Laureate) on Cosmology Constant,http://vixra.freeforums.org/david-gross-nobel-laureate-on-cosmology-constant-t824.html

Five, Is {137.0359… = 137.0359…}? http://vixra.freeforums.org/is-137-0359-137-0359-t825.html

Six, A magic numerological formula/baryongenesis,http://vixra.freeforums.org/a-magic-numerological-formula-baryongenesis-t826.html

Seven, Where is the BEEF? http://vixra.freeforums.org/where-is-the-beef-t827.html

Eight, Why not SUSY? http://vixra.freeforums.org/why-not-susy-t828.html

Nine, Quantum Gravity: From here to Eternity,http://vixra.freeforums.org/quantum-gravity-from-here-to-eternity-t830.html

Ten, Nature’s manifesto on physics, http://vixra.freeforums.org/nature-s-manifesto-on-physics-t837.html

Eleven, The cyclic universes (C-multiverses),http://vixra.freeforums.org/the-cyclic-universes-c-multiverses-t839.html


The Unified Universe,The Unified Theory!