
龚 乐 群 老 教 授 诗 文 — (风 尘 吟 草)

龚 乐 群 教 授 (风 尘 吟 草)

孔 子 曰 ∶ 「 不 学 诗 , 无 以 言 」 。 论 语 、 孟 子 亦 常 引 诗 句 。 诗 词 除 其 本 身 为 一 种 文 艺 的 创 作 之 外 , 更 贯 穿 中 国 哲 学 、 伦 理 思 想 及 人 物 、 地 理 、 历 史 与 风 俗 。 好 诗 读 来 , 人 人 心 起 共 鸣 。

 父親 {龚 乐 群 教 授} 所作(风 尘 吟 草) ,対我 啟 發甚大。特 選 数 首 与世人共享之。

龚 乐 群 教 授 任 教 「 国 立 中 央 大 学 、 中 国 文 史 系 」 十 六 年 。 著 有 「 孔 墨 异 同 」 、 「 孟 荀 异 同 」 及 「 老 庄 异 同 」 。 尔 后 , 此 三 书 合 成 「 三 家 六 子 四 论 」 ,列 为 大 学 用 书 。 另 著 「 论 语 疑 考 」 及 「 黄 埔 简 史 」 。 龚 教 授 的 「 风 尘 吟 草 」 有 诗 五 百 馀 首 。其 它 論 文 目 录,見http://readopac1.ncl.edu.tw/nclserialFront/chinaculture/search/search_result.jsp?la=ch&dtdId=000074&search_index=AU&search_value=%E9%BE%94%E6%A8%82%E7%BE%A4


次 子 天 任 ( 劫 存 ) 赴 美 攻 读 物 理

  • 历 劫 长 存 命 繫 天 , 他 邦 负 笈 岂 徙 然 。 男 儿 贵 有 匡 时 志 , 天 下 安 危 要 仔 肩 。
  • 不 能 兼 善 更 求 知 , 科 技 功 能 胜 博 施 。 物 理 无 穷 学 无 尽 , 爱 因 斯 坦 足 为 师 。

 遊 浙 江 松 阳 独 山

  • 尔 因 独 立 名 , 我 是 独 身 客 。 独 自 登 独 山 , 天 机 应 独 得 。
  • 独 木 鸟 不 栖 , 独 山 兽 不 穴 。 我 与 兽 鸟 殊 , 到 此 神 怡 悦 。
  • 万 物 尽 卑 污 , 惟 尔 独 高 洁 。 独 立 耸 云 霄 , 愿 与 群 山 绝 。

金 陵 遇 喻 师 赋 别

门 墙 违 教 后 , 转 瞬 十 馀 年 。 昔 断 衡 阳 雁 , 今 亲 白 下 辕 。 壮 怀 雄 似 旧 , 国 步 蹙 於 前 。 珍 重 无 他 语 , 艰 难 共 仔 肩 。

过 浔 阳 赠 歌 女

独 立 斜 阳 独 自 思 , 天 涯 沦 落 更 娇 痴 。 低 头 欲 语 回 回 止 , 屈 指 将 弹 故 故 迟 。 莫 说 琵 琶 成 绝 调 , 应 怜 司 马 有 新 知 。 相 逢 正 在 浔 阳 上 , 我 亦 青 衫 泪 湿 时 。

北 上 谋 生 , 车 中 寄 妻

惊 秋 衣 己 破 , 飘 泊 未 开 裁 。 骄 气 消 磨 尽 , 雄 心 泰 半 灰 。 请 缨 空 学 剑 , 落 魄 误 持 才 。 贫 贱 寻 常 事 , 何 需 百 事 哀 。

台 南 五 妃 墓

闻 道 斯 山 葬 五 妃 , 我 来 凭 弔 雨 霏 霏 。 芳 魂 借 问 今 何 在 , 几 瓣 残 花 点 翠 微 。

台 南 晚 眺

无 限 秋 光 散 夕 晖 ,遊 人 爱 趁 晚 风 微 。 堪 嗟 最 是 飘 零 客 , 独 自 踟 蹰 带 月 归 。

中 秋 感 怀

抚 髀 四 顾 恨 悠 悠 , 叱 吒 风 云 愿 莫 酬 。 空 对 月 明 倾 浊 酒 , 黄 花 无 语 也 低 头 。

与 友 登 关 子 岭 失 道

秋 兴 兴 遊 兴 , 相 将 趁 旭 曦 。 乱 山 随 客 远 , 落 叶 踵 人 飞 。 林 密 荆 封 步 , 峰 迴 路 转 微 。 所 期 犹 未 达 , 山 外 是 耶 非 ?

许 颂 梅 将 军 春 暮 见 访 , 迄 秋 无 讯

别 后 长 相 忆 , 篱 边 异 昔 时 。 春 随 人 去 远 , 秋 带 雁 来 迟 。 憩 影 同 为 客 , 闻 鸡 剑 共 知 。 何 由 再 倾 酒 , 对 月 以 呤 诗 。

次 陈 君 关 子 岭 水 火 同 源 韵

人 言 世 态 水 犹 同 , 我 道 人 情 乃 至 公 。 炭 送 雪 中 心 共 善 , 花 添 锦 上 眼 同 红 。 由 来 自 侮 方 招 辱 , 未 有 耕 耘 不 见 功 。 穷 达 决 于 修 德 业 , 不 须 惆 怅 问 苍 穹 !

哑 女

脉 脉 含 情 倚 翠 楼 , 秋 波 一 转 一 回 头 。 朱 唇 半 启 听 无 语 , 又 似 娇 羞 又 似 愁 。

次 戴 中 原 病 中 原 韵

偶 病 寻 常 事 , 诗 工 命 固 穷 。 绮 情 随 逝 水 , 豪 兴 寄 东 风 。 草 长 沿 阶 绿 , 花 开 逼 眼 红 。 任 它 春 去 住 , 不 负 月 玲 珑 。

 日 月 潭 与 番 女 合 影

解 语 山 花 笑 我 前 , 折 枝 无 意 却 相 怜 。 为 卿 试 问 潭 中 月 , 照 过 繁 华 多 少 年 ?

口 占

次 子 方 三 岁 , 不 知 衣 食 艰 。 每 去 牵 衣 问 , 爷 何 欲 上 班 ?

中 秋 怀 兄

飘 泊 又 经 年 , 风 霜 满 鬓 边 。 酒 酣 花 亦 醉 , 家 远 月 偏 圆 。 兄 弟 安 危 虑 , 儿 曹 啼 笑 兼 。 欲 挥 挥 不 著 , 有 泪 已 深 咽 。

题 表 兄 蒋 思 痛 诗 稿

昨 夜 口 闭 臭 , 今 日 捧 琼 章 。 一 吟 三 击 节 , 一 击 一 铿 锵 。 铿 锵 声 响 如 金 玉 , 金 玉 何 如 诗 味 香 ! 诗 味 香 , 吟 来 口 角 尽 芬 芳 。 盼 君 早 付 印 , 庶 使 天 下 后 世 同 好 得 同 尝 。

赠 佛 光 山 二 届 毕 业 生

院 中 松 柏 二 十 四 , 皆 是 诸 生 亲 手 植 。 此 物 生 来 与 众 殊 , 经 霜 历 雪 更 标 致 。 占 地 不 比 他 木 多 , 天 亦 苍 苍 无 厚 赐 。 问 其 何 以 独 坚 贞 ,只 因 落 落 孤 其 志 。 志 孤 人 亦 可 特 行 , 特 行 仙 佛 所 同 自 。 临 别 丁 宁 惟 一 言 , 遗 俗 之 矢 靡 它 事 。 他 日 他 方 再 结 缘 , 一 笑 何 妨 证 文 字 。

赠 佛 光 山 三 届 毕 业 生

春 来 秋 去 为 谁 忙 , 聚 散 匆 匆 枉 断 肠 。 此 后 论 文 在 何 处 , 行 云 流 水 总 他 乡 。

中 央 大 学 「 大 风 」 诗 社 徵 诗 , 限 东 韵

日 月 丽 兮 天 之 中 , 文 物 灿 兮 地 之 东 。 历 史 绵 延 五 千 载 , 光 辉 普 照 四 海 崇 。 虽 云 科 学 能 开 物 , 毕 竟 人 文 致 大 同 。 故 兹 人 欲 横 流 日 , 万 邦 皆 靡 我 维 雄 。 胡 所 依 凭 臻 是 域 , 伟 大 文 化 卵 圣 功 。 秦 皇 汉 武 不 足 道 , 易 奇 诗 正 启 瞶 聋 。 发 扬 光 大 吾 侪 责 , 为 绍 声 华 创「 大 风 」 。 大 风 自 可 变 虚 盈 , 不 厌 深 兮 不 厌 崇 。 上 承 唐 虞 之 悠 远 , 下 继 吾 校 之 恢 宏 。 中 逢 时 代 之 杌 陧 , 藉 呜 所 蓄 与 所 工 。 志 既 成 城 力 自 充 , 何 坚 何 敌 不 能 攻 。 不 惟 可 歌 承 平 盛 , 且 将 垂 统 於 无 穷 。

与 中 央 大 学 学 生 遊 内 湖 碧 云 寺

寻 幽 忽 到 万 山 中 , 愈 上 高 峰 愈 不 同 。 有 寺 未 闻 僧 念 佛 , 无 人 竟 见 鸟 惊 弓 。 偶 来 阵 雨 晴 空 暗 , 转 觉 山 花 照 眼 红 。 苍 狗 白 云 千 载 幻 , 诸 生 何 事 问 穷 通 。

罚 诗

与 学 生 约 , 迟 到 者 罚 作 诗 。 余 亦 不 例 外 。 一 日 午 睡 , 竟 迟 到 。 乃 践 约 作 诗 。 成 梦 遊 三 章 。

  • 诸 生 齐 道 我 来 迟 , 为 践 前 言 且 赋 诗 。 底 事 日 斜 眠 不 起 ,只 因 有 梦 到 瑶 池 。
  • 瑶 池 王 母 太 多 情 , 莲 步 姗 姗 笑 脸 迎 。 几 度 欲 归 归 未 得 , 空 闻 窗 外 有 钟 声 。
  • 强 起 辞 归 意 转 痴 , 鹧 鸪 声里 嘱 相 思 。 柔 情 虽 俱 黄 粱 梦 , 谁 识 黄 粱 己 熟 时 。

吴 白 石 君 以 虎 图 见 惠

猛 虎 在 山 , 其 子 二 兮 。 优 遊 眷 顾 , 其 情 至 兮 。 枭 獍 之 性 , 何 其 异 兮 。 人 而 枭 獍 , 能 无 愧 兮 。

洛 市 春 郊

负 杖 行 吟 任 所 之 , 春 光 照 眼 令 人 痴 。 离 离 草 色 绿 连 树 , 处 处 花 丛 红 上 枝 。 山 鸟 林 中 赛 歌 唱 , 水 禽 湖 面 竞 奔 驰 。 幽 情 己 与 闲 禽 共 , 不 记 归 时 是 几 时 。

提 倡 「 口 韵 」

诗 三 百 篇 为 无 韵 书 前 之 古 诗 。 其 韵 即 当 时 之 口 韵 。 诵 读 顺 口 , 即 口 韵 也 。 下 乃 李 仁 华 「 遥 敬 口 韵 大 师 龚 乐 群 教 授 三 绝 」 。

  • 胸 罗 万 卷 经 和 史 , 腹 贮 千 箱 珠 与 文 。 诗 教 宏 扬 宗 口 韵 , 开 来 继 往 建 殊 勋 。
  • 口 韵 先 生 乃 姓 龚 , 循 循 善 诱 启 愚 蒙 。 妇 人 孺 子 皆 能 咏 , 全 仗 真 师 化 育 功 。
  • 诗 经 引 证 作 良 模 , 领 导 青 年 上 坦 途 。 口 韵 宗 新 原 复 古 , 先 生 不 愧 是 通 儒 。

谕 子
世 界 哲 学 大 会 , 於 一 九 0 0 年 在 巴 黎 成 立 。 尔 后 每 五 年 召 开 一 次 ( 有 如 学 术 奥 林 匹 克 ) 。 第 十 九 届 大 会 在 俄 京 莫 斯 科 举 行 。 次 子 天 任 被 邀 演 讲 , 因 以 「 虚 心 」 二 字 勉 之 。

  • 著 书 己 逾 百 万 字 , 都 囿 中 华 学 术 中 。 不 及 吾 儿 书 再 出 , 即 为 世 界 哲 人 宗 。
  • 哲 学 大 会 请 演 讲 , 两 千 听 者 皆 哲 人 。 虚 心 二 字 最 重 要 , 务 须 牢 记 以 终 身 。

波 士 顿 大 学 演 讲 有 感
一 九 九 五 年 八 月 , 「 中 国 哲 学 世 界 大 会 第 九 届 会 议 」 在 波 士 顿 大 学 召 开 。 余 与 次 子 天 任 同 被 邀 请 讲 演 。 余 用 国 语 , 讲 题 为 「 从 科 学 的 学 庸 所 昭 示 , 进 论 大 学 补 传 」 。 讲 后 , 北 大 教 授 蔡 仲 德 说 ∶ 「 前 所 未 闻 」 。 哈 佛 大 学 教 授 赵 如 兰 说 ∶ 「 龚 教 授 此 文 , 应 己 不 朽 」 。 因 成 二 章 。

  • 中 华 文 化 日 中 天 , 哲 学 尤 为 举 世 炫 。 国 际 大 会 与 会 者 , 十 分 之 六 异 邦 贤 。
  • 中 外 服 膺 我 文 化 , 我 之 文 化 信 伟 大 。 大 同 世 界 实 现 时 , 自 有 光 芒 照 华 夏 。

敬 次 余 社 长 君 一 梅 花 迎 春 韵

冻 云 寒 雨 又 来 临 , 百 卉 皆 憎 冷 气 侵 。 惟 有 梅 花 沖 雪 白 , 迎 来 春 色 沐 冰 心 。 淡 妆 玉 立 虽 孤 拔 , 疏 影 横 斜 便 是 林 。 代 有 多 情 林 处 士 , 不 妨 引 鹤 以 调 琴 。




(http://www.prequark.org/Overview.htm )

Copyright © 1994 by Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong


Ⅱ、细胞分化的初始信号 — 几何学

Ⅲ、生命的积极行动者 — 时间和空间














Ⅱ、细胞分化的初始信号 — 几何

早期生命的发展可以分为三个阶段 :

1。 单个受精卵分裂形成为一个实心球(桑葚胚),在卵裂阶段形状象桑葚团。

2。 这个桑葚胚长成一个 {中空的球(芽状物的希腊语称为blastula)}。

3。 第三个阶段, 就是原肠胚形成阶段(这个阶段对任何个体来说都是最重要的)–胞胚细胞的前半部分形成一个软管(DONUT)。里层,即中胚叶形成了大部分的内部器官。外层即外胚层,形成了皮肤和中枢和周边神经系统。

從 桑葚胚 (morula) 到  Blastula


從 blastula 到 gastrulation 到 embryo (胎胞)




迄今为止,这种重要的生命过程,并不需要用分子生物学或基因学的特定术语来描绘。它只是几何的一种简单变形:从一个单细胞成为实心球(桑葚胚);从实心球到中空球(胞胚);从中空球到环形管(DONUT)。这是一种导致细胞分化的几何提法。几何关系赋予了细胞的命运。我的论文–How to reach Ultinate Reality in a finite number of steps in terms of sciences(如何用科学术语在有限步骤内达到终极实在)(发表在1993年莫斯科的19届全球哲学大会和1995年多伦多大学的关于终极实在和意义的人类思想研究国际学会的两年一度例会上)根据球-环形管的概念提供了一个拓扑学、物理学、数学和生命学间的统一体系。

Ⅲ、生命的积极行动者 — 时间和空间








  1. 拓扑和化学极化结构;
  2. 每个器官的基因;
  3. 每个基因的半衰期;
  4. 基因之间的几何分化。


IV。 过去,现在和将来的相互作用




受精卵中的性染色体,通过细胞的多代分裂传递给身体的所有细胞。因此,每个细胞,不管是在肝脏,肌肉或大脑中都有决定自身性别的信息,和整个生物体的性信息相同。然而,性决定基因TDF(Testis-Determining Factor 睾丸决定因子)只在一个组织中作用,即性腺中。在受精后的第五和第七周之间,任一性别的人类胚胎,都发展多用途的性腺,以后可以变成睾丸或卵巢.如果TDF(男性性基因)受到任何方式的阻碍或转化,性腺一直等待到第十三周,然后开始发展为卵巢,他就变成她了。










不能够回答上述问题,并不仅是因为当前主流物理尚未成熟,而且还因为我们未能真正地理解生命是什么。我发表于1993年莫斯科的19届全球哲学大会的论文—终极TOE(Theory of Everything,万物论),我已提供了一个说明明天在何处的模型。






此外,任何生命的发展,都只有一个过程 — 身体的发展。但这个单一的过程却产生了两个绝对相反的趋势。

  • 从有序到无序,单个卵分化成为众多细胞。
  • 从无序到有序,那些分化的细胞组织成为器官,从而成为组织得更好的身体。


这种两个绝对相对的趋势、力量或概念之间的相互关系称为互相共有 (互含)。这个概念,中国人早在5000年之前就已经用阴阳作出了表述。在有冲突的时候,阴阳是对立的两个方面,但长久而言,他们不但互补而且相互根植于对方当中。当达到一定的界限时,它们可以互相转化,也就是,阴变为阳,阳变为阴。因此,阴(弱的一方)可以通过屈服,从而征服阳(强的一方) 。使之达到最大值,最终使阳转化为阴。这个概念不仅是个强有力的政策战略,也是理解终极真理的唯一方法。


  1. 整体必须包含两个相反的部分。
  2. 这两个部分互相排斥。
  3. 这两个部分互补。



在果蝇实验中,当两条腿变大,而其它腿保持不变时,不同的片段一定是由不同的基因所控制的。当两条腿变肥而不是拉长时,不同的腿的轴也是被独立控制。表面上看起来,基因是控制体形的最佳候选。但是,如果我们比较人类和黑猩猩,就可以发现其中有超过99%的氨基酸序列是相同的。许多差异并不会产生功能性的结果,所以很难相信这些差异导致了两种物种的形态差异。更何况,有些基因非常保守,在长时间的演化中只会改变一点点,而有些则是飞速进化。然而,对这两种进化,快和慢的两组进行比较后发现,它们的蛋白质序列的改变速率几乎相同。具有完全不同的头部形状的两种果蝇(D. Heteroneura 和D. Sylvestries)可以异种交配。 D. W. Thompson发现通过在不同的轴中,简单地作出有比例的改变,可以实现两种形体之间的转化。他写道:“有一些东西…。不可缺少的…在这变形中…每一点每一条线…在整个变形过程中维持相对的顺序和位置…”


人类的大脑中,有100亿个神经细胞(神经元)和10万亿多的连接(神经腱)。在大脑的发展过程中,神经元经历了剧烈的迁移活动,在这个迁移过程中,每个神经元发射出大约1000个树枝状结晶(短连接)和许多神经轴突(长连接) 。这样可以与其他的神经元发生联系,从而形成神经网络。神经原是怎么知道,何去何从呢?在大脑的三维空间中,又是怎么实现发射过程的?他们怎么从数十亿的细胞当中,找到欲与之联系的细胞呢?

单个的神经原,不可能拥有以上问题的所有知识和答案。大脑的发展只是一个神经原的剧烈迁移过程。那些没有建立正确联系的神经原都会死亡。在大脑的胚胎形成时,大约有10% 到80%(依区域而定)的神经原要死亡。

这个现象给出了一个非常重要的结论。早在神经原剧烈迁移之前,人脑就已有一个网络结构。那些迁移的神经原,面临的局面是, 不能嵌到预先的结构中去,便是死亡。这个预设的大脑网络, 是由拓扑结构描述。体形规程也是如此。

VII: 对称性及其对称性破缺








COSMOLOGY CONSTANT (宇宙学常数计算,熵与量子引力新角度)


Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong

Section one: Quantum gravity

Gravity is all about mass. But, masses are carried by fermions, the quantum particles.

So, any gravity theory which is not based on particle theory is not correct, seehttps://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/03/16/nothingness-vs-nothing-there-the-quantum-gravity/ .

Most of mainstream ‘quantum gravity’ theories try to quantize the GR (General Relativity) spacetime sheet in one way of another (discrete space or time, fixed coupling constants, etc.), such as those theories below.

Loop Quantum Gravity: space itself is discrete

Asymptotically Safe Gravity: pick a high-energy fixed point for the coupling constant

Causal Dynamical Triangulations: It’s similar to LQG in that space itself is discrete, but time must be discrete as well!

On the other hand, the M-string quantum gravity does describe the spacetime sheet with particles (the M-string). But, the M-string itself does not have a ‘mass-rising’ mechanism of its own but borrows the {Higgs Nonsense} which is a total bullcrap, seehttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/before-lhc-run-2-begins-enough-jeh-tween-gong ; that is, M-string quantum gravity is just a hallow hype.

Gravity is all about moving the ‘entire universe’ from {[HERE (now), NOW] to [HERE (next), Next]}, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html . This accelerates the expansion of universe and gives rise to the ‘uncertainty principle’.

Yet, this ‘arrow of time’ is the result of {nothing to something transformation} process, the answer for {why is there something rather than nothing?}

The {Nothingness} is defined as {timelessness and immutability}.

The timelessness is expressed with 4-real/ghost time dimensions.



That is, at every t, it is in fact timelessness in essence. And, this is expressed with an equation ‘zero’.

Delta S = (i^n1, i^n2, i^3) C delta T, {C, light speed; S, space; T, time; n1, n2, n3 take the value (0, 1, 2, 3)} … equation ‘zero’

With this equation, 64 subspaces are created; 48 are particles (fermions), and 16 are spacetime (dark energy), see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/48-exact-number-for-number-of.html and https://medium.com/@Tienzen/here-is-the-correct-answer-5d1a392f700#.a0jmn237w .

The moving of this 4-real/ghost time dimensions forms a {garden hose} as below.


This {garden hose} universe has eleven (11) dimensions:

One, the external space dimensions (3)

Two, the internal (of hose) space dimensions (3)

Three, the real/ghost time dimensions (4)

Four, the ‘nothingness’ which surrounds the entire {garden hose) is (1)

So, the total = 3 + 3 + 4 + 1 = 11

Although there are spatial dimensions, the definition for the dimensions here is a ‘linguistic’ definition, the ‘codes’ which are needed to describe a system (such as universe), see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/origin-of-spatial-dimensions-and.html . That is, 11 codes are enough to DESCRIBE this universe: 4-spacetime dimension and 7 color-codes (Red, Yellow, Blue, White, G1, G2, G3). It is the same for the {life universe}: (A, G, T, C, M (male), F (female), K (kids)).

With the {framework} being set up, the next is to set up the measuring rulers {ħ (Planck constant), C (light speed)}.

Then these rulers must be locked up: e (electric charge) = F (ħ, C), the first lock.

A second lock is need: Alpha = F (e, ħ, C)

With these two locks and the fixed framework, this universe is set FREE for its evolution, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/arbitrariness-and-final-unification-in.html .

Of course, the litmus test for the above is that the nature constants and parameters must be derived from the above scheme.

Cabibbo and Weinberg angles, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2011/10/theoretical-calculation-of-cabibbo-and.html


Alpha calculation, see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/alpha-fine-structure-constant-mystery.html .


For Planck CMB data, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/

Section two: about entropy

Entropy was initially defined as a macro-thermo-phenomena, as lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder with the following equation, with the dimension of energy divided by temperature, which has a unit of joules per kelvin (J K−1).




In the modern microscopic interpretation of entropy in statistical mechanics, entropy is the amount of additional information needed to specify the exact physical state of a system, given its thermodynamic specification. Understanding the role of thermodynamic entropy in various processes requires an understanding of how and why that information changes as the system evolves from its initial to its final condition. Again, it is often said that entropy is an expression of the disorder, or randomness of a system, or of our lack of information about it.

This statistical entropy is expressed as Boltzmann’s entropy equation (S = k log W), and the ‘S’ is an irreducible essence of any large ‘system’. Then, the concept of entropy is spreading into many (almost all) systems, especially the ‘information’ system. Again, it is all about the inherent tendency of any system towards the dissipation of useful energy or information.

So, entropy is thus far a phenomenological parameter without a deep connections to the other fundamental laws of physics (SM particles theory and gravity). Yet, very recently, there is a ‘quantum gravity’ which is based on entropy: the  entropic gravity (EG), which views that gravity was not a fundamental force, but rather emerged as a phenomenon linked to entropy. Unfortunately, those EG physicists still view the entropy with the above phenomenological sense, not knowing the true ‘essence’ of entropy. Thus, there is no chance for EG to success.

For constructing any system (a universe or else), it needs three departments.

D-one, the big framework: the 11 dimensions, the nothing to something transformation.

D-two, the locked measuring rulers.

D-three, a bookkeeper.

Entropy is the result of the bookkeeping.

This bookkeeping is all about the ‘action count’.

State one, a particle is at location (1), no action

State two, that particle moves to location (2), action one (1)

State three, that particle moves back to location (1), action (2)

State one and state three have the identical ‘physical’ states, but the action count for them is different. And, the count is an arrow, always in the increase, a true arrow. In a big system (especially a thermo-system), the measurement of the action count (entropy) is described with the Boltzmann’s entropy equation.

So, the arrow of time and the arrow of entropy are totally different arrows.

But, but, but, when a Pepsi can sits on my desk without any movement in the past 10 years, is there any action count for it? The answer is big YES in this G-string quantum gravity, as it is in fact moving in ‘time’, and every movement is an action. So, many people is confusing about that the two arrows are the same arrow. No, they are completely different arrows.

One, arrow of ‘time’: an emergent of the ‘timelessness’.

Two, arrow of ‘entropy’: the ever increasing the action count.

In the example above (from state one to state three), it gained nothing but still paid with higher action count. Phenomenologically, this is viewed as ‘dissipation’, and thus the entropy has not much to do with the fundamental laws of physics.

On the other hand, the TOTAL action count of this universe defines the STATUS of this universe. So, this {TOTAL COUNT} must be the most important number in the BOOK of this universe.

How can we calculate this {TOTAL COUNT}?

In the G-string quantum gravity, the universe moves {from [here (now), now] to [here (next), next]} with quantum action {ħ}, and each action is one {quantum information}, the quantum-bit.

Then, the largest unit of this quantum information is {ħ C} in one unit of time.

Finally, the NUMBER of quantum ACTIONs per time-dimension in a unit of time is {1/ (ħ C)}.

So, the {TOATL quantum action COUNT} of this universe (TC) = {1/ (ħ C)} ^4 x T;

T, life time of universe; there are 4-time-dimensions.

So, TC = {1/ (ħ C) ^4} x T = 4.34/9.714 x 10^103 x 10^17

= 0.446 x 10 ^ 120

Planck’s constant   ħ = 1.0545718 × 10-34 m2 kg / s

The speed of light = 299 792 458 m / s = 2.99 x 10 ^ 8 m/s

So, (ħ C) ^ 4 = {(1.05 x 2.99) x (10 ^ (-34 + 8))} ^4 = 97.14 x 10 ^ (-104) = 9.714 x 10 (-103)

T (life time of universe, 13.799±0.021 billion years) = 4.34 x 10 ^17 s (second)

This universe thus far should have a {TOATL quantum action COUNT} in an order of 10^120.

Section three: Cosmological Constant

Cosmology constant (Λ) is the value of the energy density of the vacuum of space. A positive vacuum energy density resulting from a cosmological constant implies a negative pressure, and vice versa. In terms of Planck units, and as a natural dimensionless value, the cosmological constant, λ, is on the order of 10^−120 or 10^−122.

Thus far, the Cosmology constant (Λ) is a phenomenological parameter without a theatrical meaning, although it was ad hoc defined in the GR equation. Again, it cannot be derived with any mainstream quantum gravity theories. M-string theory cannot even determine its sign (being positive or negative).

In this G-string quantum gravity, Cosmology constant (Λ) is defined as the ‘SHARE’ per quantum action.

So, Cosmology constant (Λ) = {1/ (TOATL quantum action COUNT)}

= {1/ [1/ (ħ C) ^4 x T]}

= {1/0.446 x 10 ^ 120}

= 2.242 x 10^-120

Section four: Conclusion

Now, quantum gravity, entropy and Cosmology constant (Λ) are linked together.

One, Quantum gravity: moving this universe from {[here (now), now] to [here (next), next]} with a quantum action ħ.

Two, the total quantum action count is manifested as entropy.

Three, the Cosmology constant (Λ) is the SHARE per quantum action in this quantum gravity.


Intelligent Evolution

Copyright © by Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong

Darwin’s theory drove off the ‘Divine story’ in the Christian Genesis which is indeed a total nonsense. In recent years, those fundamentalist Christian (FC) used an ‘intelligent design’ story to replace the creationism.

For the modern biologists, they ‘constructed’ modern evolutionary synthesis (MES). Then, all new discoveries (selfish-genes, horizontal gene transfers, genetic assimilation, the Hardy–Weinberg principle, Hox genes, punctuated equilibrium, etc.) are packed into this MES. That is, any word (such as, intelligence) used by FC is a no-no for biologists.

While the ‘intelligent design (advocated by the “Discovery Institute”)’ is totally nonsense, the packing of some major differences and conflicts between the newly discovered biological facts into MES is also powered by the ideology. Thus, this book is examining the science of those newly discovered biological facts and their underlying principles.

The current state of this biological sphere is definitely reached by evolution, not by any divine-design. But, is this evolution solely powered by a ‘blind’ process?

If yes, then what is the mechanism for giving rise to the intelligence?

If no, is the ‘intelligence’ embedded in the laws of nature-physics? If yes, then show me. If the ‘intelligence’ is embedded in the laws of nature-physics, the evolution of biological sphere becomes the ‘expression’ of that embedded intelligence. I should first review the Darwinism proper.

Section one: Darwinism ‘proper’ consists of two parts

Part one: the current state of lives is reached via ‘evolution’, not from any strokes of Divine-creation (or divine-intelligence design).

Part two: the evolution mechanism is ‘Nature Selection’ which encompasses the following attributes and definitions.
a. Fitness: not about the power of an individual in the population or in the ecosystem but is all about how many ‘offspring’ that it can produce. Thus, a King of an Empire will be not ‘fit’ if he has no offspring.

b. Selection: an external force which weeds out the not-fit while perpetuates the fit (having more offspring).

c. Selection unit: individual organism, not group nor species.

d. Selection pressures (challenges): disease, climate change, shift in the available food source or isolation, etc.

e. Phenotype: the complete set of observable traits that make up the structure and behavior of an organism [note: many aspects of an organism’s phenotype are not inherited; organismal phenotypes are not uniquely determined by their genotypes].

f. Phenotype variation: nature selection acts on the phenotype. Without phenotype variations, there will be no nature selection.

g. Blindness: nature selection pressure is a blind challenge, without a teleological intention.

h. Continuity and gradualism: Darwin noted in the margin of his 1844 Essay, “Better begin with this: If species really, after catastrophes, created in showers world over, my theory false.”

i. Adaptation: In Darwinism, the natural selection is ‘claimed’ to be the only known cause of adaptation, for being better ‘fit’, having more offspring. [Note: other definition (not Darwin’s) states that ‘adaptation’ is the process that makes organisms better suited to their habitat.]

j. Speciation: when the nature selection selects enough better ‘fit individuals’, the phenotype of the population could be significantly different from the old population. This new population could become a new species, and this is called speciation by nature selection.

In a nutshell, the Darwin-mechanism (DM) is {nature selection pressure acts on phenotype of ‘individual’ of a population gradually and leads to ‘speciation’}.

Section two: the sources of genetic variations and the effectiveness of mutation

While the Darwinism-proper is hinged completely on the heredity (being having more offspring), Darwin did not know anything about the genetics. When the Gregor Mendel genetics was better understood in 1930s, the relationship between the phenotype and the genotype was understood with the following points.
1. The same gene could produce different phenotypes, such as the ecotype, etc.
2. The same phenotype could be produced by different genes, such as the warm blood of birds and mammals.

Thus, the phenotype of an individual is not directly connected to the inheritance, and the claim that the ‘nature selection’ acts on phenotype and leads to speciation is not true. Darwin was simply ignorant about the inheritance-mechanism, and the DM is simply wrong. But some pioneers in the field of population genetics (such as J.B.S. Haldane, Sewall Wright, and Ronald Fisher) ‘claimed’ that mutation on gene is mainly caused by the nature selection pressure, and thus ‘nature selection’ is still the only cause for adaptation. This ‘claim’ became the ‘modern evolutionary synthesis’. But, the ‘modern evolutionary synthesis’ was formulated at the time that ‘molecular biology’ was not known at all.

In molecular biology, the gene-mutations are mostly caused by the gene-dynamics, not by ‘nature-selection-pressure’, and the following is the list of gene-mutation mechanisms.

A. Spontaneous mutations (molecular decay), random mutations arise spontaneously; stochastic and typically occur randomly across genes.

B. Mutations due to error prone replication by-pass of naturally occurring DNA damage (also called error prone translesion synthesis: errors in DNA replication, duplications, insertions, deletions, inversions, and translocations). But, DNA repair mechanisms are able to mend most changes before they become permanent mutations, and many organisms have mechanisms for eliminating otherwise-permanently mutated somatic cells.

C. Errors introduced during DNA repair, errors in the process of replication, or from the insertion or deletion of segments of DNA by mobile genetic elements.

D. Induced mutations caused by mutagens (typically caused by radiation or chemical mutagens). Scientists may also deliberately introduce mutant sequences through DNA manipulation for the sake of scientific experimentation.

E. Gene recombination can also generate particular types of mutations.

Except the induced mutation which subjects to some external (environmental) factors, all the mutation-mechanisms above are well-defined genetic-dynamics, and they are definitely not the results of the Darwin-mechanism (blind selection).

Furthermore, most induced and spontaneous mutations are neutral and deleterious; that is, it will not lead to a better fitness for the ‘individual’ and will not be ‘selected’ by the DM. Thus, this ‘effectiveness’ of mutation on any organism can be expressed by a ‘Bio-evolution-inertia’ equation:

Bio-evolution- inertia: measured by the complexity of the organism; the more complex, the more inertia. The effectiveness of mutation (EoM) is much less for higher inertia. That is,

EoM = P/I
P, the probability of a mutation having effect on a genome.

I, the inertia. I = 1 for single cell genome. For every additional bio-mechanism above single cell (such as becoming multicellular; with differentiations; with complex organs, etc.), it increase a factor of ‘10’ for every addition complexity. So, for differentiated multicellular organism, I = 10^3. For a multicellular organism which has five internal organs, the I = 10^(3 + 5), etc.

For single cell organism, the EoM = P/1 = P
For higher level organism {with n (complexity) = 8}, EoM = P/I = P/10^8. A mutation for this organism has very little effect.

Then, for the high level organism (such as mammals) which reproduces with Meiosis process, it divides its body into two parts: the soma and the germline. In general, the mutations in the somatic cells will not directly link to the germ cells. That is, the majority of the mutations in this organism is not inheritable. So, the nature-selection-pressure of Darwin-mechanism has very little effect on this organism.

With these genetic dynamics, any claim that the ‘mutations’ can lead to Darwin-mechanism is not science. That is, most of the ‘variations’ (required for selection) are having nothing to do with the Darwin-mechanism. Again, all the known ‘speciation-mechanisms’ are in conflict with the Darwin-mechanism, such as:
One: genetic drift (with Founder effect).

Two: hybrid speciation.

Three: horizontal gene transfers.

Four: allopatric speciation.

Five: mutations.

Six: genetic assimilation.

Section three: the global biological evolutionary forces vs the Darwin-mechanism

Then, most of newly developed evolutionary factors are in conflict with the Darwin-mechanism, such as:

First, the selfish genes (will definitely fight against the nature selection pressure).

Second, the punctuated equilibrium (definitely not gradualism).

Third, genetic assimilation: some novelties are ‘acquired’ by genes, not selected externally.

Fourth, toolbox genes (such as, the Hox genes): the expressions of gene are ‘regulated’ internally, not selected externally.

While Darwin-mechanism can explain some species/sub-species movements, there is not a single evidence to show that Darwin-mechanism is the cause of any taxonomic diverging point (not a single one, either in the fossil records or in the molecular biology). In fact, all (not a single exception) biological evolutionary mechanisms do not depend on the Darwin-mechanism.

First, all organisms survive and evolve as a species, not as an individual.
One, the majority of individuals of social-insects (accounts for the half-biomass of all insects) gives up the right of reproduction. The Darwin-mechanism is simply wrong in this case. One example is the existential introduction (being wrong).

Two, all (not a single exception) sexual organisms give up the right for all ‘individuals’ to reproduce itself. The survival of the organisms is a group effort (with partners). The Darwin-mechanism is wrong again in this case. Two example is the existential generalization (being wrong again).

Three, there is a Large Number Law. For a large number population, a few great individuals will have no power to change the ‘average’ of a population. In fact, any novelty which is shared by less than 14% (1/e^2) of the population might not have a chance to become a trait for the population. The Darwin-mechanism (selection on individual) for a large population is simply a mathematical nonsense.

Second, the entire biosphere evolves with two ‘constructions’.
One, the construction of an ecosystem:
a. Biologization: converting the inorganic compounds into biological substances, mainly done by bacteria or archaeans.
b. Global oxygenation: this started with oxygen-producing bacteria and was accelerated with oxygenic photosynthesis.
c. The fungi rescue of wood crisis: restoring the greenhouse gas (stabilizing the globe temperature) and provided space and food for land animals.

It is this constructed ecosystem providing a platform for all lives to survive and to evolve. And, this construction had nothing to do with the Darwin-mechanism.

Two, the construction of the diverse life-forms.
1. Started from single cell: bacteria or archaeans (rising mechanism is unknown). But, it can form a colony.

2. Multicellular organism (non-differentiated): the ubiquitous challenge for anything (such as a colony) growing in size beyond the scale of diffusion can be eased by movement of medium throughout the biofilm, such as forming a tube, etc. This follows the physics and topology totally and is absolutely nothing to do with the Darwin-mechanism (a blind selection).

3. Multicellular organism (differentiated): again, the ‘individual’ cell gives up the right to survive and to reproduce ‘alone’. It plays the game of ‘group surviving and evolution’. Although all the cells in the differentiated organism are having the identical genome, its genes have a set of dip (dual in-line package) switches, and these dip switches are turned on/off by toolbox genes (such as the Hox genes). Again, this multicellular construction (developing the dip switches and toolbox genes) has absolutely nothing to do with the Darwin-mechanism.

This diversification is done in accordance of laws of physics and topology, having nothing to do with the Darwin mechanism.

Three, the Mass Extinction: it ‘reshapes’ the ecosystem and is very important to the evolution of lives. Again, this major evolutionary force is absolutely nothing to do with the Darwin-mechanism.

I have showed a 4-lock litmus test for physics. We now know that there are 4-locks which lock this universe in ‘shape’.

Lock-one: Cabibbo angle (13.5 degrees), Weinberg angle (28.75 degrees), [(1/Alpha) = 137.0359 …]

Lock-two: Planck data (dark energy = 69.2; dark matter = 25.8; and visible matter = 4.82)

Lock-three: the pegs-lock which can only be opened by the exact pegs when they are inserted into the peg-key-holes. There are 48 peg-key-holes in this physical universe, and every peg is distinguished with a set of ‘name-codes’. The 48 matter particles form this pegs-lock.

Lock-four: {delta P x delta S > ħ} lock.

That is, anything which is not key(s) for these 4-locks cannot be a correct theory for the Nature-physics.

Of course, biology can never produce keys for these 4-locks. But, there are two biologic locks: the intelligence and the consciousness which are empirical facts as biological traits. In fact, the Nature-physics must encompass some mechanisms to give rise to these two bio-locks. Then, the valid bio-evolution also must provide the keys for these two bio-locks.

It will be a very intelligent guess that a ‘blind’ process (such as the Darwin-mechanism) will not and cannot give rise to either intelligence or consciousness. Then, there is a ‘semantic’ issue too. A selection can be made internally or externally. For an external selection, the contestants need not to have any internal choosing power while they must be different (with phenotype variations in the case of Darwin-mechanism) by definition. On the other hand, the internal selection requires an internal choosing power (ICP), and this ICP cannot be blind. So, the surviving after an external selection is not an adaptation as it possesses the required attributes for the selection pressures before the selection. For surviving after an internal adjustment (choices), it has overcome the new challenge by ‘adapting’ it by making some choices. So, the Darwin-language that {nature selection is the only way of adaptation} is semantic wrong, totally nonsense.

Section four: the evolution of complexity vs Darwin mechanism

Again, the semantic meaning of ‘selection’ is that the unselected must be forced out or abandoned (that is, extinction in terms of species). Although there are many extinct species fossil records, most of them went extinct during the mass extinctions. The extinctions of Neanderthals and Denisova hominin could be caused by nature disasters, major wars or assimilated by Homo sapiens. In fact, there is not a single fossil record showing that a species went extinct because of the Darwin-mechanism (the nature-selection-pressure which acted on phenotypes of some ‘individuals’ of a population led to the extinction of a mother or a sister species). While the fossil records might not be a good measurement for this ‘selection’ issue, the unfitted bio-mechanism should be abandoned under the Darwin-mechanism. But, while the bio-mechanisms do progress step by step, none of the old steps is abandoned. The following is a brief outline.

One, single cell species (bacteria or archaeans) replicate via binary fission, the simplest ‘division’ mechanism.

Two, eukaryotes could be arisen through fusion of an archaean and an eubacterium, the simplest ‘fusion’ mechanism. [Note: while eukaryote is an evolution advancement, the prokaryotes (bacteria or archaeans) were not ‘selected out’. In fact, Eukaryotes represent only a tiny minority of all living things.]

Three, simple eukaryote replicates via mitosis (asexual) process. Again, the binary fission is not selected out.

Four, meiosis process could be evolved from mitosis. Yet, mitosis is not only not selected out but is kept in all sexual species.

Furthermore, all these evolutions are having nothing to do with the Darwin-mechanism (the nature-selection-pressure which acted on the phenotypes of some ‘individuals’ of a population). Each one of these processes is the results of physics laws, topology and economics (cost and redundancy).

Binary fission (tearing self-apart) is by all means an entity (self) killer, but it increases the chance of survival of ‘species’. Mitosis doubles itself in biomass before tears itself apart, and this process not only increases the ‘chance’ of species survival but increases the biomass for the species. Meiosis divides its ‘information’ into four parts, that is, the life-information of a species will not be placed in one basket (significantly increase the preservation of its life-information). This is also a great strategy to fend off the hackers and keep its life-information secure. Thus, for facultative sex species, it replicates asexually (with mitosis) in general but turns into sexual reproduction (meiosis) during ‘stressful’ situation.

So, the survival of the species is enhanced with three evolutionary advancement.
1. Increase the ‘number’.
2. Increase the ‘biomass’.
3. Preserve and secure the ‘life-information’.

The evolution of these bio-mechanisms shows the following points:
a. The evolution ‘unit’ is species, not individual.

b. The ‘end objective’ for the evolution is to preserve and to secure the ‘life-information’ of the species.

c. The ‘highest and best’ mechanism for reaching this end is the meiosis process (sex-mechanism). [Note: the sex-mechanism forces every ‘individual’ of the species giving up the right to replicate itself. Every ‘individual’ needs a ‘partner’ from the species in order to produce its offspring.]

Processing ‘information’ is intelligence by definition. Now, all bio-mechanisms (generating variations, regulating the expressions of genes, developing morphological and physiological structures, developing life-information preserving and security mechanisms, etc.) are done with ‘well-defined’ genetic dynamics, not caused by any ‘blind’ external selection. These well-defined mechanisms are ‘adapted’ (chosen) by organisms. The blind external pressures are at best acting as ‘challenges’ to these organisms. That is, the evolution force in biology is ‘intelligence’, not an external blind selection. The detailed discussion on this is available at http://sexevolution.wikia.com/wiki/Sexevolution_Wiki .

Section five: conclusion

One, the genetic variations of a species (required for evolution) are produced by a set well-defined genetic dynamics (genetic drift (with Founder effect); hybrid speciation; horizontal gene transfers; allopatric speciation; mutations; genetic assimilation, the Hardy–Weinberg principle, etc.), not by any external blind selection.

Two, the major global evolution stages (Biologization; Global oxygenation; The fungi rescue of wood crisis; etc.) are done at inter-species levels, not by any external blind selection.

Three, the major developments of morphological structures {single cell; multicellular (un-differentiated); multicellular (differentiated), etc.} are following the laws of physics and topology, not by any external blind selection.

Four, the major life-information preserving strategies {binary fission (increasing the ‘number’); mitosis (increasing both the number and the biomass); meiosis (increasing the number, the biomass and reducing the risk of putting all in one basket by increasing the ‘variations’)} are acts of ‘intelligence’, not by any external blind selection.

Five, all the above are done at species and inter-species level. The selection of any (or some) individuals has no effect on evolution unless the number of those selected individuals goes over a threshold (about 14% [1/e^2] of the population). Yes, this threshold can be reached easier when there is a ‘population bottleneck’. Yet, at this threshold, the genetic drift, founder’s effect and genetic assimilation become the dominant evolution forces, again not by any external blind selection (as the population bottleneck could be reached by happenstance [such as, isolation], not by any selection).

Six, at a giving environmental location, there are zillions different organisms with different phenotypes. That is, all those different phenotypes are adapting the same nature-selecting-pressure, and no phenotype was selected-out by any external blind selection.

Seven, for a high level sexual organism (such as mammal), its morphological body is divided into two parts: the somatic and the germline. The external blind pressure is in general acting on the somatic cells. The mutation of the somatic cells can often become cancerous, but this mutation is in general isolated from the germline cells. That is, the mutation of somatic cells is in general not inheritable. On the other hand, when some novelties are ‘acquired’ by the somatic cells, they could be inheritable by genetic (somatic) assimilation. There is a somatic/germline communication pathway. Yet, this mutation/acquiring distinction is a well-defined internal ‘choice’. The bad and harmful somatic mutations will not be transmitted to the germline.

Eight, while Darwin-mechanism (the nature-selection-pressure which acted on phenotypes of some ‘individuals’ of a population) could lead to a new ecotype (subspecies), there is no single taxonomic diverging point which is caused by the Darwin-mechanism (at least no single evidence [fossil or else] show it being otherwise).

With the above, it is very obvious that the Darwin-mechanism (the nature-selection-pressure which acted on phenotypes of some ‘individuals’ of a population) plays a very minimal (minimal, …, minimal, …) role in the ‘global biological evolution’. It is a wrong mechanism for describing the biological evolution. Claiming that Darwin-mechanism is the ‘major’ evolution force and the ‘only’ mechanism for adaptation is a total nonsense.

The evolutionary ‘adaptations’ are intelligent choices to perpetuate the life of species (by preserving and securing its life-information, the genome). In fact, this evolutionary process leads to the full expression of ‘intelligence’. Excluding the nature events (repeated Mass-Extinctions), the biological evolution is powered by ‘intelligence’ (increasing the number, the biomass, the security via variations, etc.). Of course, this ‘intelligence’ is not the one of Christian-intelligent-design (the teleological argument) but is embedded in the base of nature-physics laws (seehttp://www.prequark.org/Biolife.htm ).

Note, add on April 20, 2016: Darwin’s original work is a mediocre scientific work (being mostly wrong). But, the MES (modern evolutionary synthesis) which tries to elevate Darwinianism (especially the nature selection) to the status of G0d is the worst shamelessness in human history, see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/deaths-of-two-gods/ .

Note: Sean Carroll had an article “The Evolution of Evolution: Gradualism, or Punctuated Equilibrium? (http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/2014/10/10/the-evolution-of-evolution-gradualism-or-punctuated-equilibrium/ ) asking “Is it [evolution theory] basically in good shape: simply requiring a natural amount of tweaking and updating over time, or is revolutionary re-thinking called for?”

Higgs Nonsense: enough is enough(希格斯波色子毫无道理)

Higgs Nonsense: enough is enough

Three years after the discovery of the new boson (with 125.4 Gev), the Higgs mechanism (elephant swims in a tar-lake) is not verified (see the article from Nigel Lockyer, Director of Fermi Lab. athttp://www.quantumdiaries.org/2014/04/24/massive-thoughts/ ).

Peter Woit (a prominent particle physicist) commented on September 28, 2015: “You need to, when possible, experimentally test an idea like the Higgs mechanism, not just believe it since it seems to be the most plausible idea. Often ideas you think are the most plausible turn out to be wrong (or only part of the story); http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=8002&cpage=1#comment-220120 .”

Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler wrote (on December 15, 2015): “We are calling the new Higgs particle ‘Standard Model-like’ because we have a lot of work left to do before we can be confident that it really is the one that is present in the Standard Model. (http://profmattstrassler.com/2015/12/15/exciting-day-ahead-at-lhc/ ).

In fact, the mass of this newly discovered particle (named as Higgs boson) cannot be calculated by ALL mainstream physics models, and this is confirmed in the article {China’s Great Scientific Leap Forward, [on Sept. 24, 2015, by DAVID J. GROSS (Nobel Laureate in physics) and EDWARD WITTEN (recipient of the U.S. National Medal of Science)], They wrote: “But the discovery [new boson] also left many questions unanswered. These include the mass of the Higgs particle, the unification of all subatomic forces, … “,seehttp://www.wsj.com/articles/chinas-great-scientific-leap-forward-1443136976 }.

On June 22, 2015, George Johnson (The New York Times) wrote, “… Other values, like the mass of the Higgs, or the strength of the force that binds together the cores of atoms, appear to be just as finely tuned. Bump the dials just barely, and nothing like our universe could exist.”

Johnson is in fact referring to the Higgs boson mass which was not calculable with any mainstream models. Thus, the search (for it) was from 104 Gev all the way to 800 Gev before its discovery. Six months before the announcement, Gordon Kane and collaborators (by having some inside information) used some special assumptions to get the Higgs mass to be between 105 and 129 GeV. The following is the pictograph-scheme for the neutron decay in the Standard Model.



 There are three steps in this model.

Step 1, d to u transformation, a flavor change.

Step 2, this flavor change is derived by a W (-) particle, weak current.

Step 3, W (-) decays into e (-) and e-neutrino.

Then, what is the source of this {flavor change/weak current)? The answer was the ‘Higgs mechanism”, which can house a ‘Higgs boson’.

However, this wild goose answer does not provide any way of calculating that goose’s mass. A new boson’s mass was measured, without any theoretical base. And, it is still the case even after the discovery. Gordon Kane’s work is not legitimate as a true science.

On the other hand, the neutron decay is explained with a total different mechanism, see the scheme (from page 20, Super Unified Theory, US copyright TX 1-323-231, issued on April 18, 1984) below.



In this process (mechanism), it consists of also three steps.

S1, neutron interacts with the external vacuum (space-time) first to form a 5-quark blob, a particle/space-time mixing.

S2, a vacuum (d, d-) is transformed into a new vacuum (u, u-), a vacuum transformation.

S3, the exchange of prequarks, W (-) like operation.


In this mechanism, the S2 is mediated with a vacuum boson, and its mass should be:

{Vacuum energy divided by 2} + {a push over energy (vacuum fluctuation)}

The vacuum fluctuation is selected (not measured) as 1% of the vacuum energy. And, this equation is not a prediction nor a postdiction but is the direct consequence of the dynamics.

If the vacuum energy is 20, then the mass of its vacuum boson will be

{20/2} + {20 x 0.01} = 10.2

As the ‘measured’ vacuum energy = 246 Gev., this vacuum boson mass must be

{246/2} + {246 x 0.01} = 123 + 2.46 = 125.46 Gev.

The above calculation has only one parameter: the vacuum energy. As a vacuum boson, its key feature is having a zero (0) spin.

{Note: the official measurement of mH (the new boson’s mass) up to now (July 4, 2015) is,

mH = 125.09 ± 0.21 (stat) ± 0.11 (syst)  GeV.

or,  mH = 125.09 ± 0.24 GeV

With the uncertainties for the vacuum energy (246 Gev) and vacuum fluctuation (1% +/- …),  the 125.46 Gev value can be refined.}

That is, the Higgs mechanism is wrong, totally nonsense, and of course there is no Higgs boson; it is a Vacuum Boson. The better detail is available athttp://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-physics-basics/the-known-forces-of-nature/the-strength-of-the-known-forces/#comment-61734 .

Of course, the above explanation might not be enough to show that Higgs boson is totally wrong. Yet, we can ask a very simple question. What can Higgs boson do for nature? The answer is simply ‘nothing’. Higgs boson does no good on answering any open questions {the dark energy, the dark mass, the calculation of nature constants, the rising of mass of all particles, etc.}. On the other hand, the vacuum boson gives answers to all (see,https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/ and

https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/05/15/paul-steinhardts-remorse-popperianism-and-beauty-contest/ ).

Then, SUSY is now becoming a religion (no longer a science), as no amount of scientific evidences can kill their faith on the SUSY parousia (see,https://medium.com/@Tienzen/john-pashkow-you-have-a-very-wise-question-but-got-a-very-bad-answer-419b2cf6304d ). However, there is one more piece scientific evidence for the sober minded people.

When a six feet tall man stands in a group of million people who have an average height of five and a half feet, it will take a lot of data to find him out from this big background. Yet, when a man of sixty feet tall in this back ground, he can be spotted with a single glance.

At LHC, the back ground data is measured with a unit of femtobarn (fb-1). LHC has done a thorough search for any particle with mass of 800 Gev, with negative result. For 1.4 TeV gluino (based on SUSY docutrine), it has no back ground issue as it is many ORDER taller than the back ground. The issue is its production rate, and it should be produced enough with 0.7 fb-1 of data (collisions).  LHC has collected about 4 femtobarn of data (with 13 Tev collision energy, about two times higher than the Run 1) on November 6, 2015, and no sign of gluino. For the sober minded people, you can sleep with peace from now on, without worrying about some SUSY ghosts which could crash down on you in your dream any more.  Yet, no one reports this to you, as most of the prominent physicists are SUSY devotees. This is an issue of honesty.

The 2015 physics Nobel on Neutrino oscillation is a good choice, but the major physics blogs did not celebrate it at all, completely silent. See,

Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler: http://profmattstrassler.com/

Sean Carroll: http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/

Peter woit: http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=8032  The 2015 physics Nobel was listed as 3rd item in an article of ‘This and That’.

Jester (Résonaances): http://resonaances.blogspot.com/

While the ‘Neutrino oscillation’ was a great choice for Nobel, it is a discovered FACT without any theoretical understanding by the mainstream physics community. Without the ability of addressing the {Higgs nonsense} issue, no one is willing to discuss the MEANING of ‘Neutrino oscillation’ anymore.

On December 15, 2015, CERN released the RUN 2 (13 Tev) data, and there is a hint about a bump around 750 Gev region. Thus far, no mainstream model is able to explain this. Yet, in the vacuum boson model, the first excited state of VACUUM (vev) sits right there. The key TEST is that {when this new bump appear, the old bump (vacuum boson or wrongly named as Higgs boson) will be reduced (if not disappear altogether). This PREDICTION is now readily testable, even with the currently available data. See, https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/12/16/can-a-new-lhc-bump-rescue-the-higgs-nonsense/ .

The last but not the least is the issue of QUANTUM GRAVITY (QG). Higgs mechanism can do absolutely nothing on this QG issue. On the other hand, this Vacuum Boson gives rise to QG, see https://medium.com/@Tienzen/quantum-gravity-mystery-no-more-1d1bf39ad255#.r27qw9g1t .

That is, enough is enough: the Higgs nonsense must be cut out right now. There is no chance that we can out-argue with Nature.




From :https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2014/12/27/the-certainty-principle/

Sean Carroll *was* a diehard {Everett (many-worlds) formulation} supporter. Yet, on December 16, 2014, he wrote: “Now I have graduated from being a casual adherent [Everett (many-worlds) formulation] to a slightly more serious one. (http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/2014/12/16/guest-post-chip-sebens-on-the-many-interacting-worlds-approach-to-quantum-mechanics/ )”. This seems a major ‘retreat’ from his previous diehard position, as the truth will always prevail. No one can be diehard about a wrong position.

The *Uncertainty Principle (delta P x delta S >= ħ)* is now over 100 years old, and it helped the great advancement in physics for formulating the Standard Model in 1970s. However, almost 50 years since then, there is no (absolutely zero) ‘theoretical’ advancement in the ‘mainstream’ physics (as, SUSY, M-string theory and multiverse are all failures thus far). Today, this UP (Uncertainty Principle) stands with five points.

One, UP is about *uncertainty* which is an intrinsic attribute of nature (cannot be removed by better measurement). It is also *fundamental*, not an emergent. That is, it is an *empirical*, not *derived*.

Two, in addition to the *uncertainty*, UP has a very bizarre attribute (the superposition); that is, a *particle (although wave-like)* can be at *different* location at the same time. Yet, this superposition is not *observed* at all. Thus, it gives rise to many different *interpretations* (such as the dead/live cat and many-words formulation, etc.).

Three, with UP, Quantum Field Theory (QFT) was formulated, and its application on Standard Model (SM) is a great success. But its further applications in SUSY, M-string theory and multiverse are thus far total failures.

Four, SM is a 100% phenomenological model as it has many *free parameters* which need some theoretical bases. After 50 years long trying by thousands top physicists, the *mainstream* physics has failed on this task. One easy way out for this failure is to claim that those ‘free parameters’ are *happenstances* which has no theoretical *base*. Again, UP became the mechanism which produced many (zillions) *bubbles* at the ‘starting point’, and these bubbles evolve with many ‘different sets’ of free parameters. Thus, the free parameters of ‘this’ universe need not to have any theoretical base (cannot be *derived*).

Five, UP is obviously not compatible with the General Relativity (GR, a *gravity* theory). The *quantum gravity* (an attempt of unifying these two) is thus far a total failure.

These five points are where we stand on this UP, and there is no sign of any kind for any breaking through. In fact, there will be no breaking through at current points, as most of those points are wrong. There is no chance of getting it right with many wrongs.

The UP equation (delta P x delta S >= ħ) is of course correct, as it is an empirical formula. The problem is at its *interpretation*.

There is a Universe which we are living in and observing. This universe has a *structure* which is *stable*, that is, many things about this universe are *Certain*.

Point 1, there is an *Event Horizon (EH)* for ‘this’ universe. Anything beyond the EH can only be speculated. So, we should FIRST discuss the *framework (structure)* of this universe inside of the EH.

Point 2, the EH is constructed mainly by *photon* which is the production of Electromagnetic interaction (governed by a nature constant, Alpha). Alpha is a *pure number* (dimensionless), that is, it could be a true constant. Is it truly a true constant? There is no reason to get into anything is not 100% certain. I will thus define an EC (Effective Certainty): anything is not changing during the life-time of this universe is an EC-constant. Furthermore, Alpha consists of three other nature constants {c (light speed), ħ (Planck constant), e (electric charge)} which are also the EC-constants.

e (electric charge) = (ħ c)^(1/2).

{ħ = delta P x delta S} is not about *uncertainty* but is a *viewing window* (seehttp://www.prequark.org/Constant.htm ). Then, the largest *viewing window* is (ħ c). This *certainty (Event Horizon, the ‘causal world’)* is totally defined by { ħ  = delta P x delta S}, as EH = (ħ c) T, T is the life-span-of-this- universe. Thus, EH (event horizon) is totally certain.

Point 3, if this universe is built with some fixed measuring rulers, its structure must be CERTAIN. For the EH, it is built with two EC measuring rulers (c, ħ), and these two rulers are locked by another EH constant e {electric charge = (ħ x c)^ (1/2)}. Then,

{c, ħ, e}, the *measuring rulers*, are further locked by an EC-constant (the Alpha, a pure number, dimensionless). Thus, this EH (Event Horizon) is very much constructed with *certainty*, locked by two safety locks.

Point 4, going beyond the EH (event horizon), why is there something rather than nothing? The answer is that the Nothingness is the essence while the something is the emergent, see https://medium.com/@Tienzen/here-is-the-correct-answer-5d1a392f700#.x9via6kfe . This {nothing to something transformation} is 100% certain. Its consequences are also 100% certain.

One, it gives rise to 48 SM (Standard Model) fermions and 16 energy spaces (dark energy), seehttp://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/48-exact-number-for-number-of.html

Two, it gives rise to nature constants (Cabibbo and Weinberg angles), seehttp://prebabel.blogspot.com/2011/10/theoretical-calculation-of-cabibbo-and.html

Three, the calculation for Alpha is 100% certain.

Beta = 1/alpha = 64 (1 + first order mixing + sum of the higher order mixing)

= 64 (1 + 1/Cos A (2) + .00065737 + …)

= 137.0359 …

A (2) is the Weinberg angle, A (2) = 28.743 degree

The sum of the higher order mixing = 2(1/48) [(1/64) + (1/2) (1/64) ^2 + …+(1/n)(1/64)^n +…]

= .00065737 + …

Four, the UP equation {delta P x delta S >= ħ} can be precisely derived.

The few examples above show that this universe (its EH at least) is governed by *certainty* while that certainty is based on the equation {ħ = delta P x delta S}. But, can this equation be derived, from something more fundamental? The answer is a big YES.

This universe is expanding (accelerating in fact). But, where does it expand into? It expands from *HERE* to *NEXT*, and this is powered by the so called the *dark energy* (see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html ) which is described by a unified force equation.

F (unified force) = K ħ / (delta T * delta S), K the coupling constant.

Then, Delta P = F * Delta T = K ħ/ Delta S

So, delta P * delta S = Kħ >= ħ; now, this equation is *derived*, no longer as only an empirical formula. That is, it is not fundamental, as the unified force (UF) equation is more fundamental. However, this {delta P * delta S  >= ħ} should be named as *Certainty-Principle*. Also see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-does-dark-energy-make-universe.html

Five, the Planck CMB data on dark energy and dark mass can be PRECISELY calculated with 100% certainty,

Recently, the Planck data (dark energy = 69.2; dark matter = 25.8; and visible matter = 4.82) describes the structure of this universe (at least its Event Horizon). With only *numbers* (not variables), it again show that this universe is *certain*. Yet, all the talking is in vain. This {Certainty-Model} must account for these numbers.

In this *Certainty-Model*, there is a *mass-charge*; that is, all particles which carry rest mass carry that mass-charge which is a *constant* (the same as e, the electric charge, being a constant). Mass-charge defines the *structure*, not about the particle. In the mass-kingdom, it is divided into 48 dominions which carry the same mass. So, neutrino and top quark should have the same *mass* (mass-charge) while their *apparent* mass difference is caused by a name-tag (or pimple) principle.

Now, we can calculate this visible/dark mass-ratio.

One, among 48 mass dominions, only 7 of them are visible.

Two, some of the dark dominions do become visible with a ratio W.

So, the d/v (dark/visible ratio) = [41 (100 – W) % / 7]

When, W = 9 % (according to the AMS2 data), d/v = 5.33

In this *Certainty-Model*, the space, time and mass form an *iceberg model*.

Space = X

Time = Y

Total mass (universe) = Z

And X = Y = Z

In an iceberg model (ice, ocean, sky), Z is ice while the (X + Y) is the ocean and sky, the energy ocean (or the dark energy). Yet, the ice (Z) will melt into the ocean (X + Y) with a ratio W.

When W = 9%,

[(Z – V) x (100 – W) %] /5.33 = V, V is visible mass of this universe.

[(33.33 –V) x .91]/5.33 = V

V= 5.69048 / 1.17073 = 4.86   (while the Planck data is 4.82),

D (Dark mass) = [(Z – 4.86) x (100 – W) %] = [(33.33 -4.86) x .91] = 25.90 (while the Planck data = 25.8)

So, the total dark energy = (X + Y) + [(Z – 4.86) x W %)] = 66.66 + (28.47 x 0.09) = 69.22 (while the Planck data is 69.2)

Except the ‘W’ is a free parameter, the above calculation is *purely* theoretical, and it matches the data to an amazing degree. Thus far, the *Certainty-Model (fixed framework)* prevails. Also see  https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2015/04/22/dark-energydark-mass-the-silent-truth/

Six, how about the part of the universe which goes beyond the EH (event horizon) and how about the quantum entanglement?

The m (mass) = (ħ /c)(2pi/L), L is the wavelength (lambda) of a particle. As the L (lambda) is an attribute of a particle, m (mass) is also an attribute (not a universal constant) of a particle (see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/04/origin-of-mass-gateway-to-final-physics.html ). Again, mass is also defined by ħ. While e (electric charge with photon) measure this universe from *without* (times c, the light speed), the mass measure this universe from *within* (divided by c). What are these means?


Figure 1: the topology of this universe

The center of the figure 1 is the North Pole, the outer circle is the South Pole {the entire circle (with infinite geometric points) is just a single point}. When we split a quantum state at North Pole and send them to point A and B. The distance between AB can be viewed as 2r (radius of the circle). The CAUSAL transmission between the two points takes time t = 2r/C. Yet, in reality (nature, with quantum entanglement), the distance between AB is zero (being the same point); so the real transmission takes t’ = 0/C, the instantaneous, the spooky action.

For two particles C and D, their causal distance CD is measured with photon, and the causal transmission time is t = CD/C. On the other hand, the gravity arises from each particle (C, D or E) bouncing between the real and the ghost point, and their distances to the ghost point (such as the South Pole) are the same regardless of their causal distances that CD > CE. That is, their gravity interaction strength is measured with the causal distance (1/r^2) while their transmission rate are all the same (for CD, CE or DE), as they are linked through the ghost point.

Quantum entanglement is also linked via this ghost point, and thus their transmission rate is also instantaneously.

This Real/Ghost symmetry is the base (source) for all physics laws.

First, giving rise to SM particle zoo.

Second, providing the calculation for nature constants.

Third, giving rise to quantum spin (1/2 ħ).

Fourth, giving rise to gravity and dark energy via this quantum, see https://medium.com/@Tienzen/quantum-gravity-mystery-no-more-1d1bf39ad255#.qs69g6a58

Fifth, the instantaneity is the FACTs for both gravity and quantum entanglement.

Of course, I should still address 1) the *interpretation* issue which is mainly powered by the double-slit experiment, and 2) the supersymmetry issue.

Double-slit pattern is the result of waves. For sound wave, its carrying medium is air particles. For water wave, its carrying medium is water molecules. For the quantum wave, its carrying medium is the ‘spacetime’ itself. That is, the particle (such as electron, proton, etc.) are not waves themselves as they are as rigid as any steel bullet. Their wave-patterns are produced by their carrier (the spacetime, the eternal wave). When surfers go through a nearby double-slit surfing contest at beach, the landing pattern will just like a wave-pattern. Please see (http://putnamphil.blogspot.com/2014/05/the-measurement-problem-in-qm.html?showComment=1402087925047#c6965420756934878751 andhttps://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2014/06/07/measuring-the-reality/ ) for more detailed discussion. Thus, the schrodinger’s cat anxiety is not needed, and the ‘many world interpretation’ is totally nonsense.

Last but not least, I should discuss the *supersymmetry* issue. Yes, there is a supersymmetry above the SM symmetry. Yes, there is a symmetry-partner for this SM universe. This again is the result of ħ, the quantum *spin*. For all fermions (with ½  ħ), they see *two* copies of universe. And, that second copy is the supersymmetry-partner of this SM universe (see https://tienzengong.wordpress.com/2014/02/16/visualizing-the-quantum-spin/ for details). That is, the ħ is the ‘source’ of supersymmetry which is the ‘base’ for gravity. Gravity is the force which moves the entire universe from “HERE” to “NEXT” (see http://www.prequark.org/Gravity.htm ), and ħ is the ‘source’ of the gravity. Quantum gravity is now complete.

The {Nothing to Something transformation} is precise and certain.

The measuring rulers are double locked, with total certainty.

The calculations of nature constants and Planck CMB data are precise and totally certain.

The SM particle rising rule is totally precise and certain.

The expansion of the universe is totally precise and certain.

Now, the conclusion here is that the equation {ħ = delta P x delta S} is all about *certainty*, not about uncertainty.

PS: In addition to the above points, the quantum algebra can be a very powerful point on this issue, seehttp://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/09/quantum-algebra-and-axiomatic-physics.html .

Furthermore, many prominent physicists are now coming over to my camp, such as Steven Weinberg (Nobel Laureate), see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2013/01/welcome-to-camp-of-truth-nobel-laureate.html and Gerard ’t Hooft (Nobel Laureate) who just showed that quantum behavior could be described with cellular automaton (totally deterministic), see http://prebabel.blogspot.com/2012/08/quantum-behavior-vs-cellular-automaton.html .

The last but not the least, the so-called black-hole information paradox.

In the mid-1970s, Stephen Hawking claimed that block hole will destroy all information about what had fallen in, in accordance to the UP (uncertainty principle). And, this gives rise to the black-hole information paradox. Yet, in the last year (2015, 40 years after his claim), Hawking claimed the opposite, the information is not lost. Andrew Strominger (physics professor at Harvard University) explained the facts which forced Hawking to change his heart.

Fact one, without deterministic, the laws of nature cannot manifest and stay constancy, let alone to govern this universe.  That is, even if UP were truly about the uncertainty, UP ITSELF must be certain (determined). If black hole destroys information, then this universe is not deterministic; this is a theoretical tragedy and empirical untrue.

Fact two, if determinism breaks down in the big black hole in accordance to the UP, there should be little black holes popping in and out of the vacuum too under UP. Again, this is empirically untrue, and it is now ruled out by the recent LHC data.

Fact three, in order to say that a symmetry implies a conservation law, you need determinism. Otherwise symmetries only imply conservation laws on the average. Again, this ‘average’ is empirically untrue. The conservation laws are precise, not just in average.

These facts are pointed out by Strominger and Hawking (see http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/dark-star-diaries/stephen-hawking-s-new-black-hole-paper-translated-an-interview-with-co-author-andrew-strominger/ ). After being wrong for over 40 years, Hawking has finally changed his heart exactly one year after I published this “Certainty Principle” article.


The Unified Universe,The Unified Theory!